Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
Sandbagger you still having issues with staying signed in? Mine seemed to be throwing fits lately too. Sometimes it won't even let me log in. I cleared cookies and no change, but I did notice that Chrome doesn't give me problems. Only Firefox seems to act up.
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Sandbagger you still having issues with staying signed in? Mine seemed to be throwing fits lately too. Sometimes it won't even let me log in. I cleared cookies and no change, but I did notice that Chrome doesn't give me problems. Only Firefox seems to act up.

Yep. Still have to sign in every time. There is no check box anymore to say, "Stay signed in' either.

I'm using chrome.

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Yep. Still have to sign in every time. There is no check box anymore to say, "Stay signed in' either.

I'm using chrome.


Geesh....well that's no good. I'll ask Art to take a closer look. If you could give me a screen shot of the sign in screen that would be helpful as well. I'm so sorry you're having these continued issues.
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It's annoying sure, but not such a big deal mate. It only takes a click or two to log in.

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I am finding that email notifications are taking several hours to arrive. I just had another member asking if something was wrong as they went to reset their password and it took about 3 hours for him to receive the reset notification.

Is this a setting that needs to be adjusted for how quickly these notifications are sent?
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Yep. Still have to sign in every time. There is no check box anymore to say, "Stay signed in' either.

I'm using chrome.


Baz, this issue is either a cookies issue or a URL issue.

First, please be sure you are using the full and correct URL which is: Halo Costume and Prop Maker Community - 405th

Make SURE you are including the www and the https (not http).

If you are using Chrome, click the little "i" beside the URL in the address bar then click cookies. Delete ALL the cookies for this site. Close Chrome and reopen (make sure you FULLY close it and it isn't in your sytem tray). Come back to the site using the full URL listed above and login. This should give you refresh cookies and you should stay logged in.

Now... there could be another issue. If you are using some type of privacy software/ad blocker it might be keeping you from getting what you need or wiping your cookies. Do you have to login to other sites repeatedly?

Finally, there is no longer a checkbox for stay logged in because it is now automatically checked.
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I am finding that email notifications are taking several hours to arrive. I just had another member asking if something was wrong as they went to reset their password and it took about 3 hours for him to receive the reset notification.

Is this a setting that needs to be adjusted for how quickly these notifications are sent?

This is a known issue we are still working to resolve.
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Having a problem opening thumbnails and pics. When it opens in a new window it only loads like 1/4 of the picture. This is on safari on mobile. Anyone else having this issue?

Edit: sorry it’s not thumbnails. It’s when I click on a picture to enlarge. Thumbnails open and enlarge fine
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