Introduce Yourself - The Sequel!

First Name: Austin
Location: Atlanta (Added so any other ATL'ers can shoot me a note. Anyone down to crash Battle and Brew in kit?)
Profession: Prior US Army Engineer (21B), current Robotics Engineer in the Supply Chain space
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: Gaming
Favorite part of Halo: Earth's defense in H2 is pretty much a childhood memory staple. Pillar of Autumn warthog run as well...
Favorite Halo: Storywise, probably Halo 2, but Reach is a damn close 2nd.
Favorite Video Game: Oh man, I'd guess either Halo, KOTOR, Skyrim, or RE4.
Other Interests: Reef-keeping, autocross (2015 BMW M3), and tac drills at the local range (Knights Armament or nothing else!)
Favorite Food: ANY kind of pasta; I'll tear it up.
Favorite Band: The Used or Chiodos (you can tell I went to High school during the good ol' "emo" days of the early 2000s)
Favorite Movie(s): LOTR Trilogy. We don't speak of The Hobbit or The Rings of Power in my household though...
What do you hope to learn here?: More looking to meet some fantastic, like minded people.
Have you built/made a costume before?: For RenFaire, I built a full plate armor set, and a leather assassin set. Also have a Big Boss from MGS.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope!

Glad to be here! If anyone is in ATL, shoot me a note! We can crash Battle and Brew and have some beers in kit sometime!

NOTE: Dont shred me too hard on my build! I've got a latex midsection and some latex shoulder/elbow cops coming! Just need to add a voice amp, and some fans to the helmet and torso!


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First Name: Susan, But I go by Octavia
Profession? Student?: University Student
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Horseback riding/Gaming
Favorite part of Halo: Co-op Campaigns, and the weird Easter eggs
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo Reach (by a long shot)
Other Interests: Writing, Drawing, small crafts/handiwork, most anything I can do to get my hands working
Favorite Food: Italian Beef Sandwiches
Favorite Band: Hozier
Favorite Movie(s): Hunger Games
What do you hope to learn here?: How to create armor and get into the Halo Cosplay community
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes, but only with fabric and sewing
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No
Other: My brother got me into this game and I really hope to create an armor set to surprise him with one day
First Name: Danielle
Profession? Student?: Manufacturing
Age: 39
Favorite Hobby: Playing dnd with family and friends
Favorite part of Halo: The community
Favorite Halo: Red v Blue series
Favorite Video Game: Star Citizen
Other Interests: Nerf guns lol
Favorite Food: Fried crab claws
Favorite Band: Listen to a mixed variety of music
Favorite Movie(s): I don't really have one
What do you hope to learn here?: New techniques and crafting methods. About to start 3d printing but also trying foam in crunch time.
Have you built/made a costume before?: No. My brother got me into being their handler when I go to cons with them and eventually 3d printed my ODST for me.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No
First Name: Austin
Location: Atlanta (Added so any other ATL'ers can shoot me a note. Anyone down to crash Battle and Brew in kit?)
Profession: Prior US Army Engineer (21B), current Robotics Engineer in the Supply Chain space
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: Gaming
Favorite part of Halo: Earth's defense in H2 is pretty much a childhood memory staple. Pillar of Autumn warthog run as well...
Favorite Halo: Storywise, probably Halo 2, but Reach is a damn close 2nd.
Favorite Video Game: Oh man, I'd guess either Halo, KOTOR, Skyrim, or RE4.
Other Interests: Reef-keeping, autocross (2015 BMW M3), and tac drills at the local range (Knights Armament or nothing else!)
Favorite Food: ANY kind of pasta; I'll tear it up.
Favorite Band: The Used or Chiodos (you can tell I went to High school during the good ol' "emo" days of the early 2000s)
Favorite Movie(s): LOTR Trilogy. We don't speak of The Hobbit or The Rings of Power in my household though...
What do you hope to learn here?: More looking to meet some fantastic, like minded people.
Have you built/made a costume before?: For RenFaire, I built a full plate armor set, and a leather assassin set. Also have a Big Boss from MGS.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope!

