Hd Perm Models Starting Cqb Helmet Done

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the in cut grooves i cant seem to do that and still be satisfied with it I'll keep trying though and i raised that plate because when i put it thruogh pep and scaled it the gap between plate and thigh was too small and painful to do in pep and also barely noticable so i figured why not raise it and make it stand out a little more but i dont understand what th elittle arrows are pointing out though and thanks!
crackhead09 said:
the in cut grooves i cant seem to do that and still be satisfied with it I'll keep trying though and i raised that plate because when i put it thruogh pep and scaled it the gap between plate and thigh was too small and painful to do in pep and also barely noticable so i figured why not raise it and make it stand out a little more but i dont understand what th elittle arrows are pointing out though and thanks!

Well they still look great! The little arrow show there is a second major fold line on the rise to jet the sides out more, I noticed yours only had one that "glided" to the top of the gun holder. Make sense?
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well here's an update and a problem i have it all modeled bu there's a problem it has a bunch of open edges that i cant seem to get rid of and causing me alot of heartache
thanks alot everyone for the help in this i just need to figure out why there are so many open edges going on in the model because its really bothering me that they wont go away! otherwise i would call this done and release it but its such a pain in the neck; just grr!

final (i hope) thighs are up and posted to 4shared on first post lemme know if this is approved to be good or not
I've got to hand it you, crackhead. You're a quick study and in such a short time, you managed to create a set of very good-looking pair of thigh models. I've spent the past 45 minutes doing a side-by-side comparison with the reference pics and I think you managed to get the outline and profile right. At first, I thought that the inner thigh part looked crooked but turned out to be correct. I also thought that this part should have been separate from the main thigh but soon realized that I didn't have to connect them during the build.


Spartans! What say you? (I've been wanting to say this. :p ) Do we now have an HD thigh set? I think so.

EDIT: I sort of remember the earlier version having support struts. Why did you remove them?
WELL DONE! You're picking up Meta really quickly! I told you with a bit of time and patience you'd get it. ;) Nice work buddy.
I might be going off topic, but how do you like meta compared to maya or 3ds max? I use max, but if meta's better I might convert.
@ ral partha: oh yeah sorry I'll add those in to the model and do a reupload. I'll add a poll to see if the community wants to claim this as our HD thighs, because i do know that someone is working on their own set

@Skupilkinson: yup and with your help too!

@Loubear: to me it's like google sketchup but has the tools you would want from both programs but to be honest i had never been with max nor maya
thank you crackhead, these look amazing! i tried playing with 3d modeling once and i felt like an absolute infant. The fact that you can learn it so fast and make amazing pieces is truly amazing. Kudos!
I think its fantastic that someones finally doing the sin armor. That looks good so far, hope to see some progress on it.
Great work on the final product of the thigh too, very nicely done.
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