Hd Perm Models Starting Cqb Helmet Done

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I'll see what i can do but to be honest i think i purposely left that out because it would be easier to make a template out of cardbaord to get that detail remember curved edges are hard to make in pep
you might as well just leave it out... if people want it them they can add it themselves... anyways I already cut out a new one :p

All I have left is to glue it together
cool hopefully the scale goes the way you need it too right now im away from a printer so all i get to do is model and show us some pics and let us know how many centimeters you had to decrease to get teh correct height
yea :p once I put this thigh together I'll be ready to put together one of ur shins... I'm only been building one of each thing... :p
Those shins are really looking great. As far as detail, with the HD model, just extrude the main parts that need to be, and any small details can easily be corrected. It's hard to tell from your renders, but it looks like your definitly right on track
Hey crackhead, what program are you using again?
Doesn't it bug you that one sided polygons turned on? I can't model like that, I have to see everything.
Crackhead, I just finished a long day of building both thigh's to my specs, and I gotta say, GREAT work and THANKS. I've been waiting for a nice pair like these. SKG's were great too, but since I used Robo's original models, these were right up my alley.

Thanks again, your hard work is by no means going unappreciated.

thanks alot man :D that really made my morning after a really bad week of working non stop. if you could would you mind saying how much you had to change the hieght for the models and could you post pics
Awesome model's crackhead. Btw. How do you join faces in metaseqioua? Il definatley be using these when the time comes :)
what to get rid of the open edges? what i did was just redo the faces on the open edges granted it takes time but it works

and thanks for posting those pics man!

right now i'm unfolding the shins and trying to figure which one is the left and which is the right
crackhead09 said:
granted it takes time but it works

This whole project is an example of this. There's a thousand ways to do the same thing, and you may not know the fastest way, but the finished product doesn't show that. Awesome work.
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what do you think... I tried to make it smoother :p

I have a feeling that the shins will give me problems too with size...
You three are starting to become quite the team. ;)

Crackhead, your shins are looking sweet buddy! Nice work again. There's a few ways to close the open edges in Meta.

I find it hard to explain myself but check that tutorial I linked you to a while back. Failing that send me an email and I'll try my best to explain it. ;)
Thanks... It's fairly difficult to unfold these just because of the small lip on them...

I'm still trucking though... I got a rough one but I don't like the way it looks...

Also I figured it's about 2cm off from scale height achieved from Robo's Models...

This is how far I am right now... It's sized for 42.5 right now... and that's what I'm gonna use and see how it is after I'm done making my other thigh... I had it for 44.4 before this and I figure it out because one of the measurements should still match the 3... and I just matched it to get that
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