Glad to be here! If anyone is in ATL, shoot me a note! We can crash Battle and Brew and have some beers in kit sometime!

NOTE: Dont shred me too hard on my build! I've got a latex midsection and some latex shoulder/elbow cops coming! Just need to add a voice amp, and some fans to the helmet and torso!
There's no shredding to be done, your armor looks great! Welcome! ^^

Also Wildcat and Octavia, welcome to the 405th!
First Name: Cody
Profession? Student?: Software Engineer with the dream of game dev
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Gaming, Painting, Cooking
Favorite part of Halo: Gameplay specifically the sandbox
Favorite Halo: 3 (Infinite has the best multiplayer tho)
Favorite Video Game: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Other Interests: Game Development, Star Wars, Space, Tabletop, ESports
Favorite Food: Burgers
Favorite Band: Imagine Dragons
Favorite Movie(s): All of Star Wars movies. Big Superhero fan as well
What do you hope to learn here?: How to build armors with EVA foam.
Have you built/made a costume before?: I've made many 3D printer PLA helmets mainly Star Wars and a SSG themed mk7
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Becoming more and more a part of the Galactic Armory community. They got me into cosplay and have carried me with a lot of tutorials and help.
Other: Shout out to NobleofDeath16 for introducing me to the community and for all the help!
Hello, figured this would be the best first place to start. Thanks to serenko3 for helping me get this far and answering what were probably too many questions! Thanks again my friend!

First Name: Drew.
Profession? Student?: Student always, though not formally - never stop learning! As far as what pays the bills, I’m an automotive service tech now. Also spent some time as infantry and security forces in the Marine Corps in my younger days.
Age: 39
Favorite Hobby: I’d have to say gaming, though I can’t really narrow it down between video and tabletop.
Favorite part of Halo: Noble Six deciding to cover Pillar of Autumn even though he knows it’s a death sentence - and then the cutscene at the end of Lone Wolf.
Favorite Halo: Reach.
Favorite Video Game: Love Halo, Gears of War, Destiny, and Legend of Zelda. But FFVII is still tops.
Other Interests: 3d printing, tabletop gaming (D&D, BattleTech, Grimdark Future, Warhammer 40k) and the modeling/painting that goes with. Shooting when I can. Watching movies… And chief among them, being with my family. Best when I can convince that last one with any of the others.
Favorite Food: Easier to list the things I don’t like.
Favorite Band: Though one. Disturbed is up there. With VnV Nation. And Lindsey Stirling. And Florida Georgia Line. I have very eclectic musical tastes.
Favorite Movie(s): Guardians of the Galaxy, The Rock, A Knight’s Tale… There are a lot more, but those are the ones that come to mind presently.
What do you hope to learn here?: Primarily how to build the costume(s), with the skills that entails. But also looking to find out more about the community, and what kind of events and clubs and suchlike there are in my area.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Not unless you count a ren fair costume when I was in high school, but I have one or two in mind…
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope.
Other: Never know what to put in places like this, so here’s some random stuff. I’ve got a 3d printer (resin for the moment, I have an FDM as well but it’s broken ATM and I can’t quite figure out the fixing of it), so I can use that asset in my builds. I’ve never built a costume like this before, but I have experience painting and print parts together, magnetizing, etc. I also plan to eventually build a proper-scale suit of Astartes power armor from Warhammer 40k, and maybe (long down the road) a Terminator suit as well. I’m always willing to learn and to help with what I know as well! Thanks for reading!
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First Name: James, go by JT
Profession: Security
Age: 35
Favorite Hobby: Hiking, reenactments, costuming,and of course gaming!
Favorite part of Halo: The classic Halo theme. A true masterpiece in gaming history!
Favorite Halo: Halo 3: ODST
Favorite Video Games: Mass Effect trilogy, Bioshock Infinite, Assassin Creed franchise, Halo franchise, too many games honestly.
Other Interests: Deep fascination and enjoy studying history!
Favorite Food: A good rare steak
Favorite Band: Reel Big Fish, Foo Fighters
Favorite Movie(s): LotR, Star Wars, Captain America: WS, Prince of Egypt
What do you hope to learn here?: Better prop making skills, but above all I'm looking for an excellent community!
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes, from armor to prop making.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Once an active member of the 501st and Rebel Legion costuming groups.

