Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
What happened with the Latest Posts data off to the right? It's been missing for a few days and that was a very convenient way of seeing recent activity on the site. Looking through each forum one at a time for new posts of interest is too time consuming (and consequently just doesn't get done). There used to be two boxes on the right, Latest Posts and Latest Threads - now there's just Latest Threads.
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Interesting! I hadn't noticed that but now that you've pointed it out.....

Just as an FYI, Art is currently travelling on other business so it may take a bit for him to look in to this but I will bring it to his attention.

What happened with the Latest Posts data off to the right? It's been missing for a few days and that was a very convenient way of seeing recent activity on the site. Looking through each forum one at a time for new posts of interest is too time consuming (and consequently just doesn't get done). There used to be two boxes on the right, Latest Posts and Latest Threads - now there's just Latest Threads.
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Ello there. I am trying to download some Halo Reach Helmets and a texture file for them, but everytime the countdown hits 0, the page refreshes and the countdown restarts....

Is there a way to fix this?
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Ello there. I am trying to download some Halo Reach Helmets and a texture file for them, but everytime the countdown hits 0, the page refreshes and the countdown restarts....

Is there a way to fix this?

Yeah, download from the new File Archive at this site instead of the old 4shared site. (I'm guessing that's where you're trying to download from because 4shared has a countdown and the 405th File Archive does not.)

Interesting! I hadn't noticed that but now that you've pointed it out.....

Just as an FYI, Art is currently travelling on other business so it may take a bit for him to look in to this but I will bring it to his attention.

Been about a month and Latest Posts is still absent from the recent activity area. Is this permanent?
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Yeah, download from the new File Archive at this site instead of the old 4shared site. (I'm guessing that's where you're trying to download from because 4shared has a countdown and the 405th File Archive does not.)

Been about a month and Latest Posts is still absent from the recent activity area. Is this permanent?
Um, I was downloading right from the File Archive. The Halo Reach Game Assets - Helmets Part One. There was like a 8 second countdown, or something close to that each time.
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Are you sure? I think its something that the site has for new members. To prevent automatic downloading I think. Members with a rep automatically bypass that most likely.

I'm unaware of any sort of 'countdown' this site has for new members. Are you sure you're not referring to the 4Shared Database?
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I'm unaware of any sort of 'countdown' this site has for new members. Are you sure you're not referring to the 4Shared Database?
Nope, Im not. I go right into the 405 File Archive from the button at the top there, and find the files I want through there.

Unfortunatly, the Halo 4 Spartan Laser (OBJ and textures) is just ONE of the files I cannot get. The files I cannot get are seemingly random though. So far, Some halo Reach Helmet files I cannot get becuase of this, some Halo 4 stuff I cannot get...

Its getting very annoying....

I have included an image of what appears when I try to download a file. I hope it helps clear a few things up.

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I was thinking that the current limits we have set for members, 60 days + 50 posts can be a bit high.
I know it is good for those who are new to costuming to get us to learn and look through the builds others have done, but for those who have been costuming for a while it can be frustrating.

I'm not saying I want the limit completely lifted, just that maybe we could choose to make the limit slightly less.
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I was thinking that the current limits we have set for members, 60 days + 50 posts can be a bit high.
I know it is good for those who are new to costuming to get us to learn and look through the builds others have done, but for those who have been costuming for a while it can be frustrating.

I'm not saying I want the limit completely lifted, just that maybe we could choose to make the limit slightly less.

I will refer you to THIS post for your further understanding of what restrictions are in place, and why we have them in place.

However, to condense my point down into an easy-to-digest summary: providing that a user has at least one post, they'll be able to access our full inventory of files for use in their own projects. Forum viewing is, as I'm aware, unrestricted to all members, while certain areas may have posting/thread creation restrictions until that member has served their time as a New Recruit and passed into the Full Member group.

Therefore: the system we have in place is designed to be as unrestrictive as possible to new members regarding the armour creation process, while still ensuring containment from spam. Three months isn't a long time to wait, and assuming a member is making regular updates to their build and posting in other threads, 50 posts isn't too much of a task.
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RobotChicken - Art is working on trying to get the site moved to the new format and there are a few parts of this site that are not allowing that to happen. When I asked about it last time, he was going to look in to it so I'll certainly ask again, but my understanding is that it's not permanent but perhaps more a small symptom of the bigger issues involved in the move. Thanks for the poke again about it, it had slipped my mind.
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I will refer you to THIS post for your further understanding of what restrictions are in place, and why we have them in place.

