M7 Airsoft Project (ongoing)

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Do you really need to do those? I wouldn't have thought that would be necessary unless you're making the gearbox or something out of plastic.
Don't underestimate the stress produced by the motor and the moving parts in the mechbox (The old Tokyo Marui AEGs are infamous for that). The easiest way would be to use existing parts for the operating devices as much as possible. For example, have a look at AEP mechboxes and motors. You'll likely need a custom hop up, since you're inserting BBs from the side, but anything that you can just integrate might be a win.
Goes not just for the SMG, but also a BR or AR
Just a quick update. This project's been on hold a while due to life, printer issues, and a couple of technical setbacks. I will however hopefully restart and finish this project before the end of the year assuming at least one of the ideas I have for the magazine works. In the meantime, I did get pretty far in designing my BR55 project, which utilises an LCT V3 AK gearbox, G36 hop up, Titan mosfet, and potentially a Tachyon round counter further down the line.


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Don't underestimate the stress produced by the motor and the moving parts in the mechbox (The old Tokyo Marui AEGs are infamous for that). The easiest way would be to use existing parts for the operating devices as much as possible. For example, have a look at AEP mechboxes and motors. You'll likely need a custom hop up, since you're inserting BBs from the side, but anything that you can just integrate might be a win.
Goes not just for the SMG, but also a BR or AR

Using existing parts has always been the plan. People have made 3D printed gearboxes and such, but I don't want to have to develop that too. The stresses aren't really that extreme. You can make a GB from plastic as long as you engineer it well, understand the limits of the material, and overcompensate where you're not sure. Obviously if you're after high performance, might not be the best idea.
As for this SMG, I think I mentioned it uses a Skorpion AEP gearbox and hop up. I only slightly modified the hop up to remove most of a big locating "ear" above it that wouldn't fit. I won't be designing a custom sideways feeding hop up, but rather having the BBs go through a channel going down and back up. Side feeding hop ups have issues with the BBs being pushed to one side, and creating a tendency to hop in one direction from what I'm told.
Actually, a Team mate used to have a custom made C&C'd gearbox in his M110 DMR. For the hop up, the only gun I know with a sideward feeding mag is the Sten (or Stromtrooper blaster) might be worth looking if you can find a spare hop up for that replica.

The BR sounds premium. I'm using an Otto Repa AR 10 as a base (with some cosmetic details added). My favorite rifle in game and on the field:love:

Definitely looking forward to hearing more of that
Speaking of the BR...
Ares is releasing a new Keltec RDB (something something) soon, that uses a very compact gearbox. That might be worth a look for the BR and maybe even compact enough for an AR
Currently waiting on the CR-10 V3 to come back into stock so I can start on projects again- had a streak of bad luck in regards to printers. I'll keep an eye on that, always interesting seeing new gearboxes, though they often come with the issue of hard to get parts, which is something nice about the V3. Doubt I'll make any changes to the BR, but I also had an interest in the Tippman M4 V2. It's an interesting looking gun, HPA setup with built in regulator and recoil. It allows the use of AEG magazines too. Would love to use that in an MA5B or C.
Ares is quite happy to put customers in contact with their OEM and have them buy from them. Most parts in gearboxes are cross compatible, just arranged differently. Admittedly, it needs to be released before you can go and ask for parts.

HPA...really don't like it. It's like a step back to the old pre-aeg days
Interesting, might have to look into Ares OEM. They don't always have the best internals, but not the worst either. Thanks.

Can't say I agree with you on HPA though, so long as it's used responsibly. It has a fair few advantages and some disadvantages. The tippman M4 is a bit unique in that regard though due to the recoil system (internal bolt) and limited fire rate. Integrated reg too. It's the only way you could use AEG mags in a non AEG with a recoil system.
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