J!NX's Halo 4 Master Chief Foam Build

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Here is the current build progress:
Excuse the derpy face.

I went shopping yesterday on a hunt for a good material for the under-suit but with no luck, anyone have any suggestions? I need a fairly flexible and breathable material. (so I don't die from heat here in Australia)

A lovely person messaged me on my facebook page and sent me a stack of useful reference files and pictures of the in game model so I just wanted to take the time to thank and acknowledge him. Props to you Carlos.
Nice work so far, but I'd say you need to move the shoulders further outside, away from your arms. About 1.5-2 inches or so.
This is a very good reference image for the silhouette you should be aiming for:

(notice the shortened torso, elongated legs and oversized hands)

As for the undersuit, my choice was Nike Running pants, and a similar shirt from the local Decathlon store. Basically technical underwear, this kind of material can breathe and drive perspiration away from the body. I tried to use acrylic spray paint on it but it didn't really work, maybe there's some different kind of paint that works on this kind of fabric... Then you'd only need something to mask out the paint to create the hexa pattern. Oh and I also used neoprene elbow and knee protectors, fixed the knee pad and used it to keep the upper arms in place.

I wouldn't really recommend any harder materials for the undersuit, but there's EVAkura's recent thread where he made it all from EVA foam and so far it seems to work. Than again he hasn't tried to put the hard armor pieces on it yet.
Still, there are a few pieces that you could build, maybe from foam: add-ons on the shoulders, hips, and on the spine. Also, the codpiece is sort of a part of the undersuit but I've seen most people build it from foam and it works reasonably well.
Nice work so far, but I'd say you need to move the shoulders further outside, away from your arms. About 1.5-2 inches or so.
This is a very good reference image for the silhouette you should be aiming for:
(notice the shortened torso, elongated legs and oversized hands)

As for the undersuit, my choice was Nike Running pants, and a similar shirt from the local Decathlon store. Basically technical underwear, this kind of material can breathe and drive perspiration away from the body. I tried to use acrylic spray paint on it but it didn't really work, maybe there's some different kind of paint that works on this kind of fabric... Then you'd only need something to mask out the paint to create the hexa pattern. Oh and I also used neoprene elbow and knee protectors, fixed the knee pad and used it to keep the upper arms in place.

I wouldn't really recommend any harder materials for the undersuit, but there's EVAkura's recent thread where he made it all from EVA foam and so far it seems to work. Than again he hasn't tried to put the hard armor pieces on it yet.
Still, there are a few pieces that you could build, maybe from foam: add-ons on the shoulders, hips, and on the spine. Also, the codpiece is sort of a part of the undersuit but I've seen most people build it from foam and it works reasonably well.

Thank you very much for the help :)

I actually don't have the bicep pieces on in that photo, with them on they sit further out.

I'm looking for a fabric to sew the shapes with as apposed to just using flat clothing, I plan on using some aerated padding I have lying around to bulk up the necessary bits. Another 405th made one a while back, I've lost the link though. However its mentioned and pictured in this thread by harican89

EVAkura is a god at foam, his under-suit is spectacular! Theres no way I'd ever attempt something like that.

I drew up a plan for the under-suit before I started the build:

The green bits are foam and are attached to a jumpsuit style under-suit. The cod piece will be thinner foam, most likely craft foam.
Well, if you plan on sewing stuff, I'd say LilTyrant's suit is still pretty much the best, although it's based on the Reach version of the undersuit. I think she used vinyl mostly.

The Impact Prop guys just use EVA foam for the torso and shoulders and a Dremel tool to create the impression of a hexa pattern. Not sure how much mobility that affords (the armor generally limits you enough already) or how hot it gets, but it's a reasonably good approach as well.

Still, I believe that foam armor will usually have enough imperfections so that it'd work best the same way as a stage prop or costume does - viewed from a distance, under weak lighting. Under such conditions, the hexa pattern and maybe a few detail lines should be enough to sell the undersuit too. Unless you need the extra bulk ;)
Thank you very much for the help :)


EVAkura is a god at foam, his under-suit is spectacular!

Thank you Danielle, I needed that smile you just put on my face after my most recent debacle!

How about the materials Black Underdog5 is using on his? The way his is looking, it seems as if it will be very mobile, flexible, and most importantly, fairly breathable. To boot, I think it looks awesome :)

Or maybe even just use a spandex material with a layer of that foam matting you put in cupboards as well as craft foam cut into the shapes of the undersuit and sewn to it?

BTW, your foam work is exceptional too! I just took a look at your newest photo and was extremely impressed :)
Well, if you plan on sewing stuff, I'd say LilTyrant's suit is still pretty much the best, although it's based on the Reach version of the undersuit. I think she used vinyl mostly.

The Impact Prop guys just use EVA foam for the torso and shoulders and a Dremel tool to create the impression of a hexa pattern. Not sure how much mobility that affords (the armor generally limits you enough already) or how hot it gets, but it's a reasonably good approach as well.

