Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
2nd picture
People their avatar are sometimes to big in their activity feed

That IS odd. My display picture follows the guidelines for size (130x130 pixels) so I've no reason why my picture (and it seems to only be my picture) is doing that.

I think we had this issue before, though.
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Art Andrews,

I've noticed that after a while, as you PM with someone and continue to include the previous messages, that eventually it turns into a mess with the original message of the conversation being put into a box that it only 1 character wide.

Is there a way you could fix it so that Quote 1 is not placed within Quote 2?

I personally really like to see all the messages in a conversation, so I can go back and read through what was said.

In other words, can you change the following:
Quote 4
Quote 3
Quote 2
Quote 1
/Quote 1​
/Quote 2​
/Quote 3​
/Quote 4

so that instead it automatically sets responses up formatted as:
Quote 1
/Quote 1

Quote 2
/Quote 2

Quote 3
/Quote 3

Quote 4
/Quote 4

I'm not sure if this is at all possible, but I think you know by now that I do what I can to try come up with awesome things that are beyond the bounds that current coding is incapable of doing. ;)
I honestly don't do it intentionally!!!
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There is not a way to seperate the quotes to the best of my knowledge, however, you can read them as a stream by scrolling down to the bottom of the PM and clicking VIEW HISTORY.
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Did some quick searching, but couldn't find any info related as to why "BANNED" (greyed out) shows up under my Regiment section. I'm still able to post new threads and comments, so I'm not sure how that works exactly?
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