Halo Ce remake confirmed

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Hmm, it's interesting to ponder if they are actually going to do a remake of CE. I think it's a little too soon after the release of Reach for them to be doing anything new and wonderful yet. And who knows if they're going to continue things after Halo 3 or not.
Microsoft dosen't care as long as they make money. They will keep making halo games till nobody buys em any more.
if this is true, can you imagine it? Maybe they'll throw in some of the stuff from "the flood" :)



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Personally, I'm glad the graphics of CE were/are so crappy. I would never have played it otherwise, because I absolutely HATE zombie games and everything related. And let's face it: The Flood are nothing but sophisticated space-zombies.

What I could imagine very well is a remake, same story, better graphics, but from a different perspective. Maybe we could play as an ODST, or as a Marine. They could even turn it into a flight simulator and let us play Foehammer :)

Sergeant Johnson anyone?
Sergeant Johnson anyone?

I say just switch between characters like in the book. that way, you still get to relive your memories with chief but you also get to see the ODST's at the butte, Jenkins, and even cpt. keyes. Maybe even throw in Johnson's escape from the flood :D
I say just switch between characters like in the book. that way, you still get to relive your memories with chief but you also get to see the ODST's at the butte, Jenkins, and even cpt. keyes. Maybe even throw in Johnson's escape from the flood :D
But I absolutely hated The Flood. It wasn't that great a novel and it didn't stick closely enough to the game's story, and, in my opinion, it would be a travesty if a Halo game was made from its perspective, because that'd be overwriting Halo canon to a lesser story.

It doesn't help I don't like Dietz too much.
I just hope they dont mess it up. Everyone was super excited about halo 2 and look how much they messed up in that one.
Halo 2 was still a pretty cool game, what they really messed up on where the Brutes, do to the fact that they procrastinated abit, lol. But still good, i liked it.
I got started with Halo 2, so I never played Halo CE. But I can see why if people came from Halo CE to Halo 2, why they would say the ending sucked.
Halo 2 was still a pretty cool game, what they really messed up on where the Brutes, do to the fact that they procrastinated abit, lol. But still good, i liked it.

I first read that as 'profaninate' and I was like, 'yeah, but so does everyone else in Halo!' <_<

But I have to agree, Halo 2 wasn't the greatest in the series... not that it mattered, because it was awesome in it's own right.
Just not as awesome as the others.
I for one would love to see a halo remake. Sure the simplicity of it made a fantastic game but honestly, who wouldn't want to see the flood amped up on the reach engine? I also would like to see a legendary edition for the remake, preferably with something functional (like mw2's night vision goggles XD)
I'm not so sure that I'd like a Halo CE Remake. Sure I'd appreciate the graphics and upgrades and everything, but I don't want the game to be the "new halo" that everyone plays. I like reach. I hope they don't make any new changes other than graphics.

Milking the cow? Sure, but I'd probably buy it anyways :p
Will at least have the same voice recordings as a source. The rest, idk. I just want health + shields with fall damage.
Another confirmation of release date. November 15, 10 years after the Xbox classic debuted
http://www.joystiq.com/2011/02/04/halo-combat-evolved-hd/ Same source article as the one that spartan-005 posted.

I'll add the rumor that every copy of the game comes with a duke style 360 wireless controller.

Wait, that site says it may also sport a 3D Halo CE graphics engine. That does not sit right with me because the only 3D game you can buy Must come from BlueRay CD not DVD. either this means Xbox is upgrading the 360 again (a smart move into blueray) or Halo CE will be multiple platform. And i really hope not, although i don't think Microsoft would ever do that with its all star game.

Or that could mean that the good old DVD is about to be upgraded... doubtful. but that sentence has brought me great skepticism.
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