Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
Just talked to Dragonbyte Tech, the guys who wrote that part of the program. We are installing an update today that should resolve that issue.
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Hello, first timer here. I've downloaded the Pepakura viewer and the files in the Archive for the Halo:CE Mark V helmet (both low res and high res), and for both of them I get the error message "No Data For Development" As a test I downloaded the Halo 3 Mark V which opens without a problem.
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Hello, first timer here. I've downloaded the Pepakura viewer and the files in the Archive for the Halo:CE Mark V helmet (both low res and high res), and for both of them I get the error message "No Data For Development" As a test I downloaded the Halo 3 Mark V which opens without a problem.
This isn't the place to post for this kind of issue, but I tried downloading them myself and they wouldn't open up for me either so it does seem there's something wrong with them. Not sure why that would be; any insight, @Arcanine?
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This isn't the place to post for this kind of issue, but I tried downloading them myself and they wouldn't open up for me either so it does seem there's something wrong with them. Not sure why that would be; any insight, @Arcanine?

Not a clue, honestly. Those files weren't uploaded by me and, while I acknowledge they don't work, I lack the admin privileges needed to take the files down and replace them with working copies.

I'll shoot Art a PM asking for a little assistance in this regard, and I'll try to source a set of working copies to upload. In the meantime, consider other Mk V helmet variants from Halo 3, Reach or Halo 4.
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Not a clue, honestly. Those files weren't uploaded by me and, while I acknowledge they don't work, I lack the admin privileges needed to take the files down and replace them with working copies.

I'll shoot Art a PM asking for a little assistance in this regard, and I'll try to source a set of working copies to upload. In the meantime, consider other Mk V helmet variants from Halo 3, Reach or Halo 4.
Yeah I wasn't sure but I thought if anyone did known it would probably be you :p
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Yeah I wasn't sure but I thought if anyone did known it would probably be you :p

Well... the issue is that, again, I lack the privileges necessary to delete files and replace them with working copies. Knowing about an issue isn't the same as being able to resolve it - I've sent a message to Art asking for help in the matter, and I hope to get an answer back soon.

As soon as I know anything further, I'll keep you updated via PM. Otherwise, again, I can only apologise for these files not working and direct people to other alternatives.
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Well... the issue is that, again, I lack the privileges necessary to delete files and replace them with working copies. Knowing about an issue isn't the same as being able to resolve it - I've sent a message to Art asking for help in the matter, and I hope to get an answer back soon.

As soon as I know anything further, I'll keep you updated via PM. Otherwise, again, I can only apologise for these files not working and direct people to other alternatives.
It's all good, I actually don't care about these files for myself, but you might send a PM to Toxinom who was the one who originally asked.
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Hey I've been getting multiple reports of my files showing up blank when being opened. I tried it myself and confirmed the problem. I tried reuploading all the files but things got really messed up (started linking other peoples files in my post)(still doesn't work).

I have a feeling that the entire archive is having issues, and this is something that should be addressed asap.
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Hey I've been getting multiple reports of my files showing up blank when being opened. I tried it myself and confirmed the problem. I tried reuploading all the files but things got really messed up (started linking other peoples files in my post)(still doesn't work).

I have a feeling that the entire archive is having issues, and this is something that should be addressed asap.

Hey there, MB.

This is actually an issue several members have reported an issue with - I've posted an Announcement thread HERE to try and boost awareness of the issue and to consolidate responses regarding this problem to one specific thread. Please refer there for more information, and I'll try to keep you abreast of the issue as soon as I know more information.


hey in the file arcive the files aper as note pad not pepakura

See the first part of this response for more. Please post a detailed report of the issues you're having in the thread linked above.
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I'm getting bubble notifications between 30 minutes and 5 hours after the event, for the last week or so. Emails still come through immediately though.
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I am unable to open the digital files. What should I use to open the digital files. Do I need to download a special program to open digital files?

You're going to have to be a little more specific about your issue, but if this is regarding the File Archive files: download a copy of Pepakura Designer 3. Most of the files we host on the Archive are in .PDO format, so you'll need that to get the files opened.
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@Chernobyl, should we make a link at the top of the File Archive to this?


Probably, but as I think I've discussed in other threads - Pepakura Viewer has quite a few limitations. It'll do for now, but it'd also be worth encouraging users to find a copy of Designer if they want to develop files.

I also have a few File Archive things for you to sort out; I'll PM you when I have the chance, I'm in the middle of batching some work up to upload.
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