Still, I believe that foam armor will usually have enough imperfections so that it'd work best the same way as a stage prop or costume does - viewed from a distance, under weak lighting. Under such conditions, the hexa pattern and maybe a few detail lines should be enough to sell the undersuit too. Unless you need the extra bulk ;)

I totally forgot about her build, thanks for the reminder and link that should come in handy.
I was hoping to add more detail than that, something along the lines of what Blue Relm Studios did for one of the Halo 4 trailers.
I hope with my suit I can prove that foam props can look as good as Pep ones can. Although I think EVAkura, LilTyrant and all the other amazing foam builders have already done so. I intend to use mine in full light, up close so I want to pack as much detail in as possible.

Thank you Danielle, I needed that smile you just put on my face after my most recent debacle!

How about the materials Black Underdog5 is using on his? The way his is looking, it seems as if it will be very mobile, flexible, and most importantly, fairly breathable. To boot, I think it looks awesome :)

Or maybe even just use a spandex material with a layer of that foam matting you put in cupboards as well as craft foam cut into the shapes of the undersuit and sewn to it?

BTW, your foam work is exceptional too! I just took a look at your newest photo and was extremely impressed :)

You are most welcome.
Its definitely a good idea, although I have no idea where to find that stuff. Looks like I'm going to need to do some research.
I was thinking of buying a cheep morph suit and sewing things onto that, but that might just end up as a waste of money. These are definitely all things I need to and will think about seriously.

I don't have to have the suit finished for a few months yet so I've got time to get this right.

Thanks man, coming from you that means a lot.

I'm currently starting the forearms, which apart from the helmet is the last bit of armour left to build. Pics to come.
This Build is coming along great! im also following you on Facebook. Everything is very clean. Love it! Keep it up J!NX! :)
Okay, progress time.

I have started the under-suit and its proving to be a challenge.



Templates templates templates. Apart from finishing the under-suit I still need to finish the second forearm, build a helmet and paint it all. If I have enough time I'm going to rebuild the shoes too.

Only 90 days to be con ready.
Are you able to walk with all that on? and how do the shoes stay together?

I sure can walk with it all on, infact I can dance in it all :p

This is all looking fantastic! It makes me so happy to see more fem spartans!

Yeah me too, there aren't enough of us.

Looks amazing. Keep up the good work!

Thanks man!

This is amazing for almost freehand! I love halo 4 builds!

Thank you :D

OKAY. So long time no post, I actually finished this build a week ago and I figure I should post the rest of the build pictures and some final product pictures. I'm going to make another post shortly containing just that.
If you follow my facebook page you would have seen these images as I made the progress. Unfortunately I grew slack in updating this thread.

Here is the helmet build:



And here is the MA5D Build:





Onto the painting!
So with this build much like my last build I decided to use a water based primer rather than plastidip because O funds, I really don't have the money to spend $30 a can.

So first step two coats of a grey primer:

Then a coat of the light base colour and the darker details.

Added a wash of the darker colour over the entire suit to make it look worn.

Then put some silver on for battle damage.

Started work on the undersuit. The two grey lines are zippers and allow me to get in and out of the jump suit with ease.

Fitted a temporary visor made from laminated cellophane because I ran out of time

Finished the suit with 12 hours to spare.

The thighs are supported by straps inside the undersuit that act like suspenders. The thigh, Ab/Cod and Butt plates are all attached to the suit permanently.
The knees and shins are held in place by a pair of knee and shin pads.
Arms and shoulders are slip on/off pieces that hold themselves up.
The gloves are paintball gloves I got off ebay and attached the hand plates to.

So thats the final progress of the build. I'll post some photos and videos of the suit in action at Sydney Supanova soon. (And by videos I mean videos of me dancing because that happened)

Thank you all so much for following me and this build. I'm planning on making another suit in the near future and I will keep that thread updated and not neglect it like I did this one.
That looks amazing! Just a small little tip for tiny gaps in your EVA foam (only use this if you're a perfectionist) You can buy some kind of spackling compound, and fill in the gaps and sand it later. There's very little mess unlike other gap fillers; its like a cloud in your hands that doesnt break apart.
That looks amazing! Just a small little tip for tiny gaps in your EVA foam (only use this if you're a perfectionist) You can buy some kind of spackling compound, and fill in the gaps and sand it later. There's very little mess unlike other gap fillers; its like a cloud in your hands that doesnt break apart.

I actually planned on filling the gaps but ran out of time. For now I'm not going to do much else to the suit but I might revisit it in the future.
BOOM! that is one nice looking armor sir. Are you thinking of doing the undersuit as well at a later date.
Seeing the creation steps of a costume you have seen finished in person, just makes you realise how much more awesome your suit is :)
Can't wait to see what you plan to do next.

I found this recently and thought you might like (probably already have a copy anyway):


Your fellow Winter Solider and you.


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