New Member
Super amazing! Great job! Can't wait to see it done!! Your inspiring me to go do one but I'm currently mass producing power ranger helmets! 
[I've been wanting to do a foam armor, nut I worried that you will miss all of the detail unlike with card stock (what I do), I really like your work and i hope to see more but if you can give me some pointers on how to do foam, that will be great...
I'll be happy to help in any way I can!
[Nice idea with the wire through the shoulder, looks good!
Thanks! I used the heat gun to mold the shape but I wanted to make sure it would hold that curve.
[/Forgive me if I missed the answer to my question, but what are you using to cut your foam pieces?QUOTE]
I use both scissors and an xacto knife.
I've been meaning to get a hot knife for a while now and just havent picked one up yet. I seem to do alright with the scissors, some rough edges, but I should be able to smooth them out with the dremmel. That actually brings up a question I have about sanding foam. What kind of attachment should I get for the dremmel to make sanding the edges and seams down easier? I would like to get one of the flexible precision adapters but I'm not sure what kind of sanding bit to get. Any advice?
looks great man, I did something similar to craft my torso but I found that I scaled my chest peice to big, so... I tried by bring it in closer at the back and now the back peices dont fit. I think I pretty much have to start over. I am very similar to you as in I've been lurking for a few months, reading, reading, and reading some more. But looking at your photos pertty much looks very similar to what I've got done so far except that the back of my chest peice doesn't fit. And you craft foam work looks amazing, I am terrible at using the craft foam, How to you get it to just the right size to cover what your trying to cover?
looks awesome ! How many foam mats did you use and how thick / big were they ? looking to make some armour,, stuck between HALO , Mass Effect and Iron man keep up the good work dude
On another note, do any of the other foam builders here have any reccommendations for a primer to use? I know that it has to be a good thick primer that will flex but I'm not sure what products to look for.
On my son's build, I used a heat gun on all the foam parts to the point that it was pretty much sealed up. On some of the parts I didn't even use Plasti Dip and haven't had any issues with the paint on those, but I guess only time will tell.