Introduce Yourself - The Sequel!

Hello All! Our former Introduce Yourself thread has grown to a massive 421 pages so it is time to lock that one down and start fresh!

First of all - welcome to all of our new family! We want to know all about you, but let's start with these few questions!

First Name: Tucker
Profession: Student:
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: Mini Painting
Favorite part of Halo: Every Campaine
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach
Favorite Video Game: Titanfall 2
Other Interests:
Favorite Food: Bannana Bread
Favorite Band: The Midnight
Favorite Movie(s):
What do you hope to learn here?: How to make my own spartan armor
Have you built/made a costume before?: nope
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
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First Name: Jonathan
Profession? Apprentice Baker
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: Reading, gaming and a bit of baking (mainly breads)
Favorite part of Halo: hands down all the armour as well as helmets
Favorite Halo: Halo 3
Favorite Video Game: Call of duty BO2 or Minecraft
Other Interests: looking after a needy chihuahua and riding my bike around town
Favorite Food: brisket and jalapeño pie
Favorite Band: Coldplay
Favorite Movie(s): Matrix 1-3 and Starwars 1-6
What do you hope to learn here?: I would love to learn how to make my own custom armour and how to use foam or 3D software to at least print something
Have you built/made a costume before?: from scratch, no but I have repainted an existing costume
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: a few local ones on Facebook
Other: just like to do say thank you to everyone, especially those I met at Comic-Con and around the place that helped me find the 405th.
welcome to the 405th glad you are here
Well its been about 10 years since i was last here and attempting something.
Thanks to a member i meet part of the Drunken Spartans in VR that spark has been ignited again.
So here we are re-introducing myself and to begin a new.
"We all make mistakes. It's what makes us human.” -Master Chief

First Name: DILLON

Profession? Student?: WAREHOUSE MANAGER

Age: 31



Favorite Halo: REACH

Favorite Video Game: HALO: REACH / TITANFALL 2

Other Interests: ARMOR BUILDING


Favorite Band: IRON MAIDEN

Favorite Movie(s): 13TH WARRIOR


Have you built/made a costume before?: YES BUT NOT FINISHED ANY HALO ONE'S

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: COSPLAY NATION

First Name: Delta
Profession?: Unsure on a genuine profession, but I work in tropical plant care.
Age: 20 this month
Favorite Hobby: Prop painting or 2d/3d art!
Favorite part of Halo: I'd say playing multiplayer halo 3. It introduced me to the series with a buddy and got me hooked!
Favorite Halo: Either Reach or 3.
Favorite Video Game: Halo series, Destiny 2, or XCOM
Other Interests: I create avatars for vrc users, or blender avatars for renders and such.
Favorite Food: Oddly enough, salted watermelon.
Favorite Band: ACDC or Africa.
Favorite Movie(s): Tron Legacy
What do you hope to learn here?: I hope to learn more about building and painting high quality props and suits. Ones that are durable and hold up with time, and are of high quality. I also really enjoy weathering with a purpose. Telling a story with how the scratches form, or how often a certain part of the armor is touched.

Have you built/made a costume before?: Never a full costume. Just a helmet and a couple prop firearms.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Not to my knowledge. I dappled within the starwars community, but never enough to build a full fledged cosplay.
Other: Wisconsin dweller. Can't seem to find many locals around eau Claire, but would love to find other cosplayers and 405th members to discuss props with.

First Name: Carrie
Profession: Investigator
Age: 45
Favorite Hobby: Video gaming
Favorite part of Halo: The story
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Other Interests: Crafting, reading, spending time with the family, and learning.
Favorite Food: Depends on my mood. I love food!
Favorite Band: Depends on the mood here too! Just about anything suits me.
Favorite Movie(s): I have many!
What do you hope to learn here?: Creating an amazing spartan!
Have you built/made a costume before?: I've made simple costumes for Halloween and such but nothing elaborate.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: I do not.
Other: I currently live in Southwest Missouri. I love gaming with the husband. We are currently in the middle of a gaming room remodel that is Halo themed. I started playing Halo when it first came out. We would have LAN parties and I miss those days. My husband is retired USAF so we took a break from gaming to travel all over Europe while he was stationed there. I was pretty rusty with FPS (still am) but I started playing again last year. I went to my first comincon in March of last year and fell in love with the community. I discovered the 405th at Planet Comicon KC last month. I look forward to being part of such an amazing group of people! The photo is of me at the 405th booth at Planet Comicon.


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Just realized that I haven't done this yet! Oops!

