Hell Jumper Foam Armor (Spartan Buck)

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It looks like some predatory bird. Very cool looking. Your suit is going to be killer.

Haha That's what I thought at first too lol, I still need to dremel down some edges to give it a smoothed over surface on some corners, I think it will look less bird like after that (fingers crossed).
Wow thank you so much! I was following your Palmer build for awhile, speaking of so detailed and clean and that battle damage freakin amazing!!! Anyways this comment made my day :D, Thanks Spartan!

You're very welcome. I've been stalking your thread and drooling how awesome your Helljumper chest is, just never had time to comment.
AWESOME work, seriously. I can't to see more and you're working so fast!

- Palmer
vivalablake89, I'm very very very impressed by your foamwork. You make it so detailed and clean.
Gralt - I will love you and praise you forever. I was secretly SO HOPING for a Helljumper chest piece for Pepakura and what you're doing - it looks beyond beautiful.

Thanks for the props guys! Took quite a while to clean that up. Blake, your build is looking fantastic and I only hope my looks half as good. Palmer...all I can say is WOW!

I have set it aside for now to focus on something smaller. Since this is my very first foam armor build I figured to start small and get my methods refined. As such I started a post to track my progress. Check it out if you like! :D

Not a problem! I was searching forums because I knew those loops looked familiar. Then my roommate happened to see it and instantly told me what they were! lol
Update Time!: So sorry for slacking this weekend guys was really busy doing a con weekend. Also had the honor of hosting my own panel on foam armor!

Anyways since I had to make up for the lack of work this weekend, I came home last night and got straight to work! I was able to work on a lot of the details that where skipped over from the last time and still have some more to work on the front, but I was able to produce the little hinges that seem to sit everywhere on the back of above the thruster. As well as the clip/ buckle that sits in the center.
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Also installed the Jets in, was originally going to do it like Dirtdives and add PVC components, but it turned out to be a little more difficult then I first anticipated so I went with foam my one a true love.
photo 4 (1).JPG

Finally topped it off with some dremmel details and finally attached the front to the back, did a test fit it seemed to fit perfectly. Still want to wait to finish the sides and the abs before I show off a test fit with me in it ;).
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Hoping to at least get the side plates and strap done tonight, so keep eye out for tomorrow's post!
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THE DETAIL MAN, SO GOOD!!!!!! Fantastic work once again! This suit is going to look sooo awesome!!! *trying super hard not to fangirl*

And congrats on doing the panel at that con! I only wish I could have been there....but unfortunately Dirtdives has a wall keeping me from entering your country.


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LMAO Schankerz thanks! And yeah I read about that somewhere on his centurion build :lol, don't worry soon I'll come up to you guys always wanted to do a Canadian con. Just have to wait till that winter of yours is over lol. Last time I went to Montreal in December, never been so cold in my life!
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LMAO Schankerz thanks! And yeah I read about that somewhere on his centurion build :lol, don't worry soon I'll come up to you guys always wanted to do a Canadian con. Just have to wait till that winter of yours is over lol. Last time I went to Montreal in December, never been so cold in my life!

XD We're just starting to get full on winter where I live, we had winds up too 30 km/h yesterday. If you don't like cold now definitely isn't the time to visit. But if you are thinking about coming to a Canadian con I'd suggest going to Toronto Fan Expo in September, it's one of the biggest ones and usually has pretty warm weather, at least by our standards. :lol
That is correct. No Schankerz allowed. And please watch your language. Even if you are editing it....got to keep it clean.

vivalablake89 Your use of the craft foam is fantastic. I never would have thought to use so much to create so much detail. It gives the armor a different look w/ the new seam-lines and larger armor sections. It's going to be killer. Which con was this? I don't think I had any listed for NJ this month. Also I think it's time to get you in to the regiment.
Schankerz and Dirtdives your banter never seems to disappoint me :lol.

Also It was New Jersey Comic Expo, it was pretty good not too big not too small (that's what she said)... But yeah dude I would love to join the Regiment, I just wish that there was more of a presence here in NJ/NY.
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I apologize if I missed this earlier in the thread. How do you plan on creating the undersuit for your build?

That is a good question, because I have absolutely no idea, I'm no good when it comes to sewing and my wife is just starting to really get into it, but has her hands full with other things. I really do need to teach myself in the soft parts department. Any suggestion? I've seen this guy Gabe from Lost Vikings props and his under suit for his Mark V custom is by far my favorite, but I haven't seen any threads on it...
My first build is easy, I am just buying the undersuit from Zentai with the pattern printed on it and adding foam to it. I think they do custom prints to so as long as you supply them with a pattern to work with, they can print and sew it together (dont quote me on this). If they dont for my second build I am going to do what CommanderPalmer did on her suit and just buy a black morph suit and paint it. I have been thinking of doubling up the suit layers and put some 3mm craft foam between the layers to give it some depth and dimensions but I have not tried it yet. Well, those are my ideas for my builds, hopefully it can give you some inspiration for yours.
I have been waiting for this build to happen somewhere on here. So far i like what i have read and all. Hope to see more developing. Going to sub this thread to watch this like a hawk.
So I was able to get some work done before the craziness of the holidays begin last night, also my work gave me off this Friday so hopefully I can get this piece finished this weekend. So I was able to complete the sides and the that front plate.
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The Details where really difficult because of all these little pieces, I have to figure out a better system to work with those and get the adhesive on them without getting it all over my hand. Finished off everything with the dremmel and carved in some details, Had to have it on low setting last night "didn't want to wake the neighbors" but it took forever...
photo 1.JPGphoto 1 (1).JPG

And i finally assembled everything and was finally able to test fit it on myself, and good news it fits like a glove. I was really relieved by that because it seemed pretty small when i first started building it, had to put the last test fit on the mannequin because it was the only thing that was able to hold on to the tape with the center ab plate.

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I will definitly be fabricating more on the abs, I'm going to have to do it from scratch and thinking of assembling it with nylon straps so it hangs from the front chest piece and gives me mobility at the same time I believe Gralt is making a file for the Cod and other pieces, which I will be going with for the rest of the build. You guys should definitely go check him out and his awesome thread on the subject http://www.405th.com/showthread.php?t=48432 . Also I realize the the op piece and the area's around the neck isn't done either don't worry I have plans for that, If I cant fabricate it I will try my best to resize Gralt file to fit it and try and make it work. That's it for now guys, Hopefully I'll have more updates this weekend!
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