hey guy sorry we all with the Fallen have not updated much lately but here you guys go the first pull of the Frag Grenade that we will use for the film.and also a sneak peak of the pistol.
hey everyone just a heads up new photo's of everything up on our FB page. and also if you can help out any way we have 25 days left on our donations, and we are about 1/4 of the way there. just a heads up and go check it out.http://www.facebook.com/HaloTheFallen
Just to let you know Xerxes, as long as you're still looking for a rotoscop or keying artist, I have some very good tools. Also, if you're interested in anything such as blood spatter, slide kickback, muzzle flashes, shells, and environment damage on a 2d scale, let me know, as long as you can get the footage to me, I can add anything that you want to it for free, as I love doing this sort of thing, especially with Halo things!!!
If you want, you can pm me, or email me at jedimastertv@aol.com .
Hey everyone just trying for a last chance dash. we close donations in 19 days, and we added a perk to the $10 donation. if you donate $10 bucks you have the chance to win ONE of TWO casts of the Marine helmet made by GENE. so if you intrested hit up the donation page here. http://www.indiegogo.com/Halo-The-Fallen-Fan-Film
really easy to do, nothin but a simple sky replacement. these are pre-teaser screenshots of what to expect in their next video teaser, so it's not going to be actual film screenshots. I don't see any edits besides the Elite and the Black and white photos.
heck i want to know if any of these films are going to be tied together in anyway? like if the fallen is going to be tied into dawn under heaven or helljumper in any ways besides the games.
now that, would be sick. I would want it to be, but since there are different producers and other things, I'm afraid not. That would be awesome though!!! a collaboration telling the whole story of Halo, all at once, with different views, that's a good idea. I like it.
well my film life pod is going to have ties with every film, heck i'm adding dafrontlinetrooper into the mix. and if anyone wants a part it's open to anyone right now.