Thanks! I'll try to find a way to Dragon-con when it comes around but if I cant, then I'll have to somehow get to another XDSomehow I've not come across your thread yet! Fantastic job on your foam work. It's looking very clean.
I hope to see it in person once you finish it!
Thanks! Well it's my first time foam smithing and I think I'm doing a really good job from what other failed foam armor look like. Ever since I've started on the helmet. I've made sure to not cut any corners down the line.Your foamsmithing looks great! It's a good idea to put that extra time into making the notes on the patterns - that planning will save you more time and stress down the line.
Thanks a lot dude! I try really hard, and while my next post is taking a while because it's the chest plate, I'm making sure it looks great!Dude, it's your FIRST time? Holy cow. You're making my first time with foam look like arts and crafts in a kindergarten classroom lol. Keep it up!