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Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
So I don't know a out this, but my southern regiment tab is blue and says there wS a recent post that I have yet to look at. Screenshot_20181122-103215_Chrome.jpg
Then when I go into it there are no postage even remotely to now that I can see...Screenshot_20181122-103219_Chrome.jpgScreenshot_20181122-103226_Chrome.jpg
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So correct me if I'm wrong, but jr members are under 18 right? I've been over 18 for awhile now, but it still says I'm a junior member. What's up?

I'm not sure what the permaters are for the Jr part, but I know the easiest way to fix your title is to join a regiment since you qualify. Post here saying what state you live in or what regiment you want to join.. Regiment membership - please all read
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I agree with PerniciousDuke. There are folks here on this very page that are under 18 that aren't showing a Jr. Member so it's not age related. I believe it's post count related. Having said that it is weird that it seems to go new member to member to jr. member. I'll ask about it because now I'm curious.
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Welcome all! Pernisciouse is on the right track. I have done an investigation on this because I wanted to know the ranking system better a while back, and these titles are granted by trophy points. I am not sure about the exact numbers, but
A jr member is someone that has less that 100 trophy points. A member is someone with over(I think) 250 trophy points. Well known is 500, and sr.member is over 1000 trophy points. I know there are more ranks than that, but there is currently noone with enough points to reach that rank. The ranks also uses to be covenant based, but to make it more understandable, easy access, and to accommodate site upgrades and a further rendition to the trophy system, it was changed to what wa have now, and to prioritize being in a regiment, instead of a rank. Here are the old ranks

Recruit - 0
Grunt - 50
Drone - 100
Jackal - 200
Brute - 500
Hunter - 1000
Elite - 2000
Prophet - 5000

I may be totally wrong with the numbers and the titles changed but the amount of trophy points did not...
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It's still being worked on guys so just ignore it for the time being. But yes, it is tied to the trophy points. Once everything is finished I'll post up the levels again for each title.

Also, the map should be back up. It was apparently misbehaving but they think it's fixed now.
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xXDashIVXx - your question is a little confusing. It sounds like the main page shows there is an unread thread in the Southern page for you. But then you show a screen shot of the Southern Members-Only page.. so did you look to see if there is new topic in the regular Southern page?
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The site keeps logging me out between visits. When I log in, I check the box to stay signed in, but every time I come back, I'm signed out again. It never used to do this. Only for the last week or so.


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Its been a little over a month now since I should have received the, "Message to Like ratio of 1:2" trophy but I've yet to receive the usual notification or associated points. Any idea if this is a bug or if there is some other requirement I'm not aware of?

*On a side note, could we possibly get a link to this forum under the link, "help" which appear at the bottom of every page?
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Its been a little over a month now since I should have received the, "Message to Like ratio of 1:2" trophy but I've yet to receive the usual notification or associated points. Any idea if this is a bug or if there is some other requirement I'm not aware of?

*On a side note, could we possibly get a link to this forum under the link, "help" which appear at the bottom of every page?

I'm pretty sure that there's a minimum post count before these start kicking in just because lower message counts ratios can be kind of wacky and they even out as more posts are made. Don't worry about the trophy points, you'll probably get a big landfall once you reach that threshold.
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Hello everyone. You might have noticed yesterday that the site was having some issues. Some weren't able to get in here at all. In the end it appears that the members map is the route of the issue so at this time, and possibly permanently, it is no longer up. I'll let you know as I hear more.
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Hi, I'm finding trouble uploading a GIF file into a thread post. The upload nears completion and idles for a couple moments before issuing the error message shown below. The 7mb file size is less than other GIF files I've previously uploaded. Any assistance is appreciated.

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I'm meeting with Art on the weekend so I will ask him about this! Can you give me the thread that it was being posted in?
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