Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
The only consistent problem that I've been having (Firefox 30-something, Win7, Cox 60Mb down) is incredibly slow loading of larger images in the lightbox - sometimes between 30 seconds and a minute for a standard size image! It makes tracking build progress in image threads really slow going.

So far, no general speed, server or connectivity issues though.
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Hey, I just started, and none of the files i download are .zips or .obj like they are said to be. they end with a .96 or some random number that i cant use or convert.
pleeeeeeze help!
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I just went to try and download a new armor piece for my next build and said i do not have Permission to access any of it.
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I tried posting a new thread in the Canadian regiment, wanting to make it a polled topic, but it didn't look as though the option to add a poll was anywhere in the available options.

Did I simply miss it somewhere, or is that option not available at the moment? Has it maybe been disabled for some reason?

EDIT: I recently tried putting the @ symbol in front of a couple members' names in the Canadian regiment's active members list, but it didn't turn thier usernames into a clickable link.
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I tried posting a new thread in the Canadian regiment, wanting to make it a polled topic, but it didn't look as though the option to add a poll was anywhere in the available options.

Did I simply miss it somewhere, or is that option not available at the moment? Has it maybe been disabled for some reason?

EDIT: I recently tried putting the @ symbol in front of a couple members' names in the Canadian regiment's active members list, but it didn't turn thier usernames into a clickable link.

In general, members can't post polls, but can vote in them.

What usernames were you having a problem with?
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Oh, I get that, but being the Moderator for the Canadian regiment, shouldn't I be able to post a polled topic in that sub-forum?

As for the usernames I was having difficulty with, they're on the active members list in that sub-forum, clearly noticeable as they're not hyperlinked like the rest.

EDIT: Usernames were Anthony Thibault and Liamthedevastator. Added another one at the same time, and it hyperlinked just fine, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
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im not really having trouble with the site itself its the downloads cause when i download this pepakura file of the reach boots i can only print out half of it cause the other half was jumbled up outside of the boarder for the 2d stuff
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im not really having trouble with the site itself its the downloads cause when i download this pepakura file of the reach boots i can only print out half of it cause the other half was jumbled up outside of the boarder for the 2d stuff

Thats not an Archive problem. Thats entirely the fault of whoever created the file. I suggest you look for another one.
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Are any admins around? I'm having a problem with the Archive not tagging images properly again. Contacted rundown and Art this morning, but no response yet from either.
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I have been having troubles trying to add screenshots to some of files in the archive.

The pictures upload just fine, and show up for download. I keep hitting the "screenshot" check box to make it so, but it's like this setting is not saved when you go to save. I've tried it multiple times but nothing changes.

Also the UI is all screwed up when you start uploading files.

Edit: I'm trying to make all the .jpg images as screenshots, maybe you can give it a try and see if you have luck?
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I have been having troubles trying to add screenshots to some of files in the archive.

The pictures upload just fine, and show up for download. I keep hitting the "screenshot" check box to make it so, but it's like this setting is not saved when you go to save. I've tried it multiple times but nothing changes.

Also the UI is all screwed up when you start uploading files.

Edit: I'm trying to make all the .jpg images as screenshots, maybe you can give it a try and see if you have luck?

I have the same problem with the archive and Art said he'd look into it. I've found that if you delete the post and start fresh with a new post then the screenshots and thumbnail work correctly. It's only when trying to save changes to an existing post that the image checkboxes don't do anything. Sadly, deleting a post and recreating it means forfeiting all of its download history. But ultimately what's more important, download statistics or a properly-configured archive post?

The UI corrects itself after uploading is complete. The columns get all messed up due to progress bars for the files which haven't completed uploading, but after all files are uploaded the columns reset back to "normal" display.

The screenshot and thumbnail issue when saving edits to an archive post has been present for at least 4 months. It seems to me it would be an easy code fix by the software developers.
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I cant crack the code. My photos upload from my PC sideways I've flipped them every which way but loose and I cant figure out how to upload from Flickr.

Are the photos you are uploading coming from your phone? We have noticed a lot of iphone photos tend to get uploaded sideways.
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