Hey look, another ODST. (WIP) (Pic heavy)

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Most of my armor is Hugh's, but the helmet is actually Kirrou's. If you use it, it is left at it's default scale.
Your suit is super amazing. I love all the detail your putting into it. I'm about to start my ma5c too printed it out the other day, hope i can even come close to the pep job you did on yours.

I wouldn't be too impressed with the assault rifle, it is my first weapon pep, and there are quite a few things I messed up on. I'm hoping I can still make it turn out nice, but I'll have to see.
little late but here is the med patch I used on my build


large size in link
Sorry for no updates guys, I'm on vacation in japan until Friday.

I'm not actually doing a Mickey build, I'm going for custom armor, so I want to stick with an assault rifle.

Shadar- thanks for thE patch, but I already made one, and I've posted it here on a previous page.
What did you scale your chest core to? i was thinking about -10% for me and i was wondering what others are doing as well.
Actually, Dutch's armor is orange, Mickey's is red. But the helmet already has a red stripe down the middle.
First off, outstanding scaling job; Proportions are some of the best I've ever seen, especially for your size.

Secondly, have you had experience with this work before? Seems really good for being in the noob forum, which is why I haven't seen this thread before. The matte black and drybrush are spot-on, what'd you use for paint?

Finally, how was it working with Kirrou's helmet build? I've been pepping mostly his stuff with some of Hugh's thrown in. The bondo job looks movie-quality on that thing!
Thanks so much!

I have done any of this before, especially something of this scale. I just love to do it and I pick up on these kind of things really easily. That's why I'm going to college for it, which I start at the end of the month.

The paint is just various types of spray paint.

The helmet wasnt too bad, but there is a lot of bondo on top to smooth it. I just made sure to go slow with it.
This looks auesome! thanks for posting the pdo for mickeys shoulder, im not working on an odst costume but I assure you it will find a good home. One reacuring problem seems to be the medical reference on the shoulder, I found this a year or two ago and i belive it would add authenticity to the armor


I know its been a month since my last armor update, but I have something special today. My first video update! I figured it would be easier, because I painted almost everything with an airbrush. This way I don't have to post individual pictures.

I may be slowed down a bit with the start of college, but I will finish by Halloween. Also:

The sunrise over Fuji. I hiked Fuji while I was in Japan two weeks ago. I just felt like I need to share this picture.


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Alright, this is it. The very last piece of armor that needed pepped is done. Anything pepped after this is either a weapon, an add on (like a knife), or something totally different.

Ready? Here it is:

So, all I have to do is resin this, and smooth the last few pieces. If I have the time, I can do it in three or four weeks. I really want this done by Halloween, and its easily achievable now.


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