Looking excellent man! You should seriously think about making a tutorial because it would help me and many others IMMENSELY!
Thanks for the compliment! I'm not sure if I'm ready to make any tutorials yet, I'm still learning about what I'm doing. I will be happy to answer any questions you have, though my knowledge is pretty limited since this is my first time building anything with foam.
Both shoulders look amazing, the detailing is excellent.
Thank you very much! I'm hoping that caulking the seams and plastidipping and coating with thick paint will cover the imperfections. It seemed to work well on the chest so I'm pretty hopeful.
What amazes me is this is your first time at a foam build. I would have thought this was your 3rd foam suit or something! Nice work, I can't wait to see more!
Thanks! I only hope that by the time I'm working on my 3rd build that I'm half as talented as the other people here!
that is crazy! personally i haven't seen a shoulder piece like this yet so seeing this is just plain awesome!
Glad you like it!
nice work as always buddy!
Thank you very much! Hopefully I will be able to get it done in the next few months. Have you made any other foam helmets lately? I'm wavering between trying foam for my helmet or learning how to pep.
looks awesome man, I hope my work comes out as good as yours.
I find that with each piece I make, that the process becomes a little easier and quicker. Foam is pretty forgiving so at least it's somewhat easy to cover early mistakes. And I've subscribed to your thread already and I think your work is much cleaner and neater than mine is. Any compliments you give are taken seriously
Hopefully I'll have another update soon. I think I might tackle the thighs next, if I have enough foam. If I dont have enough, then I'll probably try for the chest attachments and the hand plates. I also want to make a kukri, but I will have to pick the brains of some of the experienced builders here before tackling that. I've never worked with styrene before but I like how clean those builds look.
Happy building!