Foam Mark V(B) Operator Build (First wearable prop) 2

I got my boots on and they add 4’ inches to my height! In my armor, I am 6’2, including helmet. Although I am having trouble with my hip buckles. They’re attatchjng my thigh armor onto my waist piece and they keep breaking off from my armor. I’m going to ask about it in the discord since I need a quick response, but any help here would be appreciated.

Also I know my ankles seem a bit thin, but I’ve already fixed that with some softer foam, so don’t mind that.
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You're buckles are coming off your thigh piece? If that's the problem, you could fix it by putting a strap through the buckle and gluing the strap to the thigh piece instead of gluing the buckle itself

You're buckles are coming off your thigh piece? If that's the problem, you could fix it by putting a strap through the buckle and gluing the strap to the thigh piece instead of gluing the buckle itself

KILLER, looking tanked out.
as for the buckles agree with n8 put it on a strap. and shoe goo that strap into place, itll never come off then.
Yep! I already reached out to the discord and modified it for a strap. Thank yall for the help though.
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