1st Build MJOLNIR Mark V [B] Custom

Two days to go. As of last night, every single piece has been painted. I spent Sunday afternoon reattaching all the straps and buckles to the pieces I had to reprint (the thighs, belt, and right arm).

Found some time last night to work on making adjustments to the strap and harness. I was pleased to find that they still fit the same since the last time I did a test fit. I even did a few laps around the house. I definitely won't be running in these but definitely good enough for getting around.

The glue on my belt buckles will have cured by the time I get home so I'll finally be able to test fit everything tonight. Fingers crossed.

Happy Halo-Ween!


Today's the day and I'm... 95% of the way there.
  • I need to readjust the straps for the belt and ab wrap since they're sitting two or three inches too low here, which doesn't give my thighs enough clearance for me to be able to bend over or sit down
  • The right shoulder pauldron needed fixing, which is why it's not pictured
  • I ripped a couple of the shoulder seals trying to put the chest rig on; an additional helping of E6000 and duct tape should reinforce things better
  • The helmet needs some additional padding to keep it from jostling
Also, I was really hoping I wouldn't need assistance putting it on. Alas, once either the biceps or torso are on I can't reach across my chest very well.

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