Hd Perm Models Starting Cqb Helmet Done

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I've got an unfolded version of the thighs...

Actually... to be honest I'm almost done building one too.. :\
which one did you do mac?

I did the left one

Well at least we did opposites then. :p

It was my first time unfolding (for someone other then myself) as well, so feel free to critique
Well I'm almost done putting mine together... When I started I found some problems and I had to fix them
I've now figured out that you can't use the same height you get when plugging in the scale on Robo default ones... So now I have to figure out what it's supposed to be and then make a new one...
Ral Partha said:
Here's my unfold and they're scaled to Master Chief's height.

Left HD Thigh

Right HD Thigh

I'll try and work on the ones with supports later.
EDIT: crackhead, the shin model looks awesome!

those unfolds look very nice. Scaled to MC height you say? That means you can use the halo two scaling, am I correct?
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OH great...crackhead you rock, I guess I am throwing my shins out the door!! Hey Doc, you might have to wait a few more weeks buddy!!

Nah I keed...I am really jealous that you are doing the shins buddy REALLY JEALOUS!! Maybe if you crank this out really fast like you did with the thighs then maybe I can get to work on these, other than that keep up the great work buddy!
Zaso117 said:
Scaled to MC height you say? That means you can use the halo two scaling, am I correct?
Not sure about Halo 2 but I used the same height that Robo used for his basic pack, which I know to be scaled to MC's height.
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Beautiful work! Been waiting a while for these. Now someone just needs to buckle down on the shins and the HD will be done! Woo!
thanks alot everyone for the support it means alot! because ever since i joined i've been wanting to benefit our community and since schools out and done with i'd figure i should learn something and do something that others are to overworked to start because they might not be able to do it fast enough for everyones expectations.

these are not robos model per se but they are the same models that we both used to base our work from

@wetokle: well tomorrow i have the whole day off so I should have plenty of time to work on them

@zaso, macatta, ral partha: great work people! I'll move them to the first post and yeah the scale is a little off because they had to get rotated straight up for easier modeling so I'm sorry about that

@skupilkilson: I know man! again thanks for the help
Yea it kinda wasted my time... just a bit so now I have to guess with it... and then I was hoping it would have the 86 as the full sized scale but it didn't have that either... :(

So now I have to redo and guess... so if this one isn't right I'll be making a 3rd one...
Wait, Macattack, they were 3cm off in what respect? Like, too short or too tall or too wide? I'm just trying to get an idea of the problem so I don't waste my time as well. Thanks!

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