Hey look, another ODST. (WIP) (Pic heavy)

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Alright! I'm really pressing to have my armor done for next weekend. There is a reason for it, but it's secret until I finish my armor. Now, I've done a lot of sanding and rondoing the past few days, and here is the first result:


The knee! I know it doesn't seem like much, but the thigh is also being painted right now, so by around 9:30 - 10:00, I'll have another picture. Plus, the strapping is already in place, I just have to glue it down when the paint dries.

So to all who have been following my build, hopefully you'll see it finished by next week. (college allowing)

Edit: As promised, here is the thigh:


After school tomorrow, I will mount it to the straps, which are already in place, I just have to glue.


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Hey man, alls I gotta say is your suit is AWESOME!!!! I hope mine gets to look that awesome when finished! Question: where did you get the pep file for the assault rifle? Ive been looking for the file for ages and can never seem to find it... Any help would go a long way!
Once again, great job on the armour! :D
Thanks man! The assault rifle is in the all-in-one pep pack, and its by nugget. It really is a great file, and its not too difficult.
Did you use the Hugh ODST helmet? If so did you have to scale it at all? I'm a tad worried pepping the helmet because I've got a larger head.
hey nice job bro and if you are looking for a backpack i have dutches which is just an up armored vesion of rookies i am working on putting that file up so ill shoot it out to you when i get the chance. keep u the good work bro!

Scar 405
hey ive got dutch's back pach it's not that different than rookie's ill shoot you out the file as soon as i can keep up the good work
Thanks man. I've been debating whether or not to do the backpack. I would like to have one, it just depends if I have the time or not.
Depending on the backpack that you're looking for, and depending on your funds, don't forget about Sean Bradley's vacuum-formed kits that he sells.

The Rookie's is my favorite. Unfortunately, I just started college, and my money at any given point in next to zero. Plus I do like building my own stuff. And if I do buy anything for my armor, I would kill for a pair of Sean's ODST gloves.
ok im just going to warn you the backpack file printout for the pep file can be frustrating but it is definitively worth having i have modified my backpack so that i can actually store stuff in it it has like 2 layers of fiberglass in both the inside and outside and i lined the outside with one layer of bondo and lined the inside with padding so that i can put some CO2 canisters in either side of the backpack for use in competitive paintball wars. it looks and works well but the top has hinges in it so i can actually get in there as well as a zipper so make sure branches and stuff dont get in there. im sorry that i dont have any pics nd i would post them if i had knew how haha something about the photo having an http:/ in it but i will get the file to you asap good luck!
Well thank you. You don't have to rush too much though, I really want to finish my main armor first, then I can move to accessories. With college, I've been able to do like a piece a week.
yea i understand completely im in high school right now its hectic but i agree get what u have done before you move on
My visor is vacuum formed. The vacuum former is very easy and cheap to make, if you already have a shop vac. The mold itself is made from the visor cut-out in the helmet.

If you are interested in making a vacuum former, there is a video on youtube. I think I already posted the link somewhere in my thread. (Sorry, I don't have the link right now.)
After days of work, and an entire day of painting, I have a shin!

Check it out:

This thing was a lot of work, but it looks beautiful. Its hard to see, but there are two different grays, and a few black spots, they just blend together well. Also, I have black and brow on it for wear and dirt, it just doesn't show up well in the picture.

And I repainted the knee to match. Enjoy!


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Prepare to have your minds blown!

Today was the Pittsburgh Zombie Fest, which means there were a few thousand people in downtown Pittsburgh dresses as Zombies. We set the record for most zombies in one place. Again. So why do I post this here?

Well, I really wanted to wear my armor to Zombie Fest, but it wasn't done. However, I didn't let that stop me, I just tore of my sleeves and pants, and bloodied them up. This was the glorious result:




If anyone has been following my thread, the may remember the burned visor I posted, well, I finally used it!

Also, oddly enough, I wasn't the only 405th member there. Sadly, I forgot my camera in my car, so I only have one picture I got for a friend. (That's also the reason all the pictures are in my house.)

So here is our other members representing the undead:

Hope you guys like!

(I can get more pics later once I get them from my friends)


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