My first armor: master chief mark VII

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My energy sword painted

Sword painted small.JPG
I'm just curious how she did it. It leaves holes in the story line.

A discussion about Halo 4's story telling failings is better reserved for the Halo Universe or General Discussion Forums. It is often considered rude, if not disrespectful, to post off topic tangents in another person's thread, especially a Build Thread.

morkar78 You armor looks great, and congratulations on your win!
agentflorida, someone else's build thread is not exactly the place for discussing Halo's lore. While Halo's lore is confusing and amazing, this belongs in the "General Halo Discussion" sub-forum.

And Morkar, pretty sweet armor...I've always had trouble with bondo, and this is inspiring!

EDIT: oops, Cadet, I didn't refresh the page before my posting....
morkar78 - How did you get the recessed parts so smooth? I reread the tips you gave me on applying the coats. My only guess is that you bondo in levels... Like bondo the recessed areas first, get them super smooth and then bondo the next level up?


That part down there... so hard to get sand paper in to smooth it out. A dremel is too unpredictable. I must understand your skills!! ;)
Yes, when it is possible I start with the recessed surfaces and adopt the usual technique: two thick layers of bondo sanding after the second one, and then layers after layers, going thinner and thinner, until the surface is smooth as I want. I didn't use the dremel and always sanded by hands. As you said the dremel is difficult to control in surfaces as the one you've marked, and I work in the stairs of my apartment and I have to keep the noise and dust level the lowest as possible...
You built your suit while living in an apartment!!??!! Well that gives me hope. I just moved into an apartment a few months ago and I've been dreading the smells and sounds I am going to be making before my suit is finished.

What kind of sandpaper do you use? (like shape and backing, not grit) When I try to hand sand I end up just destroying the paper backing of my sandpaper. Do you have a link to the product you buy or a similar one?
...mmhhh..I don't know..I buy it in a store...The best thing I can do is to post some picture of the sandpaper and the bondo..remember that I live in Italy
Yes, I remember. Yeah that would be cool. Could you take a picture of the back of the sandpaper? It usually has some letters and numbers that say what kind of paper it is. Do you use sanding blocks to help keep it flat while sanding?
I took these two pictures, I'll post one of the saandpaper from the back tomorrow.

This bondo is a bit more soft and easier to sand than the one I've been using in US. I've tried using sanding blocks once, but I didn't like them
Wow, that bondo seems a lot different than mine. The way you scooped into it and it kept its shape... Mine is more akin to scooping out honey.

I'd be very curious to see what sandpaper you use. I can get Norton here, but really it is the number/letter combo that says what kind of paper it is. There are very few sandpaper manufacturers in the world. Most, like Norton, just buy in jumbo rolls, cut it up and put their stamp on it.
yeah, as I told you the "bondo" I've found here in Italy is quite different than the one I used in US, and honestly I work better with this one.
Tomorrow morning I'll do some picture of the back of the sandpaper.
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