Coming along nicely. I've been following you on facebook, and it's nice to see some progress amongst the sea of reposted memes and vines.
I just thought of a unique question; are you planning on adding any sort of uniqueness to the suits? I know that's an odd question, mgalekgolo are deployed more like heavy armour than personnel, so they tend not to have much in the way of defining marks, but maybe you've decided to be more creative than that.
Since there are not very many Hunters out there in the costuming world, the colony thought it okay to stay on the basic side. There may be some added battle damage here and there that normal Mgalekgolo armor may not have, but we figured we'd make a good baseline.
I'm going to attempt one of these in the future. So far, your colony is looking very sharp

This is very exciting. We hope to hear more of your progress in the future.
(This update is new unless you have been following the colony on Facebook.)
Yesterday, we were able to work on the suits for a full day.
We were able to put together two shoulder pieces.
And the majority of a carapace without the spines.
In case any persons were wondering about how we planned on holding everything together, here is a little preview. The head, torso and arms are going to be anchored with a PVC skeletal structure to a pack frame that the humans inside will wear. This allows all (if any) weight to be distributed to their hips and not their shoulders.
Here is a picture of a pack frame against the carapace for reference.
The thighs will most likely have a PVC attachment to the pack frame as well. The boots/ shins will be anchored to the stilts.
Here is an overall progress picture of all the armor we have made so far. All this armor is for just one Mgalekgolo, and the construction is not even finished.
We have finished designing the templates for the Assault Cannon and the arm that attaches to the Shield, the torso, and the shoulder plate that covers the left shoulder.
The colony has other tricks hidden up their sleeves, but those details will be explained later when those aspects are in progress.
We thank everyone for their support and interest in the colony. Please leave any feedback you may have.