King Ramna
Jr Member
I do have a problem w/ my setup. I can only run 2 Led's. If I add another the lights will become dim. I have it running in series.
Can connect all 4 LEDs to your 9V battery. A single 9V can power around 30 LEDs. I've done this, however each LED does need it's own resister, I used 500 ohm.I will give it a try, i hate using 2 9v for 4 led's. I can use the other for a fan or voice changer.
I'm about toHave you ever messed around with Arduino circuit board stuff?
Wait you need a resistor for each of those values? Or you can only find those values?alright again noob question I m try to make a notebook on everything so whenever I need I can go back and look at the list ok i looked at all kinds of LED but not sure how you figure what Resistor match that what not. so far I find is those kind Led
300 -
1000 -
1200 -
1300 -
1500 -
1600 -
2000 -
2400 -
2500 -
3000 -
3200 -
3500 -
4000 -
4500 -
4600 -
5000 -
5600 -
6000 -
7000 -
7500 -
8000 -
9000 -
10000 -
12000 -
13000 -
15000 -
18000 -
Or ya could teach me how to figure it out in easy way so I dont have to come back and bug ya and feel stupidThank you so much again.
Or ya could teach me how to figure it out in easy way so I dont have to come back and bug ya and feel stupidThank you so much again.
ok I think i got it. but question now is lol how do you know how many volt is in those aaa and aa and d and c? of course 9v is easy since its 9 lol :/ and thank you so much for lesson
this thread is awesome... sorry i have to say it. i have learned more about the led here than anywhere and discovered i did my leds wrong and surprised they are working at all. thank you thatdecade this has broken it down in a way i understand and can figure out. i never could wrap my feeble mind around the math.