Drack, if you have the time, I have a couple of questions about your helmet. I'm working on the 3D templates for my own and there are some issues I'm worried about
First is, what are the dimensions of yours? I'm going to use 10mm foam for most of it as a base layer - I don't think 6mm craft foam is strong enough to hold any reasonable shape. But this means the sides and top will be a lot thicker than normal pepped/fiberglassed helmets. So it has to be a bit bigger this way and my head isn't exactly small either
I guess it's possible to mold it but I have absolutely no experience and buying all the tools and materials for a first attempt would be quite expensive...
I also don't know if I can fit a fan into it anywhere, not to mention the batteries, but I'll try to leave some space for them. How was wearing such a foam helmet like, wasn't it too hot, is a fan necessary? Where should a fan be placed anyway, and should it blow air inside our outside?
What about padding, is it necessary with a foam helmet, considering it's not as hard or spiky/sharp as a fiberglassed one? And is it strong enough to hold a motorcycle visor in place if I don't try to heat-form it as you did?
Oh, and how's hearing and talking? I'm thinking about sneaking in as many disguised holes as possible...
Guess that's enough for a first run