Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.

Hyperbole and over-exaggeration aside, this is a very difficult concept to actually implement. I'm aware that there are functions within the forum code that allows for auto-pruning of threads over a certain age, but I doubt there'll be a function that enables what you're asking for - the posting system would require a check on the date of every immediately previous post to yours before submitting, and that's before you even get to the idea of coding in a pop-up notification. That aside, I'm personally not for massively-complex and technical responses to every given problem - the honest-to-god, proven way to make sure a member knows about the necroposting rule is to enforce it, and that means warning members who abuse the rule when they do so.

Keep it simple, and there's less to break in the long run.

Now, onto what I came here for: I seem to be unable to access the file archive myself. Which is annoying, since I wanted to get some more work done on the OBJ resources.
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We are having issues with the permissions in the file archive area and are trying to get it resolved. :(

'sawreet, stuff happens. At least I know it's a permissions error and that somebody hasn't maliciously gone and deleted everything - if I have to re-upload those Halo 4 armour packs one more time I think I'm going to sticky toffee pudding myself to death.
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'sawreet, stuff happens. At least I know it's a permissions error and that somebody hasn't maliciously gone and deleted everything - if I have to re-upload those Halo 4 armour packs one more time I think I'm going to sticky toffee pudding myself to death.

Yeah... somehow everyone has been reset to have view only access and the software's handy-dandy "Quick permission editor" isn't working correctly... Grrrr....
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Yeah... somehow everyone has been reset to have view only access and the software's handy-dandy "Quick permission editor" isn't working correctly... Grrrr....

The odd thing is, I can view the CE archive - but none of the files within. None of the other archives (H2/3/ODST/Reach/4/OBJ Archive) even show up for me.
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You'll need to join a Regiment - check which Regiment is local to your area, then send a message of application to the relevant staff member responsible for that Regiment.

What if my area doesn't have a regiment? I've been looking for one that includes Virginia but I've come up empty.
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