Mgalekgolo Twins Build (Halo 4 Hunter Pair)

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We thank you all for your continued support. Now that the Master Chief Collection has been released, we will hopefully get back into swing on this build soon!
Last night we were able to put together a paper model of the fuel canisters on the cannon arm.

We plan on smoothing this out and adding as much detail as possible before we vacuform it to make lightweight copies of the canister. We will include lights in these canisters that will glow brighter when emulating the charge up effect on the cannon arm.


For reference, the peanut butter jar is the larger kind you can get at Costco. We are not 100% sure this sizing is correct, we may have to resize it a third time. (The first attempt was too small)

We thank you for your interest in the colony.


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I'm still fairly boggled by the scale of this build. The final product is way bigger than a human, and every part reflects this. And yet, every time I see one, I'm like "holy hell, that's massive!" as if a twelve-foot armoured behemoth would be reasonably sized.
I'm still fairly boggled by the scale of this build. The final product is way bigger than a human, and every part reflects this. And yet, every time I see one, I'm like "holy hell, that's massive!" as if a twelve-foot armoured behemoth would be reasonably sized.

We agree with you. As we progress with this build, the sheer size of individual pieces is daunting enough. Trying to imagine it all put together might cause some brains to splatter on walls.

We thank everyone for their continued support and for the new people who have just now jumped onto the "Subscription Boat." We will try and keep all of you updated as frequently as possible.

We also want to let everybody know that we have a Facebook Page for this build and encourage you to keeps tabs on that as it is easier to update Facebook than the Forums.
You can follow this link to our page:

Thank you for looking at the thread and please give us any and all feedback you may have.
^ thanks for pointing that out, I want to be all over this build like the hamburglar on bunzzz.
Wow looking great so far cant wait to see how you guys do the exposed colony areas....foam and latex maybe?
I don't have a Facebook account (it's so not for me) and they require it in order to view their pages, so I'll have to get by with just seeing the forum updates. Subscribed.
Wow looking great so far cant wait to see how you guys do the exposed colony areas....foam and latex maybe?

We have a plan to sculpt a "sheet" of worms out of clay and then molding them to make silicone or latex copies and then wrap the silicone/ latex sheets around the open areas where needed. We want the worms to look and feel real and we already have some background in molding so we figured this would be the fastest and easiest way to do it and get the results we desire.
I finally get back to looking at the forums and this is what I find??? This is wicked stuff! Kudos!

I definitely want to see how this turns out when this is all done! There are not many Hunters out there and I don't think I've ever seen a Halo 4 Hunter done.

And you're making TWO??? TO FULL SCALE!!?

Best of luck to you! I can't wait to see more!! XD
Wow, Im looking to dive into my 1st build, stuff like this is what motivates me. This looks like itll be amazing.
We thank everyone for all their kind words. We are in the process of getting the thigh piece templates started.

Pictures will be put up in the next day or so as we are busy with other projects.

Thank you for your interest in our colony.
Please tell me you are coming to Dragon Con 2015 with these??? I so want to get some many action poses and fight scenes with them! :)
Please tell me you are coming to Dragon Con 2015 with these??? I so want to get some many action poses and fight scenes with them! :)

I want to echo this. I also hope my build is finished by then, so as to be able to wonder around with some other covenant forces.
Please tell me you are coming to Dragon Con 2015 with these??? I so want to get some many action poses and fight scenes with them! :)

I want to echo this. I also hope my build is finished by then, so as to be able to wonder around with some other covenant forces.

We have plans to go to large conventions in the future, this is confirmed.

We plan on going to Emerald City Comic Con and possibly PAX up in Seattle since it is much closer than Dragon Con. We are on the West Coast so travelling two large Hunters to Atlanta is probably not ideal.

It all depends on how much we can get completed in the meantime.
Oh, man, west coast? I might start going to San Diego Comic-Con soon, and it would definitely be cool if you guys ever made it down there. Only time will tell.
We are on the West Coast so travelling two large Hunters to Atlanta is probably not ideal.

If you do want to come out this way, you could ship them to me, and I'd bring them down for you. Atlanta is only a hour and a half away from me. Probably would be cheaper then trying to have them as luggage on a flight, and definitely easier than hauling them across roads.
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