Introduce Yourself - The Sequel!

Hello All! Our former Introduce Yourself thread has grown to a massive 421 pages so it is time to lock that one down and start fresh!

First of all - welcome to all of our new family! We want to know all about you, but let's start with these few questions!

First Name:
Profession? Student?:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite part of Halo:
Favorite Halo:
Favorite Video Game:
Other Interests:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Band:
Favorite Movie(s):
What do you hope to learn here?:
Have you built/made a costume before?:
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
First Name: jonathan
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: stop motions, photography, gaming
Favorite part of Halo: the story and the characters
Favorite Halo: halo 2 or reach
Favorite Video Game: halo
Other Interests: i love jesus
Favorite Food: sea food
Favorite Band: ajr
Favorite Movie(s): interstellar, the dark knight, halo rise until dawn
What do you hope to learn here?: how to make cooler cosplays
Have you built/made a costume before?: yes
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: no
Other: i would like to make more friends
First Name: jonathan
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: stop motions, photography, gaming
Favorite part of Halo: the story and the characters
Favorite Halo: halo 2 or reach
Favorite Video Game: halo
Other Interests: i love jesus
Favorite Food: sea food
Favorite Band: ajr
Favorite Movie(s): interstellar, the dark knight, halo rise until dawn
What do you hope to learn here?: how to make cooler cosplays
Have you built/made a costume before?: yes
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: no
Other: i would like to make more friends
Welcome to the family we're glad you are here. I my self will be watching to see what your first project will be. If your need help on anything just reach out one of us will try to help you as much as we can.

Again welcome to the 405th family
Bit of a late introductory post for me but I just realized this was here ngl
First Name: Cole
Profession? Student?: Im studying 3D modeling
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: 3D Modeling
Favorite part of Halo: I love the armor so much
Favorite Halo: Halo Infinite
Favorite Video Game: Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Other Interests:
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Band: America
Favorite Movie(s): The Nice Guys, Inglorious Basterds
What do you hope to learn here? I hope to figure out how to set up my custom 3D models for printing so that I can share my files with people who want to print them better.
Have you built/made a costume before?: a long, long time ago
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: no
Other: i freakin love Halo o7
Bit of a late introductory post for me but I just realized this was here ngl
First Name: Cole
Profession? Student?: Im studying 3D modeling
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: 3D Modeling
Favorite part of Halo: I love the armor so much
Favorite Halo: Halo Infinite
Favorite Video Game: Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Other Interests:
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Band: America
Favorite Movie(s): The Nice Guys, Inglorious Basterds
What do you hope to learn here? I hope to figure out how to set up my custom 3D models for printing so that I can share my files with people who want to print them better.
Have you built/made a costume before?: a long, long time ago
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: no
Other: i freakin love Halo o7
Welcome Cole,
I would normally say cant wait till i see what your going to make but i can already see and you are knee deep right off lol. but the welcomes are out of the way now.
First Name: chad
Profession: security guard
Age: 36
Favorite Hobby: gaming
Favorite part of Halo: the story
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: War Thunder
Best video game consoles: I have an Xbox, but I’m mostly on PC

Other Interests:
Favorite Food: Burgers
Favorite Band: Korn
Favorite Movie(s): Jurassic park
What do you hope to learn here?: I hope to make friends and learn how to build better armor!
Have you built/made a costume before?: my first cosplay was an ODST… it was an ok first try
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: none!
First Name: chad
Profession: security guard
Age: 36
Favorite Hobby: gaming
Favorite part of Halo: the story
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: War Thunder
Best video game consoles: I have an Xbox, but I’m mostly on PC

Other Interests:
Favorite Food: Burgers
Favorite Band: Korn
Favorite Movie(s): Jurassic park
What do you hope to learn here?: I hope to make friends and learn how to build better armor!
Have you built/made a costume before?: my first cosplay was an ODST… it was an ok first try
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: none!
Welcome Chad to the 405th family, we are here to help if you need it. I'm glad your here I can't wait to see what project you take on first. Just tell if you need help.
First Name: jonathan
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: stop motions, photography, gaming
Favorite part of Halo: the story and the characters
Favorite Halo: halo 2 or reach
Favorite Video Game: halo
Other Interests: i love jesus
Favorite Food: sea food
Favorite Band: ajr
Favorite Movie(s): interstellar, the dark knight, halo rise until dawn
What do you hope to learn here?: how to make cooler cosplays
Have you built/made a costume before?: yes
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: no
Other: i would like to make more friends
Welcome fellow AJR and Reach lover, we've been expecting you. I love the silly cosplay profile photo, when did you make that current suit?

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