Halo Wars Mark Iv Armor Wip

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Wow! This is coming along so awesome! I'm truly amazed when I see someone that has so much skill with cardboard. I wish I had that much skill to make such an awesomely detailed suit completely from scratch. Come to think of it, I do have some old boxes lying around, hmmm I wonder? haha :D

But I cant't wait to see that helm finished! That's gonna be the best part besides the chest piece. ;)
Roxas 56 said:
That armor is coming along great. Are you making that from scratch?

Yep, that's all from scratch. ;) The only problem I'm finding with the helmet so far is finding the right HJC visor to fit it.
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box o crayons said:
wow your cardboard work really has gotten better looks good and not sure if you saw this thread but it has some good shots of the helmet

Thanks, this will really help out a lot. :D
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Update. Right now, I'm still working on the rough build of the helmet. So far, I'm just building the basic form of the helmet, and then I'll add in the details later. The stuff on top of the helmet and sides is cardstock. I could not get cardboard to form into that shape so I figured I'd just use cardstock and reinforce it with resin when I get to the resining and fiberglassing. Anyway, here's the pics. Sorry about the craftsmanship, it's kinda sloppy. But I think I'm making good progress on this scratchbuild so far. Tell me what you think? :)






I still have a long ways to go before I get to fiberglassing this thing.
"Your skill is extra ordinary!"

Thought a Big Boss comment was relevant to this. Only thing I can see that needs a bit of work is the 2 bills on the front need to be shortened a bit, looks a lot like an MK V right now. Otherwise super badass job! Keep it going!
looks awsome love it and to try and smooth cardboard cut it into strips and glue it on as a curve it will look better than cardstock
That helmet, it's so awesome, I'm speechless! THAT is the coolest thing I've ever seen made out of cardboard, even cooler that you made it just by looking at pictures! You rock dude! :not worthy:
SpArtan-270 said:
Update. Right now, I'm still working on the rough build of the helmet. So far, I'm just building the basic form of the helmet, and then I'll add in the details later. The stuff on top of the helmet and sides is cardstock. I could not get cardboard to form into that shape so I figured I'd just use cardstock and reinforce it with resin when I get to the resining and fiberglassing. Anyway, here's the pics. Sorry about the craftsmanship, it's kinda sloppy. But I think I'm making good progress on this scratchbuild so far. Tell me what you think? :)

I still have a long ways to go before I get to fiberglassing this thing.

Have you considered not making everyone else look so bad?!
Your cardboard work is AMAZING.
Nice work, Cannot wait til updates.
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Excellent work on the Helmet! With only reference pics to go by and building it with cardboard from scratch, this is really looking good!
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