The shoulders are mounted to the bicep slightly lower so that I have a better range of movement. The suit isn't very user friendly irl. Shoulders can't clip into the chest piece unfortunately.
Thank you
Just a drawing of mine come to life, not the best but I learnt a lot about foam building from it so it was a great little experiment.
Thats my best friend in her hand made Winter Soldier costume yeah. Her arm is all craft foam and turned out fantastic for a last minute build and her first
real foam attempt.
If you're referring to Brad from Impact Props I can't see that happening. Dude has skill.
I'm actually considering shelving this suit for a while to build another; Commander Sarah Palmer. More height and body type accurate.
I think there is a law somewhere that says you can't be brilliant, talented, and attractive lmao...
Don't knock yourself, I have the utmost faith that if you wanted to beat Brad, you could.

In fact, if you really want to, my suggestion is trying out the PVA/Polyurethane method. Nothing beats having armor that when you knock on it, actually sounds and feels hard. I've seen all of Brad's armor in person, and it looks great, but if you believe in yourself, I'm sure you could kick his butt.
Okay, I will agree that the Wetwork helmet is pretty dang hard to beat... that is a very hard helmet to make, but you can still beat him in all other aspects.
I always hope to see amazing work from our female members, not because I think they should have better crafting skills or anything, I just want to see them outdo the guys and put their armor to shame. Haha
For your Sarah Palmer build, I know one of the female members that did a Kat (Reach) build had come up with a clever way to add to her height.
--Okay, so I just found the post for you in case you haven't seen it. It was Liltyrant's build, and here is how she did it:
That's the first post regarding the shoes, there might be more in the thread on it, I can't remember, but I wanted to at least give you a starting place

Hopefully, after seeing how she did it, you'll be able to think of a way to add to your height, whether you follow what she did or come up with a brand new method.
I've actually considered following her idea for my own build, I might be 6'1", 6'3" in shoes, and maybe 6'5" with a helmet on, but nothing beats adding some additional height when possible if you are dressing up as a spartan.
Plus, the look and style of her boots ended up looking really streamlined with the greaves (shin armor).
I think I've also seen one of the female members add 3 layers of foam beneath her shoes, maybe that was still Liltyrant that I'm thinking of... but I think it was RoxyRoo.
Personally, I wouldn't be a fan of this for my own build just because I know that the foam would break down the more you walked on it; kinda like how shoes get broken in the more you walk on them...
As you continue to use foam as a platform, you will slowly shrink in height as the foam breaks down beneath you.
Using foam to add to your height is fine, but I think that rather than using 3 layers, you should have a different medium. So like Foam-Wood-Foam or something. You will definitely be better off using a composite of sort by using different materials per layer. You will also want to find the highest density foam you can to fight off it breaking down quickly. Plus, while standing on top of foam for hours might be comfortable for your feet, you also want to make sure that it is rigid enough that you aren't wobbling around. There is no reason to unnecessarily break your ankles or damaging the build you put a lot of work into just from tripping because you didn't use the right foam.
As for wear and tear from the elements, I'm not sure what others have done to the bottom of their boot attachments, but I'm sure that there is a way to seal the bottom with rubber so that if you step in a puddle, you won't have to worry about it causing as much damage as it would otherwise. Plus, a rubber bottom will also be helpful in improving your traction.
I would just be careful and do some research before adding just any rubber to the bottom. You don't want it to peel or melt and damage someone's floors. Plus, if it does, running away in those shoes probably won't be fun at all.... lol.
In regards to your shoulder/bicep pieces, I definitely understand how they could limit your shoulder rotation. I already know that for the build I've planned, that the commando shoulder will definitely limit how much I can move my arm, especially when half the time its mesh it cutting into the mesh of the main body when you see it in-game lol.
Are you wearing the extra padding you mentioned in the picture above?
Your friend does an awesome job at being a lady Winter Soldier just like you do a great job at being an awesome female master chief. Are you two planning any more Rule 63 builds? (63 = gender changed characters)
Your custom suit is still really cool, the helmet reminds me of a CQC helmet crossed with an Iron Man helmet. I love how the visor goes up and down. Is that a light in the middle of the chest or is it just a white piece? It is definitely easy to imitate something we've seen, but it is a lot harder to just come up with something new, so kudos to you on making that
I can't wait to see more from you!