Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
Only a few things can really be fixed in the old old threads. In the example you posted, I can fix the YouTube links, and that's it. The images were deleted, either by the user or by Imageshack, so those are gone.

In most old threads, links to other old threads aren't able to be recovered unless the person posting it also included a thread title and the member who started it... old thread links link to a thread # but after the several site makeovers we've had, a bunch of old threads were deleted/ lost and so the old thread links are gone.

Just a point to note out.
When you find a video that has been deleted in your Favorites list on Youtube, you can take the url for it and put it into a google search. Google typically shows you what the name of the url had before it got deleted.
↑ ↑ ↑ That might also work for our broken urls, I think...

If all else fails, Waybackmachine may have saved the forums way back in the day, it is usually pretty limited though. :(

EDIT: It seems as though Waybackmachine mostly just has the top level of the forum. It is possible it might have a particular thread saved in it, but I would say that it is unlikely.

Still fun to see what the forum used to look like though.
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View attachment 1143

Just tested it and it's working... what exactly happens when you click on "Upload File(s)" after selecting the file with the "Browse" button?

Pretty much after i hit the insert image button at the top of this message window i get two options. On the option for URL it has the little window where i can type a URL and what not, then at the bottom it has an okay or cancel button. On the option to select from my computer it just shows the window with the browse button next to it. After i select a picture nothing happens. There is no Okay or cancel button.

I guess i should have specified this in my original message sorry. :-/ didnt mean for any confusion :)
Hope it all makes sense.
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Pretty much after i hit the insert image button at the top of this message window i get two options. On the option for URL it has the little window where i can type a URL and what not, then at the bottom it has an okay or cancel button. On the option to select from my computer it just shows the window with the browse button next to it. After i select a picture nothing happens. There is no Okay or cancel button.

I guess i should have specified this in my original message sorry. :-/ didnt mean for any confusion :)
Hope it all makes sense.
After you select the files by using the "Browse" button, just click "Upload File(s)"... there are no other buttons for the "From Computer" option.
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1) This:
405 Error 7-28.png
The instant I set my zoom level to 90% (instead of 100% like it is in the image) it fixes itself.
I only use about 5/8ths (width) of my monitor for my browser, and even when I have the window maximized at 100% viewing size, I still have the issue of the bar not being left-justified.

2) The "Upload" button when you are attaching an image/file from your computer isn't very clear that it is a button; it matches the background.

3) When I have a tab open for "New Posts", every once in a while, when I hit F5/Refresh, it returns the results as shown in the attached image above.
I have a feeling that basically my search token for new posts expires after a certain amount of time.
I'm not sure if this can be fixed, as I can just hit the "New Posts" button again, but I want to at least get confirmation that it is happening because my search is expiring.
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The top banner is really messed up in iOS. Everything except the search bar is behind the graphic - had the darnedest time trying to log in.
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What ever happened to a members location? It used to be listed under their avatar, next to a post. I know that some people don't like theirs to be listed, but some do. I checked in my profile settings, and it is filled out there.

It's not a big deal. I was just curious if anyone else had noticed.
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What ever happened to a members location? It used to be listed under their avatar, next to a post. I know that some people don't like theirs to be listed, but some do. I checked in my profile settings, and it is filled out there.

It's not a big deal. I was just curious if anyone else had noticed.

Yeah i was curious about that as well. good call justin :)
beat me to it lol
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The top banner is really messed up in iOS. Everything except the search bar is behind the graphic - had the darnedest time trying to log in.

You can try scrolling down to the bottom of the page, then hit the dropdown button that lets you switch between the mobile/desktop version of the site. Once you switch, log in, and after you've logged in, you can switch the view back.
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What ever happened to a members location? It used to be listed under their avatar, next to a post. I know that some people don't like theirs to be listed, but some do. I checked in my profile settings, and it is filled out there.

It's not a big deal. I was just curious if anyone else had noticed.

That is a good question. Let me see why that isn't showing up.
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Not sure if this was mentioned, but A lot of time when I reply to a thread, it will go through, but then the entire message I just posted will remain in my reply box at the bottom even though it was already posted. Easy to say I'm a bit tired of deleting my posts from the box everytime i go to post in a thread I posted in before. Thoughts?
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Not sure if this was mentioned, but A lot of time when I reply to a thread, it will go through, but then the entire message I just posted will remain in my reply box at the bottom even though it was already posted. Easy to say I'm a bit tired of deleting my posts from the box everytime i go to post in a thread I posted in before. Thoughts?

I've actually accidentally double posted because of this.
I posted, got sidetracked and moved onto something else, came back, saw the text in the box and assumed I hadn't already posted it and I hit Post Reply again.
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Not sure if this was mentioned, but A lot of time when I reply to a thread, it will go through, but then the entire message I just posted will remain in my reply box at the bottom even though it was already posted. Easy to say I'm a bit tired of deleting my posts from the box everytime i go to post in a thread I posted in before. Thoughts?

Don't think we have ever seen that happen before. What OS and what browser are you using?
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Will test to see if I can replicate this issue and try to see what is going on. My guess is that it is some type of caching issue.
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My husband has registered an account and activated it through the email link; he can only view posts, and is blocked from commenting or viewing and updating his profile. He's had his account in-limbo like this for 3 days. Is this normal now for newly registered accounts?
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My husband has registered an account and activated it through the email link; he can only view posts, and is blocked from commenting or viewing and updating his profile. He's had his account in-limbo like this for 3 days. Is this normal now for newly registered accounts?

It is when there is already an account active (yours) as it thinks he is a spammer. What is his user name?
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