Mgalekgolo Twins Build (Halo 4 Hunter Pair)

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I sense an expansion within this particular colony in the near, foreseen future. Great work so far!

this is a very fun build to watch come together, love the paint work

The colony thanks you for your support..

Update 03/01/2015:

This weekend's focus was detailing and painting of pieces that we had constructed.

The assault cannon was detailed and primed.



The shield arm and second thigh have been detailed, primed, and blue coat applied. The first thigh piece was also finished.




The second kneepad, second elbow piece, and shoulder plate have been built, primed, and painted. The shoulder plate has also been permanently attached to the shoulder on the shield arm side.



And here are some pictures of a finished leg without worms between the pieces. (Can you spy the peanut paste receptacle?)




When it was day's end, the female human took some pieces home so she could finish painting and practice head movements and walking with the helmet and stilts.

The colony has also been asked by the public on Facebook how to imitate the bullet damage/ plasma scorching on our armor pieces so we will be making a tutorial to share with everyone in the next day or so.

Next Update Forecast:

The colony plans to have all armor pieces that we have constructed detailed and painted next weekend. Then the colony needs to make the stomach plating from scratch and finalize placement of armor pieces on the skeleton and figure out where padding needs to go so the armor sits comfortably on the human. The colony will also start to weave worms together for between armor pieces.

The colony has 26 days until Emerald City Comic Con.

Please wish us the best of luck

The colony also appreciates all feedback you may have.

Thank you for your interest in the colony.


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Masterfully done! 26 days should be plenty of time to hit the deadline. Looking forward to how you guys do the battle damage.
Hit it out of the park yet again. Great job! 26 days is more than enough time to finish this. Hell, in that time you could probably finish the second one, if you worked all day for those 26 days. Which would be a terrible idea if you have a life outside of this. Don't do that. Or do, if that was your plan. And I see the peanut paste, you sneaky devils, you. Keep at it, the end is in sight.
I spy with my little eye, a colony that is slowly consuming the world's resource of peanut butter. I humbly offer mine if it'll help this transformation's completion in 26 days.
Masterfully done! 26 days should be plenty of time to hit the deadline. Looking forward to how you guys do the battle damage.

The colony thanks you for your support. We hope to have the video available later this evening if not tomorrow.

Hit it out of the park yet again. Great job! 26 days is more than enough time to finish this. Hell, in that time you could probably finish the second one, if you worked all day for those 26 days. Which would be a terrible idea if you have a life outside of this. Don't do that. Or do, if that was your plan. And I see the peanut paste, you sneaky devils, you. Keep at it, the end is in sight.

As much fun as it sounds (dollop on a heaping portion of sarcasm), trying to get the second suit done would not be the greatest decision. But we do plan on getting the second suit done at some point.

I spy with my little eye, a colony that is slowly consuming the world's resource of peanut butter. I humbly offer mine if it'll help this transformation's completion in 26 days.

We take your implied offering gratefully. We are increasing in size rapidly and will need the extra protein.

Even though the colony has 26 calendar days to finish the first suit, it is difficult to get progress done on weekdays as both humans have full time jobs. So in actuality, we have six days worth of weekends to finish the first suit. The pressure is there, but we are confident we will finish this in time.
This is insane keep up the amazing work

The hive feels confident that you will complete work before the deadline. Keep up the great work.

oh my god this is so damn cool.

The colony thanks everyone for their complements and support.

I think its time unleash the worms.
now let the colony dance.

There will most likely be a video of the Hunters dancing at one point. All in due time.

Since there was a request for it by a human on our Facebook Page, the colony's human produced a video tutorial on how to make scratches, bullet holes, and plasma burns on EVA foam available for all who would like to see.

You can watch the video on this thread or you can follow the link to it HERE:

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405'th posted this on the facebook group and I couldn't jump over here faster. This is amazing O_O.

Can't wait to see the finished build. The paint job and damage is looking so sweet!
405'th posted this on the facebook group and I couldn't jump over here faster. This is amazing O_O.

Can't wait to see the finished build. The paint job and damage is looking so sweet!

The colony thanks you for your kind words. We were very pleased to see that the admin of the 405th Facebook Page deemed our progress worthy of sharing.

The colony would also like to share with everyone that our soundboards are currently in progress by a friend who has the skills to pair cannon sounds and lighting effects together.

Here is a video of the progress he has so far.

[EDIT] And here is a video of the audio test for our voice.

The sound boards should be finished and sent to us in time for us to implement them into the suit by Emerald City Comic Con. The colony is very excited to have this included in our suit.
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This looks amazing!! Keep up the progress :)
I can't wait to see this finished :D

Very helpful!:) im gonna add these to my spartan!:) thank you!

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I hate being the first to respond to updates. Good work. Keep it up.

Any comment is as good as the next as long as it is said. Thank you for your support.

This looks amazing!! Keep up the progress :)
I can't wait to see this finished :D

The colony thanks you for your kind words.

Very helpful!:) im gonna add these to my spartan!:) thank you!


We are glad that you find the tutorial helpful. There may be more video tutorials in the future that may not pertain to this costume in particular so be sure to subscribe to that YouTube Channel to stay updated.

UPDATE: 3/9/2015

This weekend was more construction-involved and the colony is very close to finishing constructing everything.

On Saturday, the colony was able to figure out an attachment system for the shield arm.

Here is a diagram of how the attachment system works. This diagram was drawn by one of our friends who came up with the design.


We took this design and used 1" foam and MDF to put together two hook systems that would hold the shield in place on the shield arm.



This makes it so the shield will stay on the arm without any issues and the colony will still be able to break it down for ease of transportation.


The Assault Cannon was fully primed and the blue coat was applied to the armor. We only have a picture of the primer on the cannon at this time.


The carapace was finished and the colony plans to add a little easter egg to the back of the torso piece. We will have a Halo 4 assassination knife embedded in the armor close to where the neck will be. This is a kind of homage to the fight scene in Forward Unto Dawn and what an assassination could have looked like in Halo 4.



Sunday was a scratch build day of the stomach plating.

The female human took the available reference pictures of the Mgalekgolo and sketched a pattern for the plating and then took a few hours to figure out the exact measurements of each piece in order to drawn out on paper to then translate onto foam. This took a majority of the day on Sunday so detail and paint progress was not made on the torso. There are a few more panels to add to the stomach armor and then the torso will be ready for detailing and paint.




The colony also received their passes to Emerald City Comic Con this weekend so our appearance to this event is now official.


The colony expects to be getting the sound board and light kit in the mail today and those systems will be integrated into the suit sometime this week.

As the deadline for the convention creeps closer, the humans have decided to make more time for getting together and working on the costume by getting together on Tuesday and Thursday nights and work a few hours on the suit on top of the weekends that are being spent on the suit. Because of this, we may have more progress updates more frequently than the once a week updates.

The colony has less than 18 days to finish the suit.

Once again, the colony thanks all the humans for their continued support and for following us on this journey. Please give us any feedback or questions you may have and we will gladly answer.

Thank you for your interest in the colony.











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Wow, I remember seeing this in the beginning stages. Wonderful to see how far you all have come in that amount of time. Not to mention, wonderful work in general.
Awesome. Some clever engineering on the shield mount. Good luck on meeting the deadline.
Awesome work. Some beautiful hunters. The completed armor should be amazing not to mention. Awesome photo shots with spartans. Bravo and keep up the amazing work.
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