Thanks Chernobyl!
That explains things well. I either missed it or forgot about those details.

I keep seeing posts pop up on facebook where people claim they are unable to download files, I thought it was what I mentioned, but perhaps they never verified their account.

Is there a way to verify your account years after you create it? As in, is there a way to have another email sent to an email address of your choice in case you've changed it?

Perhaps it would also be good to have a disclaimer/banner appear for those that click the File Archive and have not verified or made a post with a link to the Introduce Yourself thread.
I'm sure it probably already exists, but if it doesn't it'd be worth adding.
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I keep seeing posts pop up on facebook where people claim they are unable to download files, I thought it was what I mentioned, but perhaps they never verified their account.

If I had a single penny for every time I've had a PM from a new member asking me why they can't download files, I'd have paid my visa fees already. People just don't read the information - it's worth, for Phase 3 of the forum's on-going maintenance work, figuring out a 'New Member Primer' to prevent the recurrence of certain questions. However, we're going to need to work on getting all the information actually populated first - as I've said elsewhere, get the stuff there, and then work on making it look nice.

Is there a way to verify your account years after you create it? As in, is there a way to have another email sent to an email address of your choice in case you've changed it?

Altering the email address associated with your account should automatically have an email sent along to the new address for verification. From there, it's a matter of ensuring your email hasn't screened or otherwise eaten the validation email. Otherwise, the only limitations we have on members accessing the Archive are that they require to be validated and to have made at least one post on the forum (usually an introduction post).

Perhaps it would also be good to have a disclaimer/banner appear for those that click the File Archive and have not verified or made a post with a link to the Introduce Yourself thread.
I'm sure it probably already exists, but if it doesn't it'd be worth adding.

See above - Phase 3. Once we've gotten all the files on the site, and the site's been settled onto the new format, we can consider janitorial/caretaking work. Believe me, I'm as eager as the next person to have an FAQ to throw at people if it helps with my not having to deal with recurring questions ad infinatum, ad irritatum - but, as ever, the groundwork for that process needs to be laid first. The Tutorials section is still woefully under-populated and it's not a task I'm able to take on all by myself.
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Got a few things for today. Art Andrews

#1 Text Formatting
First, this one deals a bit with post formatting and the hopes to find a way to improve it a bit.
I'm not a big fan of the Table function. About the only button that seems to work for me is the Insert Table button.
Table Properties, Delete Table, and all of the Row and Column buttons don't seem to work.

While it would be nice if they worked, there is a decent chance I still might avoid it, just because I tend to be fairly particular about formatting and spacing when it comes to tables.
The same goes for Inserting Numbered or Bulleted Lists, they automatically indent themselves, and we have an Indent button, so it seems pointless for them to automatically indent themselves.

This all brings me up to the point I would like to make. I would like to be able to have a set of text that is BOTH Centered AND Left Justified.
To clarify what I mean, is that in MS Word, you are able to grab the handles in the Ruler Bar above each page and you can designate what are essentially your margins, not just for the page, but for each paragraph.

I want to be able to create a list, and have the entire block of text centered, but justified so that all of the bullets line up vertically with one another.

I have attempted to do this using multiple Indents, however, the spacing changes based on the width of the screen, such as whether I'm viewing the thread on my computer or on my phone.

#2 Inserting Images
When attaching multiple images, I have come across an issue where I'll hit the Insert Image button, and it will default to the opposite option that I just used.
If I'm uploading images from my computer and click the button, the first time it opens, it'll prompt Insert Image > From Computer for the 1st image, but every other subsequent time that I click it, it opens up with Insert Image > From URL.

Not the biggest issue since I can just select the other option, but it is a bit annoying.

#3 Inserting Images
Another thing I would like to comment on is that I would like an alternate option for how the images get inserted into your text field.
Currently, the only option when you attach and insert an image, is that it defaults to the small expandable thumb, which is fine as the default, however, I would like the option of having the Up-To Page Width Image Size option. It'd still be nice if clicking it opened a new tab to the full resolution version.

