Mgalekgolo Twins Build (Halo 4 Hunter Pair)

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Such an awesome build wish i was going to ECCC to see you guys in person :(
There any chance you all will meeting up outside the convention center for any of us unlucky folks that couldnt get passes? I live down in spanaway and would totally make the drive up to seattle lol :thumbsup
Wow, I remember seeing this in the beginning stages. Wonderful to see how far you all have come in that amount of time. Not to mention, wonderful work in general.

Awesome. Some clever engineering on the shield mount. Good luck on meeting the deadline.

Awesome work. Some beautiful hunters. The completed armor should be amazing not to mention. Awesome photo shots with spartans. Bravo and keep up the amazing work.

This is such an awesome build!!😃

Great build. Keep it up, looks awesome!

The colony thanks everyone for their continued support. We should have another update soon.

Such an awesome build wish i was going to ECCC to see you guys in person :(
There any chance you all will meeting up outside the convention center for any of us unlucky folks that couldnt get passes? I live down in spanaway and would totally make the drive up to seattle lol :thumbsup

The colony will be getting together with other 405th members at the Freeway Park next to the Convention Center Saturday morning of that weekend (March 28th) for a photo op around 10-11am. If you would like to meet us there at the Park, we will be there for photos.
The colony apologizes for the double-post, but we have a short update from last night.

We worked on the armor for a few hours last night and was able to get the green texture on the Assault Cannon and finish applying stomach plating to the torso.



All that is left is to finish painting and put all the armor and worms together.

The colony also got the soundboards and light kit in the mail the other day and we got to tinker with that as well. It's a lot of wires to sort through, but we think we will be able to integrate it into the armor in time,

Thank you for interest in the colony.


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At this point, I think we all look forward to the updates regardless if there's a double post :). We all want to see how this is coming along. I really want to see how the colony will integrate the worms.
Update: 3/16/2015

Only ten more days to finish this costume and the colony is kicking it into high gear in order to pump out this suit in time.

The torso has been painted and textured.




The Assault Cannon has been painted and textured and the soundboard and light kits have been installed. The fingers and spines to the torso have also been painted.






The boots have been reinforced with MDF so the calves will retain their shape and the worms have been made from pipe insulation foam and added to the pieces.







By the end of the night last night, the colony had also started putting worms together for the spines on the torso.

These next few days of costume production will be very busy with getting the worms together and making sure all the armor fits together. We have already figured out where the thigh pieces need to go and what needs to be done to attach them and we already have an idea as to how we will attach the spines to the torso and the arms to the PVC structure we have built.

We thank everyone for their continued support and please give us any feedback you may have.

Thank you for your interest in the colony.


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Absolutely amazing!!!!! This is dedication to the cause! I am loving your innovation of this scale.........and really bummed I'll never get to see these pair face to....erm...face-type-appendage.
Keep up with hard work because it's brilliant!
I see the world's resource of peanut butter has aided the colony to progress with undeniable speed. Keep it up!

My God! This looks awesome!

Absolutely amazing!

always happy to see this build progressing. keep it up!!!

Absolutely amazing!!!!! This is dedication to the cause! I am loving your innovation of this scale.........and really bummed I'll never get to see these pair face to....erm...face-type-appendage. 
Keep up with hard work because it's brilliant!

That is just awesome. You are doing an amazing job of bringing this to life!

I see the world's resource of peanut butter has aided the colony to progress with undeniable speed. Keep it up!

It's a shame I'll probably never see the colony. I'm still satisfied enough reading this thread!

The colony thanks everyone for their support. We are very close to completing the suit and it will take a few more nights to finish putting together and then we're off to Seattle on Friday morning.

Consider glow in the dark paint for the exposed plasma, would be a nice effect for night time.

We have LEDs that will be lighting up the plasma on our Assault Cannon and lights in the armor.

hey man we've haven't heard much about the shield arm in some time hows that going?

The shield arm is assembled and can be hung on the armature we have installed on the chest piece.

UPDATE: 3/23/2015

The end is near for our first suit.

Final painting has been finished on all of the armor pieces.


Electronics have been partially installed. Some LEDs and the Hunter voice soundboard remain to be added.


The rigging and support for the arms have been set up with eyelet screws to prevent rolling on the PVC pipes and from falling off.


Worms have been added to the, boots back, knees, and neck.


And here is a picture of the armor partially assembled while hanging from the upper floor of the house so both humans can work on the armor at the same time.

The colony is almost finished with this suit and will be working on it nightly until it is complete.

Since we are so close to finishing this suit, the colony has made the decision to not post pictures of the armor fully assembled until the end of the day this Saturday.

The colony will be traveling to Seattle on Friday with suit in tow and will meet up with other 405th members for a photoshoot on Saturday morning. Then later in the afternoon, the colony will attend the pre-judging for the Costume contest and take part in the Mater's Division of the Costume Contest that night.

We will be sure to record lots of videos and take plenty of photos for all to enjoy. We also plan to have the action cam inside the helmet to be recording the public's reactions as well.

The colony thanks everyone for their unending support and please give us any feedback you may have.

Thank you for your interest in the colony.


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I could never quite imagine how it would look until now... When I can actually see it. I knew from the start I wouldn't be disappointed.
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