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Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
Hi FANGS, a link to the thread is below. Thanks for looking into it. I encountered the same issue on a second computer.

I did find a work-around however. I uploaded the GIF to imgur and then pasted a BB code link into the thread post...curiously when I executed the post it looked like the file uploaded to the 405th website instead being just a linked image which I didn't think was going to happen.

Model portfolio (Satchmo III)
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Yes that part is what should happen. All uploaded stuff is stored on our server which prevents older threads from being a sea of useless, broken links.
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Satchmo III - As it turns out, this platform does not support animated GIFs. Do they sometimes work? Yes. But for the most part they do not.

Also, as an aside, Art spent a lot of his time over the holidays organizing and uploading all of your unfolds. You've kept him very busy and we are all so very thankful for your efforts! He's still got a lot to do (I think he said he made it to submissions made July) but he will keep picking away at it as time allows. Thank you again!
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Satchmo III - As it turns out, this platform does not support animated GIFs. Do they sometimes work? Yes. But for the most part they do not.

Also, as an aside, Art spent a lot of his time over the holidays organizing and uploading all of your unfolds. You've kept him very busy and we are all so very thankful for your efforts! He's still got a lot to do (I think he said he made it to submissions made July) but he will keep picking away at it as time allows. Thank you again!

GIFs that are uploaded to giphy.com and then linked with the Image embed tool has never failed me. If uploading your images is not an option for you you might be able to cheese it by uploading to Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive, setting the proper security settings and then linking to the image that way.
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GIFs that are uploaded to giphy.com and then linked with the Image embed tool has never failed me. If uploading your images is not an option for you you might be able to cheese it by uploading to Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive, setting the proper security settings and then linking to the image that way.

I've always just "upload a file", pick my file, and hit post reply...
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I've waited a day, but the trophy for a like ratio of 1:1 still hasn't updated. I got the 100 likes trophy, and then later I got the 100 messages trophy, but still no dice for the ratio trophy. Seems small, but this progress means to me

Is there something I'm doing wrong, or something I'm not understanding?
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I've waited a day, but the trophy for a like ratio of 1:1 still hasn't updated. I got the 100 likes trophy, and then later I got the 100 messages trophy, but still no dice for the ratio trophy. Seems small, but this progress means to me

Is there something I'm doing wrong, or something I'm not understanding?

Trophies as you know are automatic so no, it wouldn't be you doing something wrong. The 1:1 needs a like for each of a 100 messages. Maybe there were a couple missing likes? Maybe one of your posts got 10 likes and another got zero? I don't have a way to actually see how close someone is to a certain trophy. I can ask if there is a way to do that though. I'll guess though that you're close if not there just yet.
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If you click on Phauxelate profile, it says he has 102 messages, and 115 likes. My guess would be you need to accumulate more posts. As I understand it, you arent supposed to get the trophy if you only have 5 posts and 5 liked, and same for the other ratios based trophy, just to keep it consistent. I cant remember the exact number but I think it is by the time you hit 200 posts, you should receive your trophy, as long as you keep up the good work, but i also think the 2 likes to one post ration needs an even higher post count. :)
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I think xXDashIVXx is right Phauxelate you have to have a certain volume of posts before you can start getting the ratio trophies. Wouldn't be fair if someone's first post got two likes and that gave them the trophy. But, keep up what you've been doing because it has been great.

Looks like you'll also be able to apply for a Regiment in a few days. (y)
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If you click on Phauxelate profile, it says he has 102 messages, and 115 likes. My guess would be you need to accumulate more posts. As I understand it, you arent supposed to get the trophy if you only have 5 posts and 5 liked, and same for the other ratios based trophy, just to keep it consistent. I cant remember the exact number but I think it is by the time you hit 200 posts, you should receive your trophy, as long as you keep up the good work, but i also think the 2 likes to one post ration needs an even higher post count. :)

I went to check the dates on when I had certain trophies awarded and I hit the "1:1" somewhere between 200 and 500 messages so maybe at 250? If Phauxelate keeps up with the trend we may be able to do some science and see the magic post number! No pressure Phauxelate , you're now the 405th Science Experiment!
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It is definitely volume thing. Art was going to see about adding a little more information to the trophies help section to see if it can better answer questions like this but it may or may not happen right away. As has been said though, it's not about you doing something wrong at all.
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Hey, I got an issue with by brother that's trying to join, but he can't post yet so I'll speak for him. He's trying to register for an account, but it's not quite allowing it. Here's what he is saying:

"I registered my account but when I login I receive this message:

'RandomRanger... your account has not been fully activated due to a multiple registration issue. Please click HERE to contact us and be sure to select 405th.com from the site drop down list.'

I submitted a ticket by the link provided there (and made sure to select 405th) but I never received an email confirmation and waited about a 1-2 weeks."
The website he's getting redirected to is "https://www.moviepropsites.com/contact/support-registration/".
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Phauxelate - I've gone in and manually approved him. It was tripped because you're using the same IP. Is he at school with you? Or perhaps you both signed up from home? Regardless, I'll make a note that you are two different people and he should be good to go!
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