First Name: Jaden
Profession? Student?: Student
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Cosplay
Favorite part of Halo: The Armor
Favorite Halo: Reach!!
Favorite Video Game: Squad or Valorant
Other Interests: Piano, TV Shows, Video Games
Favorite Food: Mac and Cheese
Favorite Band: Surfaces
Favorite Movie(s): Everything Everywhere All at Once
What do you hope to learn here?: How to make a dope undersuit
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes!
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope!
Other: I cant burp audibly
Hey hey, been a few years, and now the process of actually starting a costume finally began. Gotta hit that deadline for at least Galaxy Con in December, if not sooner for Dragon Con.

First Name: Nico
Profession? Student?: Chef
Age: 30
Favorite Hobby: Cosplay with friends/groups
Favorite part of Halo: The novels
Favorite Halo: Reach for games, Kilo-Five trilogy for books
Favorite Video Game: Star Wars Battlefront II 2005
Other Interests: Cooking, reading, prop work, needlessly organizing stuff on the computer to pass the time on hyperfixations.
Favorite Food: Chicken Katsudon
Favorite Band: Ghost
Favorite Movie(s): Empire Strikes Back
What do you hope to learn here?: How to best assemble my own odst costume
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes, been cosplaying since 2010, tho mostly mandalorian armor.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Yes, couple Star wars costume clubs; Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club and Rebel Legion
Other: Gotta finish my armor to impress my Drop Partner / Con Crush this year.


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Hey there all!

First Name: Collin
Profession: Military
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: Besides gaming, 3D printing
Favorite part of Halo: Halo 2, the ODST drop onto Delta Halo/Halo 3: ODST intro/Halo 3: ODST promotional live-action trailer
Favorite Halo: Halo 2
Favorite Video Game: Witcher 3
Other Interests: 3D printing, sci-fi and fantasy movies/shows, casual gunpla, random documentaries
Favorite Food: Pizza, pepperoni and jalapenos
Favorite Band: Couldn't possibly pick one, I usually listen to single songs or a handful of songs from a variety of bands instead of specific bands. As far as genres go,
Favorite Movie(s): Lord of the Rings trilogy, Ocean's trilogy, Star Wars, etc.
What do you hope to learn here?: Tips and tricks with 3D printing, costume assembly, painting, strapping, etc. Anything, really!
Have you built/made a costume before?: Not really, I cosplayed as Ghost from Call of Duty Modern Warfare at Dragoncon 2022 which was my first time cosplaying but didn't have to make any pieces by hand. Working on an ODST right now so it'll be my first actual crafted costume.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: N/A
Other: Glad to meet you all, hope to start documenting my ODST build and sharing my experience/gathering advice!

First Name: Caeden
Profession? Student?: Student
Age: 15
Favorite Hobby: Building stuff
Favorite part of Halo: The last mission of Halo Reach
Favorite Halo: Either 3 ODST or Reach
Favorite Video Game: Hollow Knight
Other Interests: 3d printing, baking, reading, and blasting my friends with nerf guns
Favorite Food: Basically anything
Favorite Band: I don't really listen to much music, but I like 80's rock when it's on the radio
Favorite Movie(s): The Lord of the rings trilogy and The Hobbit movies
What do you hope to learn here?: Basically anything there is to know about halo cosplaying, and just cosplay in general
Have you built/made a costume before?: No, but I have started on an ODST build.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope.
Other: I met some of you guys at Planet Comicon KC this year, and they were super nice and helpful in answering questions, so just wanted to say thank you to them in case they read this.

(Photo of me at the 405th booth at Planet Comicon)


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Evening lads. I have had this account for a while now, predating 2021 (just based on a mail from the 405th I still have from that year) but only starting to get active now. Back then, I made an account, grabbed a bunch of 3d files and vanished. I have been pretty active on the discord, but never really contributed anything so far. But I really got into building again lately so I decided to ramp up my presence, planning to make a thread on my upcoming build.

First Name: Alex
Age: 18
(I don't really like picking favourites but here we go)
Favorite Hobby: I like hiking and being outside, however that doesn't mean I'm doing it a lot, sadly.
Favorite part of Halo: The part where you shoot aliens?
Favorite Halo: Probably have to hand it to Halo 3.
Favorite Video Game: Hill contested between The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Halo 3. But other games aren't much behind on the scoreboard.
Other Interests: Mini painting, cooking, basic design and 3d modeling. Music. Trying to destroy the environmet as little as possible.
Favorite Food: If cheese is involved, it has good chances that I like it.
Favorite Band: yeah, no, I listen to too much different genres and artists to be able to name a favourite here.
Favorite Movie(s): Not much of a movie person, but I like Ghibli Movies a lot (then again, who doesn't)
What do you hope to learn here?: I do think that I know enough to make a cosplay suit, however you are never done learning. Hoping to be able to learn little tricks and other stuff that builds on the foundations of working with 3d printed armor pieces. Also, Vacuumforimng and tinting a visor is still my main concern for my build.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Let's say, I tried. I have a small Phase 2 Clone Trooper helmet, and ODST helmet in my room which is over the priming stage and only needs coloring, as well as a finished M6C SOCOM and a M7S in pieces, all in various stages of finishing. However the ODST Helmet and M6C are, while technically done, not exactly pretty. In case of the helmet, it was badly assembled, and the seams and certain parts sanded VERY poorly. The Phase 2 Helmet, I don't really want to talk about. It was my first attempt at reworking a 3d print and it shows.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? Currently not.
Other: Feel free to ask me anything that didn't got answered for you.
First Name: Jared
Profession?: Full time Delivery Truck Driver
Age: 24
Fav Hobby: Photography / Gaming
Fav part of Halo: I'd say the bulk of the Reach Game, or some of the books I've read
Fav Halo game: Reach since I haven't played any others yet
Fav video game: either DCS World or MSFS
Other Interests: Trying to learn mechanical work so i can work on my pickup truck

