HALO Pitch Trailer

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I'm sure they will, would you mind posting up a couple more pics for all of us to enjoy? :)

I can tell you that I'd love to pay for a cast, looking good!

I put up more pics of the actual mold in my build thread so you can see all the angles, I just didn't want to take up Brendans thread, as for selling any cast at this time just keep an eye out for that in my thread I have for this helmet, if you got one im sure you would be please as im impressed myself how well the cast came out, very little areas to fix

Youu can see them all in this threadhttp://www.405th.com/showthread.php/34034-Reach-MKV-A-Helmet-build-4-Genisis-Fan-Film
The cast is very clean, i like your mark V its the best one I've seen and the cast is fantastic!
keep up the good work!

Well here are the molds. Unfortunately, the thigh is thin in one spot. I'll need to redo it :(


heres the thin spot (sad face) The eyes and mouth indicate the thinnest areas.


Heres the castings :)


Take two on the thigh mold starts Monday.

I guess I like doing things twice.



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just a quick question. why use the halo 3 cryo when you could have made the halo wars or halo ones?

This is too epic!

I was wondering if you had any need for graphic designers still. If so, I would love to help out making ads and promotions for this pitch.

Here are some of the projects I'm proud of.





Sadly, I don't have many more to show as my portfolio was lost when there was a flood and my digital backup become somehow wiped.

If you would like to put my skills to the test before asking me to make any images for you, by all means feel free, just know that I offer my services as well as my talent to you for your project.


Related to the film.

I don't know if this has been said, or if its just one of those things that doesn't have to be spoken of to be known.

Halsey favored John - 117 above the other S-II's. I read the books a while back, and I believe the reason she said she favored 117 was because he "...had something none of the [others] did... he had luck." This reason was the same reason that Cortana had when explaining why she picked 117 as her 'host,' for lack of a better term.

This being said/known. I feel that it is important to present this luck as 117's guiding force. While it may be to late for any of my suggestions, I feel it is too important not to bring up.

In one of the first books, "The Fall of Reach" if I'm not mistaken. When Halsey meets 117 he is playing a game of King of the Hill in the school yard with his friends. When Halsey talks to him, she shows him a coin (pretty sure it was an Earth Quarter) and played a game of heads or tails. 117, obsessed with winning and coming first, couldn't refuse because he can "...never lose..."

So they play the game of chance and of course, 117 wins the coin toss (as well as the coin, as Halsey promised).

I think adding the coin toss in the movie, maybe as a motif or just a scene would mean a lot to the fans that understand that John - 117 isn't just lucky.

He is luck.

I can't wait to see what unfolds, and who knows, I may have some other crazy ideas to sling your way.





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Everything's looking great, skylight. I look to see updates as to how this project progresses. There's a significant group effort with this project that I think is commendable. I wish all the best for this.

Specific to the cryo-pod construction (I hope you don't mind me inquiring): Is the structure made of plywood with sheet insulation being used to bend out/curve to finish? Since, I assume, there can be some camera-trickery abreast in these things, would something like insulation need to be hardened in some fashion or do you think paint and go is good for your purposes?
Everything's looking great, skylight. I look to see updates as to how this project progresses. There's a significant group effort with this project that I think is commendable. I wish all the best for this.

Specific to the cryo-pod construction (I hope you don't mind me inquiring): Is the structure made of plywood with sheet insulation being used to bend out/curve to finish? Since, I assume, there can be some camera-trickery abreast in these things, would something like insulation need to be hardened in some fashion or do you think paint and go is good for your purposes?

Very observant! The structure is indeed made with plywood, and the fiberglass sheet insulation was curved over for the glass portion. The insulation, as my builder tells me, was coated with a specific type of resin that wouldn't eat through and hardened. It's still delicate, but was hard enough to cut through still.
Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates- we've been working on the cryopod in spare time, and things are close to wrapped with it (painting needs to be done, a few details need to be added, but we're about 90% of the way there).

Check it out below, and sorry for the poor image:

Also, HUGE shout-out to BLACKULA for the amazing mold of the Mark V helmet (pepped and cast by Hyperballistik). L3X and I will be utilizing it to create our Spartan army :D
Nice update man, I'm getting excited about it. Can't wait to see what you & L3x do with everything. Also, It would be nice if this thread were maybe moved from the noob section (<--More of just a suggestion, not to be confused with a demand...lol). Anyways, glad to see this coming together.

Based on what I see here, this is going to be one heck of a great fan film. I can't wait to see the results, or even just a trailer!
hey i'm just thinking out loud but wouldn't it be cool if you had tie's with the other film's in your's, because that's what i'm doing.
hey i'm just thinking out loud but wouldn't it be cool if you had tie's with the other film's in your's, because that's what i'm doing.

It's an interesting idea, but I'd be wary of having another fan film tie into this one for the sake of both cohesive image/story/quality and overall reputation. For instance, Halo: Faith had sounded promising, but the final teaser trailer (and that they were unable to create their full 15-minute film) ended up disappointing a number of fans as can be seen on their Facebook page. Imagine having promoted a tie-in between yours and theirs, only to find out theirs wouldn't ever be completed. Those fans would then probably be skeptical of your film and it's ability to deliver (or, if the overall film experience had been superb, you'd be expected to live up to those).

At this time, I think it would be best to just let fan films stand alone unless everything can be uniform.
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