- Member DIN
- S2424
contact cements is very precision work. I've used it before but not in this way so i know that any mistake is a pain to correct.
Lol I did realize they are close in color to the Craft foam, But I will definitely still be painting it. I'm not sure which color scheme to go with, because in different lighting he appears as tan chrome and in others he appears as a light silver almost light blue silver color.
I looked up pictures and I see what you mean with the different colour's, but from what I can see the tan chrome is seen in some concept pictures or in photos on Sanghelios. I'd say go with the more silver colour with darker grey for the details, it appears to be the more constant colour and I personally think it looks better.
Dude your initial build looks great! In jest, I also curse you at the same time! No one that I had seen had done this armor yet and I was hoping to be the first!This will be my first build and I will definitely post here. But awesome work so far man! I only hope mine looks that good! I went as far as to purchase a Micro3D printer in order to cheat and print out some of the smaller parts.
Oh and btw, if you are interested, I looked at the foam build and while basic, it leaves out a ton of details. I took the original models from the archive and cleaned them up as if I was going to build them from paper. That was my original plan, but after seeing foam builds I'm going to go foam instead. Using the cleaned up models provides placement of the details and sunk in parts right on the cutouts.
I haven't fully laid them out in Pepakura, but I have the mqo files (metasequoia) that can be opened right in Pepakura designer, then you can dismantle and lay it out as you want.
Either way, look forward to seeing your build and working my own!![]()
One of my friends has a kickass Buck suit, I can show you if you want
But enough taking away from your thunder, I love the way you've done this, I tried to make Buck and I looked at the templates and thought nah xD
Here it is - https://www.facebook.com/OmnisCosplay/?fref=ts
Are you going for Buck or just Helljumper?
I'm still working on cleaning up the chest, but have completed cleaning up and sizing the forearm piece. The screenshot is a cleanup of the model from the archive, taking away duplicate faces and so on so pepakura won't complain.
View attachment 33702
vivalablake89, I'm very very very impressed by your foamwork. You make it so detailed and clean.
Gralt - I will love you and praise you forever. I was secretly SO HOPING for a Helljumper chest piece for Pepakura and what you're doing - it looks beyond beautiful.