I've been having to Upload them, Insert them Inline, save the post / submit reply (that way the images actually get uploaded), once in the submitted reply I click the images for their URLs, and go back in to edit the post and substitute the "Attachment#####" with those URLs where I unselect "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" because they are already local.

Bit of a hassle, and the end result still ends up including at the bottom of the post, all the attachments that were added, which are all the same images.

#4 Inserting Images
I have had difficulties a few times with the orientation in which uploaded images appear.
Even if I have rotated them on my computer, once uploaded, they often default to the orientation in which they were originally taken. It's really strange....
I also know that I am not the only one with this issue.

I would simply like to have the option to rotate already attached images.

#5 Editing Posts
This one is far too common of a nuisance to me.
I often find myself Saving a post, then hitting Edit, then hitting More Reply Options, then hitting Preview Post.

Can we have a button added next to Edit called "Edit With More Reply Options"?
That way I can jump straight into modifying the post, guide, or tutorial that I'm working on.
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All of these pretty much fall under basic functionality issues of the software package. Since we are moving away from vBulletin we aren't going to address that at this point as those issues will all (except for image rotation issues which predominately are an issue related to mobile devices not tagging rotating images correctly).

Got a few things for today. Art Andrews

#1 Text Formatting
First, this one deals a bit with post formatting and the hopes to find a way to improve it a bit.
I'm not a big fan of the Table function. About the only button that seems to work for me is the Insert Table button.
Table Properties, Delete Table, and all of the Row and Column buttons don't seem to work.

While it would be nice if they worked, there is a decent chance I still might avoid it, just because I tend to be fairly particular about formatting and spacing when it comes to tables.
The same goes for Inserting Numbered or Bulleted Lists, they automatically indent themselves, and we have an Indent button, so it seems pointless for them to automatically indent themselves.

This all brings me up to the point I would like to make. I would like to be able to have a set of text that is BOTH Centered AND Left Justified.
To clarify what I mean, is that in MS Word, you are able to grab the handles in the Ruler Bar above each page and you can designate what are essentially your margins, not just for the page, but for each paragraph.

I want to be able to create a list, and have the entire block of text centered, but justified so that all of the bullets line up vertically with one another.

I have attempted to do this using multiple Indents, however, the spacing changes based on the width of the screen, such as whether I'm viewing the thread on my computer or on my phone.

#2 Inserting Images
When attaching multiple images, I have come across an issue where I'll hit the Insert Image button, and it will default to the opposite option that I just used.
If I'm uploading images from my computer and click the button, the first time it opens, it'll prompt Insert Image > From Computer for the 1st image, but every other subsequent time that I click it, it opens up with Insert Image > From URL.

Not the biggest issue since I can just select the other option, but it is a bit annoying.

#3 Inserting Images
Another thing I would like to comment on is that I would like an alternate option for how the images get inserted into your text field.
Currently, the only option when you attach and insert an image, is that it defaults to the small expandable thumb, which is fine as the default, however, I would like the option of having the Up-To Page Width Image Size option. It'd still be nice if clicking it opened a new tab to the full resolution version.

I've been having to Upload them, Insert them Inline, save the post / submit reply (that way the images actually get uploaded), once in the submitted reply I click the images for their URLs, and go back in to edit the post and substitute the "Attachment#####" with those URLs where I unselect "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" because they are already local.

Bit of a hassle, and the end result still ends up including at the bottom of the post, all the attachments that were added, which are all the same images.

#4 Inserting Images
I have had difficulties a few times with the orientation in which uploaded images appear.
Even if I have rotated them on my computer, once uploaded, they often default to the orientation in which they were originally taken. It's really strange....
I also know that I am not the only one with this issue.

I would simply like to have the option to rotate already attached images.

#5 Editing Posts
This one is far too common of a nuisance to me.
I often find myself Saving a post, then hitting Edit, then hitting More Reply Options, then hitting Preview Post.

Can we have a button added next to Edit called "Edit With More Reply Options"?
That way I can jump straight into modifying the post, guide, or tutorial that I'm working on.
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