Oh, man, west coast? I might start going to San Diego Comic-Con soon, and it would definitely be cool if you guys ever made it down there. Only time will tell.
If you do want to come out this way, you could ship them to me, and I'd bring them down for you. Atlanta is only a hour and a half away from me. Probably would be cheaper then trying to have them as luggage on a flight, and definitely easier than hauling them across roads.
We appreciate the offers. We will probably stay closer to home when it comes to convention outings. Travelling costs a lot of money with or without these costumes and we are made of worms, not money.
For now, the only way we will travel long distances is if someone foots that bill. Who knows, we may become costuming celebrities by the time these suits are out in the wild that we'll get invited!
For California trips, we'd be able to make the drive, but the tickets would be the problem. But as was said before, Only time will tell.
We thank you again for you interest in the colony.