Hey look, another ODST. (WIP) (Pic heavy)

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I praise thee!! You, my friend are great at what you do, and i hope you keep on truckin'. I like the worn/battle damaged look on the armor. :)
nice paint ob on the thigh i did the same thing but lighter color since i went the halo 3 paint job. but looking good man.

The paint is actually a little lighter than it looks, it was just dark in the room when I took the picture.

I praise thee!! You, my friend are great at what you do, and i hope you keep on truckin'. I like the worn/battle damaged look on the armor. :)

Never fear, there isn't too much left, and victory is in my sights, I can't give up now!
Thanks guys!

I started working on it half way into last summer. I started slowly, with the chest plate, then the helmet, because I wasn't sure I was going to do a full set of armor, but over the winter I figured it was worth it. I defiantly is, too.
dude!!! i want you to be my master!!! please let me be your apprentice!! lol jk. awesome work on every piece of armor my friend!!!
I didn't mean to drop off the grid for the past two weeks, but I have a surprise! I only have one gauntlet to pep and I done with all the armor (pep wise), so, to celebrate, I decided to start my next project.


The ma5c! There are a few seams that need to be glued, but its done, more or less.

The gauntlet is more than half way cut out, so it not like I just gave up, I just wanted to try something a little different.

Hope you like.


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I don't normally like ODST armour (not sure why), but you have actually changed my whole perspective on ODST armour. This is seriously amazing!
looking damn good. keep it up so u need a thigh and the gauntlets it looks like cant wait to see if finished. and nice AR build......
Thanks guys! You've no idea how good it makes me feel when people like my stuff!

Spartan-005 - Correct, just one thigh, the gauntlets and the shins. The left gauntlet is the only thing left to pep, and its just smoothing from there.
Dang man this looks realy good like one of these guys before me i never realy liked ODST armor but now i changed my mind Oh by the way what kind of air brush did you use?
Wow, thanks for bringing back my thread guys, I was actually going to post updates tomorrow though. It has been a few week since major work has been done, but I've been doing small work, like pepping the last gauntlet, and doing the helmet fans. I just finished the fan wires all of ten minutes ago, so I'll post the system tomorrow.

Iron- Thank you! Actually, I'm starting college for technical theater in August, and I have a costuming course my first semester.

Zero- Thanks, I'm glad I changed your mind about the troopers! Actually I'm not using an airbrush, just spray paint. I would really like to buy one, but I don't have the money for it right now.
I know this is a few days later than I promised, but I've been a bit busy. Sorry for the lack of updates this month guys, but I haven't stopped, I've just been doing relatively small things not worth posting.

But, I have finally done the helmet fans. Check it out:

The biggest problem with these is the fact that they are 12 volt fans, so I have to use a 12 volt battery. The battery itself is about as wide as a AAA, but is shorter, so I had to make my own holder. That's whats inside the wood cylinder. If anyone wants to see how I did it, I can post the pictures of all the steps I used. Pluse, the same style holder can be used for any type of battery.


  • odst__helmet_fans_by_jimmydamoose-d41rsif.jpg
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nice nice man i had to throw a fan in mine the after the first day of con fogged up to bad an dnow need one more or maybe just run the 12 volts i need not 9v. that seems to be a bt much foa you might cook even more with all that n there. cant wait to see it all done.....
Is that the helm from hughs odst set, if so what did you scale it to. i dont know if i should leave it the same or reduce it by 10%
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