I look forward to getting started on my build soon, and getting an opportunity to meet new gamers and costumers!
First Name: Mikhail Andropovich
Profession? Student?: 1st Grade Teacher, Private Security Contractor, Prior-Army,
Age: 28
Favorite Hobby: Shooting, Playing video games
Favorite part of Halo: Co-Op Campaign
Favorite Halo: Halo 3
Favorite Video Game: Mass Effect / Fallout, Halo, Elder Scrolls. its hard for me to do a favorite. But If I could pick one series to play for the rest of my life it would be Mass Effect.
Other Interests: I like drinking, playing Dungeons and Dragons, going to the gym, and urban exploration.
Favorite Food: Bean and Cheese burritos, and Šaltibarščiai
Favorite Band: It depends on the day.
Favorite Movie(s): The Departed, Game of Thrones, The Last of Us, The Iron Giant,
What do you hope to learn here?: How to work with foam, and meet people in my country to go to the comic con with.
Have you built/made a costume before?: No.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No.
Other: ?
First Name: James
Profession? Student?: Firefighter
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: Gaming and Cosplay
Favorite part of Halo: All of it but mostly the lore created.
Favorite Halo: Would have to go with H3, lots of fond memories made with friends playing it.
Favorite Video Game: It's equal between the Halo series and the Witcher series
Other Interests: Cosplay, DBZ, Pokemon.
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Band: I have a few but currently A7X is the most listened to.
Favorite Movie(s): To many to list.
What do you hope to learn here?: New techniques for costume building and who else is in my local area with the same interests
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: I'm part of the 501st and Rebel Legion.
First Name | Charlotte, but I prefer to go by Eden or Celeste
Profession | Fashion designer!
Age | One should never ask a lady her age :eyes:
Favorite Hobby | Making things
Favorite part of Halo | Nostalgia; I grew up with the games and I have so many memories associated with the series.
Favorite Halo | I think 3 & ODST.
Favorite Video Game | FF14 has taken up way too much of my life.
Other Interests | Music, animals, colourful hair
Favorite Food | Lasagna is life.
Favorite Band | Leprous
Favorite Movie(s) | I dont think I really have a favourite movie tbh
What do you hope to learn here? | I hope to learn how to build my first set of armour!
Have you built/made a costume before? | I have been cosplaying for about 15 years, but I haven't built any Halo-related costumes yet. It's been on my list for a VERY long time!
Do you belong to any other costume communities? | I'm in a youtubers' server dedicated to cosplay, but its mostly for her community to share information amongst eachother.
Other | I've got two cats, five fish, and a rabbit!
First Name: I go by Marrow (like bone marrow)
Profession? Student?: I'm looking to go into a trade school for welding!
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Playing videogames with online friends
Favorite part of Halo: Torn between the Armour and the science of the spartan augmentations
Favorite Halo: Either ODST or Reach, I love the story telling in both.
Favorite Video Game: Destiny 2 currently
Other Interests: Cosplay, 3D printing, procrastinating
Favorite Food: Hickory sticks or chicken tenders
Favorite Band: changes frequently. Currently it's The Dandelion War
