Pappa Midnight
Jr Member
Our only questions regarding the paint are why not chroma key, and wouldn't the keying out of those stripes just create holes rather than semi-transparent parts? The images of Cortana look as though there are still hints of her body there, whereas a key-out would create significant gaps.
these pics that you are talking about must be unofficial artist renders. Cortana is completely tansperant in the darker areas throughout the bulk of all of the games and especially in Halo:CE. You cant see her body through , uhm..., her body. she didnt even have that subtile glow back then. ( but for live action I would suggest adding that in after affects(post-preduction). it helps to convince the audience that she is a hologram. what you maybe refering to are the streams of meta code that move about these void areas. As far as the code that streams up and down her body you will have to use an alpha or mask to create this or a 3d model composited behind the shot.(I wld do this before throwing the comp into Holomatrix)
some pics:

notice in the last one where her arms come across her body and her hands on her head.
As you may already know using black to key things out works really well if you want to "keep" the light that your object may be emitting. so this Key only make sense because Cortana visualy percieved as being made of only light. You would want to bulid the projection platform for your actress to inteact with, helps with the lighting of the character, and so that you have something that is easy(grounded) to do your motion-tracking with. Ugh,I Also have an Idea of a farely cheap way to build her projection platform. If you send me a picture of the variant that you want to use i can draw it out for you.