Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
Hey art, i posted this is the how can we make the 405th great thread and am now posting here because i wasnt sure where to exactly post it. This is not so much of a problem really. just curious as to if we can get this turned back on.
ok so Is there any way to block people from replying to threads in the marketplace? i have noticed that people have been replying to those threads lately. I also know that before in the "Read Before Posting - Classifieds Rules - 03/06/201" thread it mentions under "replying to a thread" "The ability to post a reply to a listing when you are not the listing creator is disabled in the Classifieds. All communication should be by private message or email when you are replying to another user's listing."
is there any way we can get this turned back on so people dont reply to threads in the marketplace.

if we can get that turned off again in the marketplace that would be swell. that way it doesnt say that there are new posts and whatnot. Thanks, i hope i made sense. if not then let me know :)

We haven't gone through the Marketplace rules and updated them yet, but it is very unlikely that we would bring that rule back. I can somewhat understand why it might have been enacted, but I see it doing more harm than good.
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I seem to be having an issue uploading images. I hit the "insert image" button in the reply box. It then prompts me "from computer" or "from URL". Now I tried the URL first as i usually load them up from my Facebook page, but it keeps telling me "invaild URL". so then I tried uploading for my PC and it will just sit there and do nothing. Did something in the way i put images change with the new forum? Or am I just litteraly not doing somethig right? lol
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Blog pages are extremely broken (if that's the right word).

It would seem as though the background has died and all there is now is a white background.
I like the white, but I would like more levels of color rather than the blog entries box and the background behind it being the same color.

The headers for several of the boxes on the right side are messed up in the fact that the header text color matches the header background color.
"Recent Comments" text is invisible
"Recent Blog Posts" text is invisible
The Month and the arrows on the Calendar/Archive are invisible.
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We haven't gone through the Marketplace rules and updated them yet, but it is very unlikely that we would bring that rule back. I can somewhat understand why it might have been enacted, but I see it doing more harm than good.

Out of curriousity, why do you think it would do more harm than good? If someone wants to get more info about a product in the marketplace they should just send a PM to the person selling said product. i just think that if people keep responding to the threads that it will just get cluttered. That is the only reason i brought it up :)
If you keep it the way it is now where people can reply to a thread in the marketplace then no biggy, ill get used to it :)
Keep up the great work and have a good day.

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Out of curriousity, why do you think it would do more harm than good?

While not the intent, keepign any discussion from happening in regard to an item being sold ultimately means there is is less information available and members are less informed. It also means, if there is any kind of issue with the seller, others looking at the thread won't know it.

I don't mean this in a snarky way, but the purpose of a discussion forum is discussions. Now, there ARE rare instances where discussions aren't wanted or needed, but I don't think the sales area is one of them. If anything, it needs to be MORE open to discussion and feedback due to the nature of internet transactions and the many issues that can arise from them, often due to miscommunication or a lack of communication.
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Still can't edit the titles of our own threads (and we could before the site change). Why is this important? A thread may start out as "WIP" and then change to "Complete" later on. Or, a member like me will want to reduce the number of characters in the title so it stops getting truncated by the new redundant "Re: " added to the title of every response post in a thread. (I say redundant because if it isn't the first post in a thread then obviously it's "in response".)
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Still can't edit the titles of our own threads (and we could before the site change). Why is this important? A thread may start out as "WIP" and then change to "Complete" later on. Or, a member like me will want to reduce the number of characters in the title so it stops getting truncated by the new redundant "Re: " added to the title of every response post in a thread. (I say redundant because if it isn't the first post in a thread then obviously it's "in response".)

Yeah, I've been wanting to post a "Teaser" that I was going to turn into a Guide when I had the time.

Really need to be able to change the title.

So yeah, sorry, I will not be posting my awesomeness until it is fixed, and trust me, it is awesome. ;)
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Yeah, I've been wanting to post a "Teaser" that I was going to turn into a Guide when I had the time.

Really need to be able to change the title.