Fav food: Pasta
Fav band: Most any country band
Fav movie: Avatar, and that Halo mini series released a few years ago, Fallen unto Dawn i think
Hope to learn: More skills on how to build dope costumes
made or built another before: Made a Jawa costume
Any other costume communities: 4 year memeber of the 501st legion, Canadian Garrison
Hello All! Our former Introduce Yourself thread has grown to a massive 421 pages so it is time to lock that one down and start fresh!

First of all - welcome to all of our new family! We want to know all about you, but let's start with these few questions!

First Name:
Profession? Student?:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite part of Halo:
Favorite Halo:
Favorite Video Game:
Other Interests:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Band:
Favorite Movie(s):
What do you hope to learn here?:
Have you built/made a costume before?:
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
Was shown this group after attending Megacon back in 2022 and meeting some of the other members. I saw them again this year and it's motivated me on updating my ODST armor along with building a new Mark VI armor for maybe next year.

First Name: Austin
Profession? Student?: IT Support Analyst
Age: 27
Favorite Hobby: 3d Printing/Painting Prop
Favorite part of Halo: Staying up late playing custom games on Halo 3
Favorite Halo: Halo 3: ODST
Favorite Video Game: Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
Other Interests: Working on cars and working out
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Band: I don't have a favorite as it always changes but I'm always down for TOTO
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars (1-6), Shrek
What do you hope to learn here?: I'd like to learn more about little details and weathering. Some tips on 3d printing armor and maybe trying out a hybrid of eva foam and 3d printing together.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes, just the armor pieces for Halo 3 ODST but want to add more details under it.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No, first place I am joining as I mainly want to do Halo cosplay!
First Name: Pascal
Profession? Student?: Working as an pharmaceutical technician
Age: 30
Favorite Hobby: Airsoft, Cosplay, Reenactment
Favorite part of Halo: Driving arround with the warthog
Favorite Halo: HALO Reach
Favorite Video Game: Too many to say.
Other Interests:
Favorite Food: a good selfmade Hamburger
Favorite Band: FFDP, Sabaton
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars, John Wick, Avatar
What do you hope to learn here?: I hope to learn about all the differentes from all of the others, if they get a personal note on there armour.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Didnt built one yet only some small stuff adding and repairing
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: nope
Other: I have my own cosplay site on FB( SilverFox Cosplay) nothing special. Its only to share, what iam working on, what pictures i made on an Convention and the pictures that are taken from me on an Convention.
First Name: Colin
Profession? Student?: Student
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Airsoft
Favorite part of Halo: Armor, Helmets, lore
Favorite Halo: Halo Wars 2
Favorite Video Game: City Skylines
Other Interests: Politics
Favorite Food: In n Out Burger
Favorite Band: Daft Punk
Favorite Movie(s): Any of the James Bond films
What do you hope to learn here?: How to custom 3d print my own armor
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
First Name: Josiah
Profession? Student?: I am a student but learning a lot about videography/photography, prop making, and Paleontology
Age: I am currently 15 about to be 16 on June 22 though
Favorite Hobby: I love learning about paleontology and also trying out this replica making
Favorite part of Halo: I love the designs and artstyles
Favorite Halo: I loved Halo infinite though next one in line would definitely be Halo reach
Favorite Video Game: don't currently have one
Other Interests: I study Photography/Videography, and Paleontology so if you ever want to know about dinosaurs then don't be afraid to ask I have too much knowledge on that subject
Favorite Food: I like chilequeles but wouldn't say they are my favorite considering there are so many good options
Favorite Band: Don't listen to a whole lot of music so I can't say
Favorite Movie(s): I love the Avatar series and the Jurassic Franchise even if they are inaccurate
What do you hope to learn here?: I'd like to know everything there is about making armor and replicas even if I don't actually do it
Have you built/made a costume before?: I have not yet.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope not currently
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Hello All!