Favorite Movie(s): Deadpool 1 and 2, or Mad Max: Fury Road
What do you hope to learn here?: foam smithing
Have you built/made a costume before?: yes, custom mandalorians
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: 501st Legion and various groups under that umbrella
Other: Neurodivergent. I have the memory of a mossy brick sometimes
First Name: Chris but Wombat works too
Profession? Student?: HVAC guy for now
Age: 30 and decaying
Favorite Hobby: over promising and under delivering
Favorite part of Halo: the books. i'm a sucker for side stories
Favorite Halo: reach *cough cough its actually 4*
Favorite Video Game: Super Metroid
Other Interests: gunpla, disappointing my family, procrastination, and magic the gathering
Favorite Food: tacos. but like real tacos
Favorite Band: torn between The Bridge City Sinners and Royal Thunder
Favorite Movie(s): might be Spiderman 2
What do you hope to learn here?: i just want to make friends i can attend cons with yo
Have you built/made a costume before?: yes! all failures.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: lol, lmao
Other: i will straight up forget everything and anything
First Name: Karne (ok not really, but my real name is so common I often overhear it)
Profession? Student?: I work in helicopter maintenance
Age: 29
Favorite Hobby: LARP, Cosplay, Shadowrun
Favorite part of Halo: Cosplay community
Favorite Halo: Reach (tbf I only finished Reach and just started Halo CE from MCC)
Favorite Video Game: Mass Effect, „middle“ World of Warcraft (so not classic but also not the newest expansion XD )
Other Interests: Shadowrun and other Pen&Paper games
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Band: Betontod, Powerwolf, Engst
Favorite Movie(s): Frozen
What do you hope to learn here?: How to build great armors ;D
Have you built/made a costume before?: yes. Ethari (The Dragon Prince); Tsuboi Klein (Sword Art Online); Marik (YuGiOh); T2 Rogue (World of Warcraft); casual Shepard (Mass Effect 3); Grey Warden Mage (Dragon Age II), the Grey Warden is also my newest finished costume though it took 7 years to finish (I started, took a break for a year, worked on it for a week, put it again in a box for 1,5 years… then some day motivation struck and it was finished within 8 weeks XD )
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Facebook Cosplay groups
Other: did I already mention I love to play Shadowrun? I also tend to start lots of stuff and rarely finish anything.
First Name: Jarred
Profession? Student?: Security Guard, not in school.
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Gaming
Favorite part of Halo: The Spirit Of Fire crew fighting the banished, even with outdated tech.
Favorite Halo: Halo wars series, but I started halo 3 as my first one.
Favorite Video Game: Destiny 2
Other Interests: Cosplaying, watching anime, listening to music.
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Band: Rammstein
Favorite Movie(s): Interstellar, Starship Troopers
What do you hope to learn here?: How to make a halo marine costume.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes partly for my 501st tie pilot, and a titanfall cosplay years back.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: 501st community
Hey everyone, I've actually been a member for over 14 years, but haven't been active. I'm ready to dive into the prop/armor building hobby that I've always been interested in but never took the first steps. Happy to be here

