Halo 5 Spartan Helljumper (Buck) - Pepakura/Paper Build

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Further progress on the start of the Ventral chest piece.
Dorsal Chest Left 1.jpg
The spartan helljumper armor is awesome! Your build looks good so far, keep up the good work (y)
AND FINALLY!! After months of progress I have finally completed a full build of the left part of the dorsal chest piece! I was beginning to think with all of the revisions I was constantly making that I was never going to finish it lol.
Dorsal Chest Left 9.jpg Dorsal Chest Left 10.jpg Dorsal Chest Left 11.jpg Dorsal Chest Left 12.jpg Dorsal Chest Left 13.jpg

And now....on to the other side, and sizing of the parts I need to 3d print.

First picture of the right side. I can already tell this will go by much faster now that I've done it already in reverse lol. Sadly I won't be able to make much progress beyond the weekend as work will be pulling me away for the entirety of next week. Ugh, but such is life!

Dorsal Chest Right 1.jpg
PRRROOOOGRREESSSS! After a loooong week at corporate HQ and a 3 day weekend that turned in to only two because of food poisoning, I finally got some work done!
Dorsal Chest Right 3.jpg
Nice job indeed. I've been tempted to start some 3D printing etc. Your progress has given a much needed push...
Nice job indeed. I've been tempted to start some 3D printing etc. Your progress has given a much needed push...
Thanks! As soon as I've finished work on the two hemispheres i'm building the bridge prototype from paper so I can size it and 3d print it for strength. In the second picture you can see the backing I put in to help brace it for the stress of bringing the two halves together.
Dorsal Chest Right 4.jpg Dorsal Chest Right 5.jpg
FINALLY! Months of effort, sizing, model refining, sizing, building...well you get the picture. FINALLY DONE with the two hemispheres!
Dorsal Chest 1.jpg Dorsal Chest 2.jpg Dorsal Chest 3.jpg Dorsal Chest 4.jpg

Now on to sizing up the 3d printed center span so I can bring these two parts together! :D
Well I went to 3d print the center piece and found I don't have the right ink. So while I wait for that I decided to print out some other details. :D
3d print 1.jpg 3d print 2.jpg 3d print 3.jpg 3d print 4.jpg

I did these in "Tough Ink" more commonly known as flex ink. Prints out but is vey flexible so much less change of breaking. Now just have to smoothing these out with a knife and some find grain sand paper. :)
Thanks Voren Marr! And sorry for the lack of updates. I have been working on some new pieces just haven't had a chance to post. Plus trying to print out the bridge piece to the dorsal chest plate, but having issues with it printing out as it should. I hope to post some pictures later today, but as with anything we'll see! :D

Oh and is anyone else having issues with their alerts showing? I used to get a little red number on my name showing the content that I followed or if I had new comments, but it doesn't seem to be working right now. Is that just me?

Ok so found out I have a bad X-axis motor on the extruder(print head) of my 3d printer and waiting for a replacement. In the meantime I've started working on some of the other details for the dorsal chest plate.
Dorsal Chest Details 1.jpg Dorsal Chest Details 2.jpg

Great work again my friend. 3D printing is definitely on my top things to learn.

I'm seeing the same sometimes on the alert side of things.
Hey all! Sorry for the lack of posts, life and all getting in the way. I have been able to make some progress on the build, just not as much as I would like, but cest la vi! Anyway, some more pics to enjoy!
Spine details 1.jpg Spine details 2.jpg Spine details 3.jpg Spine details 4.jpg Spine details 5.jpg
It may be hard to see in the pics, but essentially I joined the pieces by boring small holes and forcing toothpics thru. Then once I was sure I had placement correct, I dipped them in cement and ran them thru one more time, then dabbed them with a bit more to make sure they wouldn't move around. All in all it will be a very sturdy piece when it goes to resin/fiberglass.

In the interim I finally got my replacement X-Axis motor and was able to print out my dorsal chest bridge and it looks amazing! So much better than I had anticipated and freakishly strong! For those interested, I used ABS-R (Micro3d) filament. I have included a snapshot of what it is on the model so you can get an idea.
Dorsal Chest bridge 3d print 1.jpg Dorsal Chest bridge 3d print 2.jpg Dorsal Chest bridge 3d model.jpg

The piece has been filled in approximately 80% but is very strong. I plan on running a bolt thru it and using a lock nut with washers on either side to bring the whole thing together. Then the completed assembly will undergo resin/fiberglass as one to further increase strength. Hoping that it means I won't have to fix it anytime in the near future! haha.

Anyhow, cheers all and for those in the U.S., have a happy 4th of July!
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