Mgalekgolo Twins Build (Halo 4 Hunter Pair)

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Oh, man, west coast? I might start going to San Diego Comic-Con soon, and it would definitely be cool if you guys ever made it down there. Only time will tell.

If you do want to come out this way, you could ship them to me, and I'd bring them down for you. Atlanta is only a hour and a half away from me. Probably would be cheaper then trying to have them as luggage on a flight, and definitely easier than hauling them across roads.

We appreciate the offers. We will probably stay closer to home when it comes to convention outings. Travelling costs a lot of money with or without these costumes and we are made of worms, not money.
For now, the only way we will travel long distances is if someone foots that bill. Who knows, we may become costuming celebrities by the time these suits are out in the wild that we'll get invited!

For California trips, we'd be able to make the drive, but the tickets would be the problem. But as was said before, Only time will tell.

We thank you again for you interest in the colony.
Good morning members of the 405th!

Last night, we were able to finish cutting out our templates for the Mgalekgolo thighs.

Here is a picture of the side panel on the outside of the thighs. The thigh pieces measure out to about 800 mm (or 80cm/ roughly 2.5'). For size reference, we added the fuel canister for the cannon arm, a large peanut butter jar, and an Xbox 360 controller to the picture. It's safe to say we have the sizing pretty spot on so far.


We will probably have to break down the templates to smaller pieces because there will be no foam sheet large enough to fit these pieces.

We plan on getting more done on the legs in the near future and will keep everyone posted as often as possible.

As a reminder, please be sure to like our Facebook Page here if you want to be kept more up-to-date on our build progress as we will be able to update that quicker than this thread.

We thank you for your interest in the colony and please leave any feedback you may have.


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Recommendation for EVA foam sheets larger than 2x2 floor mats: camping mats. Available in various thicknesses and densities. If you can find the one called "Evazote" for cheap, you've hit the jackpot, but that's unlikely.
Recommendation for EVA foam sheets larger than 2x2 floor mats: camping mats. Available in various thicknesses and densities. If you can find the one called "Evazote" for cheap, you've hit the jackpot, but that's unlikely.

Thank you for the heads up. We will probably be fine with the 2x2 foam sheets since we will be coating the armor with smooth cast and then sanding down any seams that we may have.

We want to be as cost-effective as possible with this build. :)
Have you considered picking up a couple of the larger rolls of EVA, like the area mats? For the few seamless parts you need it might be worth it, although they are thinner foam (1/4") but you could reenforce with the segmented foam hidden inside.
Oh wow! I really hope you see this through! :D I'm sure this will be an awesome build. ^_^

I've seen people attempt to build ONE, but NEVER TWO! :O
How about infinitely long? :D Figured foam by the roll would be available on eBay, and this one seems promising:

Same price as Harbor Freight foam- $10/16sqft, but 5ft wide and sold by the yard. From the looks of the product website ( it seems perfect.

Thank you for the info. We will look into it.

Oh wow! I really hope you see this through! :D I'm sure this will be an awesome build. ^_^

I've seen people attempt to build ONE, but NEVER TWO! :O

Thank you for your support. We definitely plan on seeing this through. :)
holy mother of worms. I think we are going to need more ammo folks and bigger guns to deal with these when they are finished growing.

Good luck I will be watching and loading more clips for my BR as an ODST I have no desire to come face to face with one of these.
Do the twins of the colony have names? (examples: Igido Nosa Hurru, Ogada Nosa Fasu)
holy mother of worms. I think we are going to need more ammo folks and bigger guns to deal with these when they are finished growing.

Good luck I will be watching and loading more clips for my BR as an ODST I have no desire to come face to face with one of these.

guess i gotta finish my SpanKr Then :)
holy mother of worms. I think we are going to need more ammo folks and bigger guns to deal with these when they are finished growing.

Good luck I will be watching and loading more clips for my BR as an ODST I have no desire to come face to face with one of these.

guess i gotta finish my SpanKr Then :)

It's a good thing we receded from the Covenant. We'd rather not have to fight an entire army of Spartans and ODSTs. :) (and marines too)
awww, but you guys would be the most fun to pew pew with. :)
Don't forget to put in the secret back scratcher spot that just makes you fall on the floor. :p
It's a good thing we receded from the Covenant. We'd rather not have to fight an entire army of Spartans and ODSTs. :) (and marines too)

Thank the queen (Yanme'e, as an insect like species have a hive queen). A number of hives (as well as a number of unmuturals) sided with the Sangheili rebellion due to partial replacement as maintenance by those bags of air the Huragok.
After some deliberation and research, we have come up with our names for our Mgalekgolo.

One is named Zulikta Pheelos Golo
- Zulikta is a respelling of the Greek word for "Squishy"
- Pheelos is a respelling of the Greek word for "Friend"
- Golo because we got lazy (plus, it sounds better than anything else this colony could think of)

The Bonded pair is named Lakova Pheelos Koro
- Lakova is a respelling of the Greek word for "Puddle"
- Koro is a respelling of the Greek word for "Dance" but the S was removed at the end

So now this colony can identify which parts of which suit of armor have been worked on. :)

Together we are "Squishy Puddle" (that can be translated to be what we are without the armor, or what our enemies turn out being after we have defeated them, your pick)

Thank you for your interest in the colony.
One is named Zulikta Pheelos Golo
The Bonded pair is named Lakova Pheelos Koro
Together we are "Squishy Puddle"

I love it! I've always called Hunters "Squishies" because they make squish noises when you hit them in the worms.
I promise not to do that to you though! :D
I also think the names are great. I really enjoy it when some personality is added to the mix. I'm looking forward to more updates even if they are not armor related.
I also think the names are great. I really enjoy it when some personality is added to the mix. I'm looking forward to more updates even if they are not armor related.

We are glad we bring enjoyment to others who look at our thread.

Here is an armor update:

We were able to build one of the thighs today. We marked the thigh with the details that we will be adding with craft foam.






We hope to get more progress done soon.

We thank you for viewing our progress and please give us any feedback you may have.

Thank you for your interest in the colony.


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