Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
Looks like the spammers are back at it. The 405th feed was full of spam post with only a few legit posts scattered between.

Oh snap!
Attachment feature added!!!

Glad you used it, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed.
I've gotten into the habit of putting everything over on photobucket and just pasting a link here.

Agreed. Need to fix Quick Navigation
Please for the love of the Edit button!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do I need to answer "Chief" every time I respond now?
I'm okay if it's just temporary, or just the 1st time you post for the day, but I definitely think it could get annoying quickly.
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Yeah... you are indeed probably going to see some spammer activity because we have deleted so many accounts, but some have made it through. The system we have in place is a learning system, so it will take time to start learning what the spammers do. But... overall, we should start to see less and less as time goes on.
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When logged out of the site, the search box shows the faded out text of, "Search The Dented Helmet", but then changes to, "Search the 405th" after you log in. This was spotted by a web dev buddy of mine when I linked him the new site to see the updates.


  • Screenshot 2014-07-14 15.50.57.png
    Screenshot 2014-07-14 15.50.57.png
    386.5 KB · Views: 407
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When logged out of the site, the search box shows the faded out text of, "Search The Dented Helmet", but then changes to, "Search the 405th" after you log in. This was spotted by a web dev buddy of mine when I linked him the new site to see the updates.

Thanks for the heads up! This has been corrected!
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• Black Box in middle, Left: The Quick Navigation box at the bottom of the thread seems to overlay the surrounding lines (circled in red)

I noticed, also, while attempting to reply to a post that this Navigation box prevents the Reply, Reply with Quote, and Multi-quote buttons from being clickable. This only occurs on the last post on the page, not any of the posts above.
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I noticed a section for the midwest regiment and I saw that I was not on the list and I wanted to post a reply, but I did not see a "reply" option, only a "reply with quote" option so I just clicked on that and a message popped up saying that I am not allowed to access the page. It was then followed by a list of reasons of why I might not be allowed to post there. :\
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The regiments are a work in-progress, just give it some time. From what i have been told there havent been any "finial" plans on how regiments will work. kinda in the "test phase" of them now.
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Yup... please be patient with us on this. I REALLY did not want to get into the Regiment thing just yet, but people are so enthusiastic about it that we are moving a bit faster than planned on it.
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Small thing that I noticed. When I hover my mouse cursor over the small FB and Twitter icon at the top right of the page, it says that it's for the RPF. When you click it, it brings it to the 405th FB page/Twitter account. Like I said, very small thing.

I love what you're doing to the forum, keep up the good work Art.
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Small thing that I noticed. When I hover my mouse cursor over the small FB and Twitter icon at the top right of the page, it says that it's for the RPF. When you click it, it brings it to the 405th FB page/Twitter account. Like I said, very small thing.

I love what you're doing to the forum, keep up the good work Art.

Corrected... now excuse me... I have a coder to go smack up... ;)
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Yup... please be patient with us on this. I REALLY did not want to get into the Regiment thing just yet, but people are so enthusiastic about it that we are moving a bit faster than planned on it.
Ah, okay. I noticed that the thread was started years ago and I recently noticed that it was made more visible and I just thought I would try and get my name added on the list. :p Didn't know anything "big" was really going on with those. XD
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Ah, okay. I noticed that the thread was started years ago and I recently noticed that it was made more visible and I just thought I would try and get my name added on the list. :p Didn't know anything "big" was really going on with those. XD

The existing regiments have always been an informal thing, only unofficially associated with the 405th and only using the 405th name in an unofficial capacity. It seems there have been a number of attempts to make this an official club, but for whatever reason, it hasn't worked out. We aim to correct that. :)
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I have noticed something. When there is a thread that I have replied to you, and it gets a new post, the thread icon is not changing to the "new post" version of that icon, but remaining the same "You have posted in this thread, No New Posts icon." Threads that I have not posted in myself continue to display the correct New or No New posts icon.
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I have noticed something. When there is a thread that I have replied to you, and it gets a new post, the thread icon is not changing to the "new post" version of that icon, but remaining the same "You have posted in this thread, No New Posts icon." Threads that I have not posted in myself continue to display the correct New or No New posts icon.

Let me check this. We may have named an image file incorrectly
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Hey art, i posted this is the how can we make the 405th great thread and am now posting here because i wasnt sure where to exactly post it. This is not so much of a problem really. just curious as to if we can get this turned back on.
ok so Is there any way to block people from replying to threads in the marketplace? i have noticed that people have been replying to those threads lately. I also know that before in the "Read Before Posting - Classifieds Rules - 03/06/201" thread it mentions under "replying to a thread" "The ability to post a reply to a listing when you are not the listing creator is disabled in the Classifieds. All communication should be by private message or email when you are replying to another user's listing."
is there any way we can get this turned back on so people dont reply to threads in the marketplace.

if we can get that turned off again in the marketplace that would be swell. that way it doesnt say that there are new posts and whatnot. Thanks, i hope i made sense. if not then let me know :)
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