First Name: Alex
Profession? Student?: Manage and Operate a metal recycling facility / Published author
Age: 34
Favorite Hobby: Fitness
Favorite part of Halo: Speedrunning all of Halo Reach
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo Reach
Other Interests: Writing Fiction, Animation, 3D modeling, Photography, Mountaineering, Videography, Travel, Scuba Diving, Anime, Foreign languages, Business, Entrepreneurship, Cars
Favorite Food: Home-cooked meal prep
Favorite Band: Hans Zimmer
Favorite Movie(s): Alien (1986)
What do you hope to learn here?: The ins-and-outs of prop and armor building
Have you built/made a costume before?: Basic Halloween costumes; I once pepakura'd a Halo 3 SMG
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: The Replica Prop Forum
First Name: Thomas
Profession: Legal field/paralegal
Age: 24
Favorite Hobby: Video games
Favorite part of Halo: Spartans, duh lol
Favorite Halo: Halo 3
Favorite Video Game: Pokémon
Other Interests: I love watching anime or TV in general
Favorite Food: Every food can’t pick
Favorite Band: Bon Jovi and dragon force
Favorite Movie(s): Promare
What do you hope to learn here?: 3D printing tips and tricks
Have you built/made a costume before?: No but I’ve already begun making halo armor this year
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: none
First Name: Ethan
Profession: Air Force LRO
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Too many to list
Favorite part of Halo: RvB
Favorite Halo: 4 (Produced the best RvB content IMO)
Favorite Video Game: Cyberpunk 2077
Other Interests: Costuming/cosplay
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Band: Rush
Favorite Movie(s): No idea at this point
What do you hope to learn here?: Everything I need to make and eventually produce halo armor
Have you built/made a costume before?: I did a fallout X0-1 power armor helmet in paper a few years ago, but beyond that nothing major
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: no
Other: Looking to attempt a SpeedBuild Felix set for DragonCon 2023, starting today.
First Name: Matt
Location: Sydney, Australia
Profession: Graphic Designer
Age: 25
Favorite Hobby: Gaming
Favorite part of Halo: Any of the tank runs in H2 or H3
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 ODST and Halo 2 are tied up as my favourites
Favorite Video Game: The Last of Us Part 1
Other Interests: Reading, Illustrating, Hiking, Droid building
Favorite Food: Pizza by a long shot
Favorite Band: Halestorm
Favorite Movie(s): LOTR Trilogy
What do you hope to learn here?: Meet some fantastic people like me and branch into the Halo costuming world
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes, I currently have built a Captain Rex Phase 2 Realistic Clone trooper suit, a ROTJ Scout trooper kit and currently building an ODST and Death Watch Mandalorian
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Yes, I am an approved member of the 501st
First Name: Marina
Profession? Student?: Grad Student for Library Sciences, soon to be a Public Librarian!
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: I knit stuffed animals! Thinking of knitting a tiny Mark VI armored plush to go with my actual armor...
Favorite part of Halo: I love flying the Banshee- especially doing flips and looking at the scenery
Favorite Halo: I've gotta get through all of them before I pick one :)
Favorite Video Game: Kirby's Epic Yarn
Other Interests: I like to knit, sew, play Dungeons and Dragons, and draw
Favorite Food: Shrimp- cocktail, fried, sauteed, in pasta, in rice, whatever
Favorite Band: Bassal! My boyfriend's band that I am very proud of and roadie for sometimes. (They're local from MA and on Spotify)
Favorite Movie(s): The Princess Bride, and the live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles films- I love stunt acting and sappy stories
What do you hope to learn here?: How to build armor and where to go to meet others that enjoy the same hobbies! I mostly want to make friends!
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yep! My best one's Monitamon from Digimon. A whole TV on my head- lights up and changes colors :)
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope
Other: I'm aiming to build some Mark VI armor in army green with dark blue accents! I'm really excited to start!
Hello All! Our former Introduce Yourself thread has grown to a massive 421 pages so it is time to lock that one down and start fresh!

First of all - welcome to all of our new family! We want to know all about you, but let's start with these few questions!

First Name:
Profession? Student?:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite part of Halo:
Favorite Halo:
Favorite Video Game:
Other Interests:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Band:
Favorite Movie(s):
What do you hope to learn here?:
Have you built/made a costume before?:
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
First Name: Noble.
Profession? Student?: I'm a collage student.
Age: 18.
Favorite Hobby: Building props/costumes.
Favorite part of Halo: Fun memories with friends.
Favorite Halo: The halo reach campaign is by far my favorite, but I'm really enjoying the halo infinite multiplayer.
Other Interests: Hanging around friends and stuff.
Favorite Food: Literally any sub.
Favorite Band: Flo Rida.
Favorite TV Show: The office.
What do you hope to learn here?: Getting to know how to make halo costumes better and faster.
Have you built/made a costume before?: I have built a mandalorian costume out of cardboard.

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