My first armor: master chief mark VII

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To everybody: I've been asked: "How much can you get from you completed armor if you sell it?" and I didn't know the answer (well...I know the answer is "priceless" for me...)...and one should know the economic values of the stuff he builds even for I ask that to you...What is the economic value of an armor like mine, completed and well done?
To everybody: I've been asked: "How much can you get from you completed armor if you sell it?" and I didn't know the answer (well...I know the answer is "priceless" for me...)...and one should know the economic values of the stuff he builds even for I ask that to you...What is the economic value of an armor like mine, completed and well done?

I like to tell them that making it is more of a badge of honor. If they get pushy, I give them a rough price of time (at $10-$15/hr.) plus materials. So when they ask how much for a helmet I tell them $600-$800.

By the way, looking great.
The helmet is hard like a rock now (well...more or less...I'll have for sure hard more the edges)



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This is looking awesome! The lines all look really symmetrical and still very crisp! I think you really have limited the amount of work you have ahead of you.
Thanks! well...I start seeing the finish line....but unfortunately I have a moving back to Sicily ahead. I'll have to ship all the armor, the shipping will take about two months and I just hope that it will not be damaged...
An update about the front part of the undersuit,


with the description of how I wrapped one of the pieces



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love the undersuit!! with the build i'm working on right now i have to admit, the whole pepping thing is really getting boring and i only have three pieces done... ugh... originally i was planning on just skipping the undersuit but after seeing this i'm considering making one. seriously though, you're work is amazing! keep it up!
Man, this is looking really good. Can't wait to see how it all turns out. Hope my stuff looks this good when/if I get to this stage. Keep up the good work dude.
Thanks guys! Unfortunately I'll have to slow down the following weeks since I'm moving back to Europe....but honestly I also can't wait to see it finished...
Wish me good luck guys....




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