First Name: Tommy
Profession: I help make people smell good...
Age: 47
Favorite Hobby: Used to be playing bass drum for a bagpipe band but now I really enjoy 3D printing.
Favorite part of Halo: The Armor and Helmets
Favorite Halo: Hazop
Favorite Video Game: Don't have a fave.
Other Interests: I love cooking, making "legal" shine, being a dad to an awesome little girl
Favorite Food: BBQ
Favorite Band: Don't have just one favorite...but Blink 182, Limp Bizkit, Brian Setzer Orchestra, Beatles
Favorite Movie(s): Raiders of the Lost Ark, Gladiator
What do you hope to learn here?: How to make my Halo Character bad a$$
Have you built/made a costume before?: I've made small stuff with my printer, but I'm ready to take on a new challenge. Currently I'm making a Buzz Lightyear mashup
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: None
Other: I'm really easy to get along with, I enjoy making stuff that make people smile...
This is my first post ever on 405th

First Name: Brandon
Profession? Student?: Class 1 operator for Ledcor Highways
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: bodybuilding, cosplay
Favorite part of Halo: sniper/shotties matches
Favorite Halo: 3 and Reach
Favorite Video Game: too many to name, souls games, armored cores, mwo, halo's
Other Interests:
Favorite Food: cheesy things
Favorite Band: Alexisonfire, Metallica, Lorna Shore
Favorite Movie(s): LOTR
What do you hope to learn here?: How to become a bigger part of this community and join in on expos
Have you built/made a costume before?: Many
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: nope
Other: I've been hoping to say this somewhere on the forum so where better than here.

I'm sure regulars here obviously know by now, but the people I met at the 405th booth and the community in general are the most welcoming and encouraging people I've ever met, I made a Jorge cosplay for the past calgary expo and when I went to the booth to visit, holy moly, what a great group, that interaction alone solidified my desire to join and be more active in the community and hopefully even be apart of future expos, you guys rock, thanks again!
This is my first post ever on 405th

First Name: Brandon
Profession? Student?: Class 1 operator for Ledcor Highways
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: bodybuilding, cosplay
Favorite part of Halo: sniper/shotties matches
Favorite Halo: 3 and Reach
Favorite Video Game: too many to name, souls games, armored cores, mwo, halo's
Other Interests:
Favorite Food: cheesy things
Favorite Band: Alexisonfire, Metallica, Lorna Shore
Favorite Movie(s): LOTR
What do you hope to learn here?: How to become a bigger part of this community and join in on expos
Have you built/made a costume before?: Many
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: nope
Other: I've been hoping to say this somewhere on the forum so where better than here.

I'm sure regulars here obviously know by now, but the people I met at the 405th booth and the community in general are the most welcoming and encouraging people I've ever met, I made a Jorge cosplay for the past calgary expo and when I went to the booth to visit, holy moly, what a great group, that interaction alone solidified my desire to join and be more active in the community and hopefully even be apart of future expos, you guys rock, thanks again!
You have no idea how pumped we all were. You were being talked about the day before we even found you. Like "we gotta find this dude, he's here somewhere!"
Some of those photos we took with Electraknite look so cool. Really glad to see you here!
First Name: Kai
Profession: film production
Favorite Hobby: charity troops
Favorite part of Halo: ODST.. helljumpers
Favorite Halo: reach then odst
Favorite Video Game: whatever im playing at the moment.. so monster huntere rise
Other Interests: other costume clubs im involved with
Favorite Food: hawaiian..
What do you hope to learn here?: better ideas and and process for costuming
Have you built/made a costume before?: many over the years. mostly clone wars costumes
Do you belong to any other costume communities? 501st,rebellegion,mmcc
First Name: Alex
Profession? Student?: Game Art Student, currently in college
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Game dev
Favorite part of Halo: Campaign co-op or online BTB with a friend!
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 or Infinite, depends on my mood.
Favorite Video Game: Tie between Team Fortress 2, Halo 3 and Pizza Tower.
Other Interests: Drawing, swimming, computer science, music theory, graphic design, and a bunch of other stuff too.
Favorite Food: My mom's homemade baked Mac n cheese recipe.
Favorite Band: AC/DC, Queen is a close second.
Favorite Movie(s): Monty Python and the Holy Grail
What do you hope to learn here?: How to build props of my favorite fictional gadgets and hopefully transfer that skillset into making original ones too. I'm excited to socialize with you all!
Have you built/made a costume before?: Unfortunately not, although I desperately want to when I find the time and money for supplies!
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Not currently.
Other: My favorite Halo weapon is either the Battle Rifle, Gravity Hammer or Needler! Pew pew pew.

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