Skullcandy Girl
Well-Known Member
Oh yes one view is a pain in the heiny, though it still looks AWESOME
The Helghast designs are dope!
Just wanted to note that today is a great day. The company I work for informed me that the DoD has officially determined (after five months) that I am not a threat to national security, whew.
Man, it's been like a roller coaster with this stuff since before the holidays. At least it's over now and I can start planning ahead for my girlfriend and I.
Worrying about your career really makes projects like this difficult to finish.
Oh yes one view is a pain in the heiny, though it still looks AWESOMEThe Helghast designs are dope!
I hear you there; your not processing with CBP right now are you? (or possibly already in and finishing up your security clearance?)
If so that's awesome! I'm finishing my medical clearance for DoD with CBP. Hoping in the next weeks I find out if I ship out for training.
ok so i made one thight and the outer bottom was abit tight so i made it bigger but over al the files work for me great im starting the dutch helm soon and im addding extra HD to it
I cant remember his name, but ive been in LOVE with that helghast FOREVER, hugh, i am at your service ;~;
Go have a sandwich. Great work.I haven't eaten.
ok i finished the helm and its the best pep helm ever it's strong wel built very clean smooth and got alot of room inside and when i add the extra hd to the dutch its going to be epic ill be posting pics soon in my thread thanks again hugh for everything and im waiting for your mail man
PLEASE let me know the price for one of the babies when they are casted!
By the way, I have a question.
Are the boot pieces are ambidextrous? I stared at the model for 5 mintues try to see if it is, but maybe the modeler himself can tell me.
Just curious on why you went with a 2 part mold...
Hey Pony,
Thanks! And yes the boot covers will work for both feet. I tried to make certain parts work for both sides in case anyone wanted to cast them down the road to streamline their build. Parts like the thighs, obviously require two separate builds