Marvelous' First Build

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I'm proud to present the pictures that have been sitting around sense before I took my break!


You guys like it? I think I did a good job. I'll have to go back over and fill some blank spots. There is also a bit of warping in the AB plate but I'll fix that when I get to resin.
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looks good :)

Might want to try and reinforce the ab plate with some support to get the shape to where you want it before going to resin tho....

<-----learned the hard way :p

great work tho! keep it up!
Thanks for the tip, I'm also sorry to hear you had to go through that. Have any suggestions on what to reinforce it with? I'm guessing you just meant fiddle with some cardstock till it stays in the right area. Anyway, I look forward to working a little harder the next few days. My printer just started acting funky so I'll have to mess around with it but hopefully I'll be printing boots my tomorrow. Haha!
Hey guys, I just finished with resin on the outside of my helmet, I'll be glassing and resin'ing the inside tomorrow morning. Also, I'm going to need to cut my chest because of sizing problems, I was thinking it would be best to do after I resin but it says that after I glass it I'll need a diamand tipped saw to cut it? How should I go about splitting my chest?
Hey guys, I just finished with resin on the outside of my helmet, I'll be glassing and resin'ing the inside tomorrow morning. Also, I'm going to need to cut my chest because of sizing problems, I was thinking it would be best to do after I resin but it says that after I glass it I'll need a diamand tipped saw to cut it? How should I go about splitting my chest?


You don't need a diamond tipped saw to cut through fiberglass. Any dremel cutting attachment will do that. Hand saw would work too.
I'm going to destroy the package then. It lied to me! Haha.

Thanks for the tip though, I really didn't want to have to find some round about way of cutting my chest. I'll pick up a dremel tomorrow. I should already have one, I don't know why I don't.

Here are the pictures of the outside resined, I just glass/resined the inside of the helmet and I'll be throwing some pictures up later. I also resined the outside of the hand-guards, pictures will be coming tomorrow as well.




Looks nice, better then what I did the other day.
Keep it up man, we need to get you in that 'sexy e.o.d.' armor.
E.O.D is really bulky, but I love it all the same. It was my first thing ever pep'ing though and it's a bit warped. Hopefully it can be fixed with body filler. If not I'll just make the scout helmet. That's my other favorite. Haha.

Really close to finishing my scout helmet!
So, I finished pepping my scout helmet and needed a break. The day I thought I was going to resin it I got sick and decided I'd pep something else in the mean time but felt like I should try and branch off from Halo for a little. So, without further adue I'd like to present my close to being completely finished Army of Two 'Elliot Salem' mask.

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