Going to say it and excuse my languages *Blam* this helmet to *blam blam blam * sideways
This was the single worst thing to every build. I give it a 2 out of 10 build rating, even with heavy modify on the file the pieces twist and turn and defy any type of logic
As for paintball i loved it but i sold my old gun i had which was a M416 with a 22 inch barrel telescoping and folding stock, I sadly sold my mcc and h5 after beating them solo legendary to buy Fallout 76 which i regret, as for what i enjoy, hmm i'm a gamer at heart but for the pepakura, i have the most stable of hands for it lol not like my 10 years of it comes to show nope not at all
I decided to play a round of halo reach for good ol sake and pulled a game of 35-5 and i was cussed out in game chat saying i was a terrbile player who didnt know anything
Sure! I'll do whatever, depends on when you are on though. I am available this weekend... that is if I am not working on my undersuit literally the whole time... xbox: xX dash IV Xx
Sure! I'll do whatever, depends on when you are on though. I am available this weekend... that is if I am not working on my undersuit literally the whole time... xbox: xX dash IV Xx
Played one game of halo 5 infection today. I was in first place with 95 points in the first round, and had over double of what the person in second had. The map was the crypt by the way(absolutely beutiful! I love you wyvernzu!) And immediately when the second round started, I was rubber banding so hard I couldnt even see my surroundings or play the game. Trying to move was pointless. I put a legendary boost on that game and lost...
Played one game of halo 5 infection today. I was in first place with 95 points in the first round, and had over double of what the person in second had. The map was the crypt by the way(absolutely beutiful! I love you wyvernzu!) And immediately when the second round started, I was rubber banding so hard I couldnt even see my surroundings or play the game. Trying to move was pointless. I put a legendary boost on that game and lost...