Hd Perm Models Starting Cqb Helmet Done

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Gamerguy, that's a great unfold, but what size paper is that? Unless I'm mistaken or the image is stretched, I don't think that's letter size.

Thanks, Ixius.

It is letter, but I set it to Landscape, that's why it looks odd.

LOL XD MY god Crackhead you're on fire!:) Great work from you and your team :D! It's great to have different models for people to choose from. And seems like you are learning FAST! Thanks for your hard work and contributions :)
Some excellent work you have been doing. I've been watching in the wings, seeing your progress as your skills improve. Not bad at all.

My only quibble is, what definition of HD is anyone around here using?
I would say vs a FS "HD" is what can be considered HD. Little nibbley details are pretty cumbersome when it comes to construction, and in certain cases, can cause smoothing FUBAR's later on when smoothing.

In my opinion these are HD, not as crazy as a FS or Robo model, but pretty damn dope.
Sorry for being mistaken Gamerguy, that's a killer unfold!

This thread is seriously awesome. I just might get my armor done in time for Otakon!
Ixius said:
Sorry for being mistaken Gamerguy, that's a killer unfold!

This thread is seriously awesome. I just might get my armor done in time for Otakon!
Thanks again!

Like I said, I'm new to unfolding, so I'm sure someone else could do it better.

It hasn't been build tested, yet. So, if I finish my HD shin tomorrow, I'll be starting on it as soon as I can.

Edit:(lol, I have way too many of these) Looks like Mac decided to post them for everyone. It looks like we have a full HD suit now. :p
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the shin is out...you just gotta unfold it...I already started the unfold and my smoothing is a bit diff than yours Mac,..do you want me to post what I have?
WetOkole said:
the shin is out...you just gotta unfold it...I already started the unfold and my smoothing is a bit diff than yours Mac,..do you want me to post what I have?
I'm of the opinion that the more variety we have, the better. It's a great learning experience also to see other people's perspective when it comes to unfolding pep files. No one unfold is absolute.

I find the initiative of many of our members here in doing things so invigorating! :lol: (y)
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Macattack64 said:
is that on robos model?

there is only one thing that bothers me and it's this:

No, I'm just happy to see you!

Lol... sorry. Just had to do that!
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wow you guys im gone for a couple hours and all this thanks everyone for the compliments those that have released unfolds will be posted to the first asap and thank SKG it really meant alot for you to say that
Macattack64 said:
Yea it kinda wasted my time... just a bit so now I have to guess with it... and then I was hoping it would have the 86 as the full sized scale but it didn't have that either... :(

So now I have to redo and guess... so if this one isn't right I'll be making a 3rd one...

I just downloaded and want to start on them asap will you please let me know what you used to scale if they work? Good luck i hope the second set comes out right!
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Wow, I wasn't on today, and missed out on all the new models! geesh. This is incredible! Talk about getting the job done. Nice work 405th!
Skullcandy Girl said:
My pleasure Crackhead :) I'm glad ya ran with it and you've gotten better results and you got it done faster than I could have.

SKG, could we now edit a full set of pepakura models into the sticky, "Creating your armor with pep" with the new HD models to go alongside of the old JediFraz models, for the noobs?
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Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I think a sticky could be in order. We do/should organize the Mjolnir HD Halo 3 stuff into one thread. It's just a matter of getting permission from the Creators and organzing everything together, ie scaling crap, because even when you put the info RIGHT in someone's face, they ALWAYS miss something.
Skullcandy Girl said:
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I think a sticky could be in order. We do/should organize the Mjolnir HD Halo 3 stuff into one thread. It's just a matter of getting permission from the Creators and organzing everything together, ie scaling crap, because even when you put the info RIGHT in someone's face, they ALWAYS miss something.

I agree. It's not extremely simple. But it's something we can look into as models get unfolded and things start taking place. It would be something that i'd love to help organize into a thread though, if it ever happened, and i'm sure many others would too, after seeing this teamwork over the last couple days.
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