So yeah, sorry, I will not be posting my awesomeness until it is fixed, and trust me, it is awesome. ;)

Now now... threats and extortion will get you nowhere. ;)

Let me talk to the staff about this. We currently don't allow thread title edits on any of our sites.
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Now now... threats and extortion will get you nowhere. ;)

Let me talk to the staff about this. We currently don't allow thread title edits on any of our sites.

Okay, well, I'll at least hide the teaser here then:

Image 1 has a transparent backing, while image 2 has a black backing.
You can see the fullsize versions if you know the 3 character string you have to remove for photobucket images that turns them into thumbnails. ;)

I will be posting a tutorial on these later... assuming that there might be an interest in them.

On another note....

Is there any chance we could get like size 1.5 text?
The size difference between 1 and 2 is a bit extreme, I would love to have an additional option !:)
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While not the intent, keepign any discussion from happening in regard to an item being sold ultimately means there is is less information available and members are less informed. It also means, if there is any kind of issue with the seller, others looking at the thread won't know it.

I don't mean this in a snarky way, but the purpose of a discussion forum is discussions. Now, there ARE rare instances where discussions aren't wanted or needed, but I don't think the sales area is one of them. If anything, it needs to be MORE open to discussion and feedback due to the nature of internet transactions and the many issues that can arise from them, often due to miscommunication or a lack of communication.

Makes perfect sense, thanks for explaining it that way :)
I can totally see why it would benifit to be able to post a reply to one of the threads in the marketplace. This way if someone has a question that has already been answered they wont have to pester the seller with it and what not. Thanks very much for putting it into perspective for me Art. Keep up the great work :-D
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Do the text sizes above look like these image below?

View attachment 937

They look exactly the same.

It is just that when I apply "Size 2" to text, well, that is the default size, so there is no change. So I only have 1 smaller size as an option. It would be nice to have at least 2 options for smaller text. While I suppose going smaller than Size 1 wouldn't be a bad thing, I wouldn't mind having something smaller than Size 2 without it being quite as small as Size 1.
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They look exactly the same.

It is just that when I apply "Size 2" to text, well, that is the default size, so there is no change. So I only have 1 smaller size as an option. It would be nice to have at least 2 options for smaller text. While I suppose going smaller than Size 1 wouldn't be a bad thing, I wouldn't mind having something smaller than Size 2 without it being quite as small as Size 1.

This is just standard forum software sizing....

I believe the default px for text is 13.
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I have noticed something. When there is a thread that I have replied to you, and it gets a new post, the thread icon is not changing to the "new post" version of that icon, but remaining the same "You have posted in this thread, No New Posts icon." Threads that I have not posted in myself continue to display the correct New or No New posts icon.

Looks this issue has been corrected now. Thanks!
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I have noticed that the file size projections for uploaded here are quite off. I downloaded a model that said is was almost 5mb but turned out to be like 200kb. It only seems to be the mb projection.
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Not sure if this has been brought up or not but im to tired to look at the moment, but the insert picture button doesnt work on inserting pics from the computer. Is the this becuase there might be a chance the pictures will vanish or something like that as apposed to posting through a URL??
sorry if that made no sense lol
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Not sure if this has been brought up or not but im to tired to look at the moment, but the insert picture button doesnt work on inserting pics from the computer. Is the this becuase there might be a chance the pictures will vanish or something like that as apposed to posting through a URL??
sorry if that made no sense lol


Just tested it and it's working... what exactly happens when you click on "Upload File(s)" after selecting the file with the "Browse" button?
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Any way we could fix the broken images and links on the tuts? For example..


Only a few things can really be fixed in the old old threads. In the example you posted, I can fix the YouTube links, and that's it. The images were deleted, either by the user or by Imageshack, so those are gone.

In most old threads, links to other old threads aren't able to be recovered unless the person posting it also included a thread title and the member who started it... old thread links link to a thread # but after the several site makeovers we've had, a bunch of old threads were deleted/ lost and so the old thread links are gone.
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