Hey look, another ODST. (WIP) (Pic heavy)

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Thanks guys! Hopefully my armor will be fully finished by then end of the month. Also, I have to re pep the MA5C. I filled it with rondo, and leaned it against a box to harden, and it warped beyond repair. I do really want the AR though, so I edited the unfold and I just started cutting it out.
wow man this is fantastic and love the zombified odst =D looks great so far man, keep up the fantastic work =D
More updates!

First, the legs are done!

Sadly, I have a Halloween party to go to tomorrow, and I haven't had time to finish the gauntlets. I tried really hard today, but I didn't want to rush it and end up with crappy work, only to have to go back and fix them. So, I'm just not wearing gauntlets!

Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have at least one gauntlet. Enjoy!


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I'm a little slow to the draw, but no gauntlets and only one shoulder pad and you could say you're a recon ODST, and therefore need to be lighter on your feet, haha! Otherwise, awesome work man, I hope my MkV build ends up at least half as great as your ODST!
You have some really awesome work going here, I love the amount of detail that you're put into it so far.
Thanks guys!

Kyre- I do have both shoulders. The other one is Mickey's CQC shoulder, there are pictures of it somewhere in my thread.

Thorn- I've been trying to put a lot of detail into it, that's why I didn't want to rush the gauntlets.

There's the medical reference badge. GIMPs scaling is weird, so I scaled and printed it in word. Have fun with it.[/QUOTE] you do realize that your supposed to have ur blood type on there and the barcode is for the meds so they can pull up ur file in battle so the blood type on the patch is o negative


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I'm I know that, I'm not sure what you're trying to point out though. That its a fake bar code or that I just have 'O-' on there already. I did that because I don't know my blood type, so I just picked on at random.
I'm I know that, I'm not sure what you're trying to point out though. That its a fake bar code or that I just have 'O-' on there already. I did that because I don't know my blood type, so I just picked on at random.

The quote is irrelevant, I just quoted it to get your attention. Now, to my question. the ODST is not a standard visor. I want to start ann ODST build but I want to be prepared, so, I guess my question is, where the hell did you get a visor like that?
You didn't have to quote for my attention, I read all my comments :p

To the question, I vacuum formed my visor. Its cheap and incredibly easy, I just followed this video tutorial to make the former. For the mold, I cut out the visor from the helmet, sanded it very smooth, and build up the edges for attachment points. If you do it, make sure the mold is smooth, any marks and dents will show up in the visor. I tinted it with a transparent blue spray paint.
You didn't have to quote for my attention, I read all my comments :p

To the question, I vacuum formed my visor. Its cheap and incredibly easy, I just followed this video tutorial to make the former. For the mold, I cut out the visor from the helmet, sanded it very smooth, and build up the edges for attachment points. If you do it, make sure the mold is smooth, any marks and dents will show up in the visor. I tinted it with a transparent blue spray paint.

Seems easy enough. Thanks!
Wow this was a great thread, just finished reading thru all of it. You sir have mad skills and you have me at awe. Great inspiration for those of us just starting, thanks for sharing. :)
Thanks man, it really motivates me too when I hear that other people like my stuff.

Also, I wore this on Halloween. In the rain. I wasn't gonna do it at first, but I tried it... and well... its water proof! Im really glad to find out I no longer have to worry about the rain!
i love the suit man but i say this in almost every post idk what the chest pl8s are made outta in the game, if its supposed to look like metal then ur chips or scraps need to be done in silver or steel, it just way more real that way, even if there is a white under coat on the metal ur still gonna see the original color to the peace, which is the natural metal color....id also spray the chest peace itself with some flat, armor thats been in combat has very little shine to it.... i'm just saying thats what i'd do... but thats me, still looks fantastic.......

how old are you by the way??
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